
基于模因理念之模仿背诵法在大学英语四级习作教学之实例研究 Just like the Chinese proverb says: after reading Tang poems many times, one canat least intone poems even one can’t write them. The main principle of languagelearning can be summarized as reading extensively, memorizing exactly and imitat
2015-06-14 11:02:40
代写英语毕业论文范文:初中英语听力元认知意识培训效果研究 There are four foundations for this study: meta-cognitive theory, listening meta-cognitivetheory, “Junior Middle School English Curriculum Standard” and data analysis technology.
2015-06-10 16:28:06
衔接理论视角下高职商务英语专业学生阅读教学实证研究 In recent years, there are a number of researches studying the knowledge of languagediscourse in various fields. And more and more English teachers and scholars start to payattention to cohesion theory which can be used in second language te
2015-06-08 16:14:38
非英语学生阅读方法元认知意识与其阅读理解能力相关性研究 This dissertation is a case study that investigates non-English majors' metacognitiveawareness of reading strategies when they are reading school-related or academicmaterials written in English.
2015-06-06 12:17:37
代写英语毕业论文范文:英语学习词典自植物类词语范畴化释义模型概述 Plants can be categorized. Our objective is to provide plant words of a category with auniform definition pattern. In this way, learners can have a clear picture in their mindof the similarities and differences between plant words.
2015-06-03 11:27:08
高中英语写作教学之合作式学习理念应用研究 With the deepening of teaching reform, many teachers have changed a lot inteaching philosophy and methods. Now, more teachers pay attention to improving thestudents' listening and speaking abilities.
2015-06-01 18:01:38
英语论文代写范文:英语同源宾语结构认知语用概述 Despite many of the studies already carried out on COC in English, this paperseeks to provide tentative answers to some of the remaining unsolved issuesconcerning COC, trying to gain insights into the pragmatic and cognitive properties ofthe
2015-05-27 09:19:02
汉语会话中局部性始发代词认知语用概述 Compared with pronouns occurring with antecedents, LIPs are relatively rare either inEnglish or in Chinese conversation. Besides, research on LIPs in Chinese starts muchlater than that in English.
2015-05-23 15:09:25
代写英语毕业论文范文:跨性别交际中性别语言特征及语用误差研究 Communication is a complicated phenomenon, and also a dynamic process. Incommunication, especially in cross-culture communication, pragmatic failures arerarely avoided.
2015-05-21 11:29:27
英语论文代写范文:自我解释对学生英语专八考试整改与改错解题能力的影响 In this thesis, we aim to explore the following three aspects: the existence ofself-explanation on both higher and lower level English major students’ ability inanswering proofreading and error correction questions.
2015-05-18 13:34:44



