Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Background of the Present Study
The rapid development of wireless networks and the popularization of smart terminal devices havecontributed to a new learning type in the education field - mobile learning. The using of smart devices formobile learning has been widely used in a variety of subjects, and this learning method is increasinglyaccepted and applied by people. In 2019, we ushered in the 5G era with the rapid development of wirelesscommunication technology. Schools have widely distributed wireless routers that provide wifi signals, andstudents can use for free. The mobile Internet has remarkable characteristics such as interactivity,personalization, timely feedback, and strong context. It creates natural input and output across the boundaryof the classroom and opportunities for crowd interaction that are embedded at any time for languagelearning, so it is an excellent foreign language education and communication carrier (Zhou Yun, 2016:79).In addition, the performance and appearance of portable devices, especially smart phones, are constantlybeing upgraded. The screens are getting larger and larger, and the high resolution brings clear displayeffects. The memory and external storage capacities are constantly increasing, the performance is gettingbetter and better, and the technology is mature, all those support the realization of mobile learning. Dumanet al. (2015:197-216) also mentioned that smart phones had the characteristics of mobility, portability,personality, and interaction, and they are the most commonly used devices in mobile learning study.
Lu Yingbo and Zhi Ping (2013:71-75) concluded that foreign language learning was not limited bytime and space. It is an autonomous learning. Foreign language learning activities carried out in a real andnatural environment can often trigger students’ emotional experience from specific situations andatmospheres, which can help students quickly and accurately understand foreign language learning content.Secondly, because the mobile learning terminal has real-time and efficient interaction characteristics, it canrealize the combination of mobile teaching activities of foreign languages and classroom teaching, andform a foreign language training interaction in multiple dimensions, such as time, space, and subject.
1.2 The Purpose of the Present Study
The present study applies the English Fun Dubbing APP to higher vocational college students’ oralEnglish learning after class. The author supervises students by learning punching in the learning group inEnglish Fun Dubbing APP and QQ class group, and gives feedback to students for their common problemsin the class. The purpose is to discover the influence on higher vocational college non-English majorstudents’ oral English learning anxiety and oral English proficiency after the using of the English FunDubbing APP in the oral English learning after class, and which specific aspects have been largelyinfluenced. With the results, the English teachers in higher vocational colleges can better guide students’oral English learning after class and English Fun Dubbing APP can to some extent assist English teachersin teaching.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Mobile Learning
For the definition, classification, characteristics of the mobile learning, and mobile-assisted languagelearning and teaching. scholars at home and abroad have carried out some studies.
2.1.1 The Definition, Classification and Characteristic of Mobile Learning
M-learning originated from the “Mobile Education” research project of the University of California atBerkeley in 2000, and its development speed has been unexpected in the past 10 years. Internationaldistance education expert Desmond Keegan introduced the concept of mobile learning to China for the firsttime in an academic report celebrating the 40th anniversary of Shanghai TV University in 2000 (HuTonghai, 2010:178).
For the definition of mobile learning, Chen Zhenzhen and Jia Jiyou (2020:88) mentioned that there arecurrently two views on the definition of mobile learning: technology center and learner center. The view oftechnology center believes that mobile learning is a learning method using mobile devices, such as mobilephones and panel PC. The view of learner center is that the technology used in mobile learning is notimportant, it is a ubiquitous learning method that includes learner mobility and content mobility. HuangRonghuai et al. (2008) believed that mobile learning referred to the learning that occurred by learners innon-fixed and non-pre-set locations, or learning that occurred through effective using of mobile technology.Bilquis and Jamal (2015:307-311) defined mobile devices as a series of mobile technologies that arenetwork-based or can install various applications, including laptops, tablets, e-readers, and smartphones.For mobile learning devices, there is no common definition in the academic field, but based on the opinionsof scholars, it can be seen that mobile devices that assist learning should meet three standards:shape-palm-sized, which can be carried and used at any time; connectivity, which can connect to mobile phone network or wireless wifi; compatibility, which is compatible with applications that need to beinstalled due to learning tasks (Gao Junxia, 2016:46).
2.2 Oral English Learning
According to Bacon S M (1992), the proportion of “speaking” in human communication is 30. Oralability, as one of the basic abilities of language learning, undoubtedly has its important position. OralEnglish plays an obvious role in English learning and is an important part of English communication andlanguage skills. In recent years, both the requirements of the new curriculum standards and the teachershave paid attention to students’ oral English learning. Throughout the academic community, for the oralEnglish learning, scholars mainly carried out the studies from the impact of oral learning factors, oraloutput (such as the complexity, fluency and accuracy of oral output), oral learning strategies and so on.
The influencing factors of language learning can be divided into external factors and internal factors. Internal factors include learners’ learning motivation, personality, learning styles and so on. External factorsinclude environment, evaluation of others, etc. Among them, anxiety is also an important affective factoraffecting learners’ language acquisition. Anxiety is a psychological state, usually manifested as self-doubt,uneasiness, tension and other negative situations. And language anxiety is a particular psychologicalphenomenon of language learning. In short, It is caused by the particularity of the learning process.Language anxiety is closely related to the self-perception, concept and emotion of classroom languagelearning (Horwitz et al, 1986:125-126).
In the 1950s, Taylor designed Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS) (Quoted from Ma Ling, 2017), peoplebegan to measure anxiety. Until the 1980s, after studying, Horwitz et al. designed a foreign languageclassroom anxiety scale, which provided standardized tools for researchers to capture specific anxietyresponses of learners in a foreign language learning environment, and ended the non-measurable era offoreign language anxiety testing. After that, based the experiments, they divided anxiety into three aspects:communication apprehension anxiety, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety. Saito, Horwitz andGarza (1999) instigated 383 American college students’ reading anxiety, the results showed that learners’foreign language reading anxiety was negatively correlated with their achievements, and reading anxietyincreased with the enhancement of their awareness of foreign language reading difficulties.
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations................................... 20
3.1 Situated Cognition and Learning Theory................................ 20
3.2 Contextual Learning Theory......................................22
Chapter Four Methodology...................................25
4.1 Research Questions.............................................25
4.2 Participants.............................................25
Chapter Five Results and Discussion....................................37
5.1 Results and Analysis for Oral English Learning Anxiety................................ 37
5.1.1 Results and Analysis for Pre-Questionnaire...............................................37
5.1.2 Results and Analysis for Post Questionnaire........................................38
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results and Analysis for Oral English Learning Anxiety
Before and after the experiment, students’ oral English learning anxiety in the experimental class andthe control class were investigated using oral English learning anxiety scale. The following is the dataanalysis and the results.
5.1.1 Results and Analysis for Pre-Questionnaire
In the pre-questionnaire, 33 students in the experimental class participated in the survey. Due to thereasons caused by students themselves, the non-Chinese native speaker and another one student wereabsent from class, so there were 33 data in experimental class. 38 students in the control class participatedin the survey, so there were 38 data in control class. Using SPSS 26.0, an independent sample T test wascarried out. The results are as follows:
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings
In this study, the author used the experimental method to verify the influence of mobile learningsoftware - English Fun Dubbing, on the oral English learning after class of higher vocational collegestudents. There are two research questions. The first question is that, by using English Fun Dubbing APP inoral English learning after class, what aspects will be influenced for the oral English learning anxiety ofhigher vocational college students in non-English major. The second question is, what aspects will beinfluenced for the oral English proficiency of higher vocational college students in non-English major. Themajor findings of the study are as follows.
First of all, after the using of English Fun Dubbing APP in oral English learning after class, the oralEnglish learning anxiety of higher vocational college students in non-English majors lowers significantly.In the pre-questionnaire, all the students in the experimental class and the control class had moderateanxiety, and there was no significant difference between the two classes. After the experiment, all thestudents in the experimental class and the control class had low anxiety, and the anxiety degree of theexperimental class and the control class was significantly different. In order to explore which aspects of theusing of English Fun Dubbing APP have influenced students’ oral English learning anxiety, the authoranalyzed the degree of communication apprehension anxiety, fear of negative evaluation and test anxietyrespectively by independent sample T tests. The results showed that there was significant difference in themean degree of communication apprehension anxiety between the experimental class and the control class,which indicates that the using of English Fun Dubbing in the oral English learning after class could lowerstudents’ communication apprehension anxiety. However, for fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety,there was no significant difference in the mean degree between these two classes, which indicates that theusing of English Fun Dubbing in the oral English learning after class could not lower students’ fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety.