
从二语习得理论角度看如何为中国读者设计优秀英语儿童读物 Most terminology and acronyms used in the thesis are fairly standard. There are some termsthat have to be defined so as not to cause confusion or misunderstanding.
2014-09-05 11:27:16
任务型输出对非英语专业大专学生英语词汇习得效果的实证研究 Many researches have focused on output teaching method in English vocabularyteaching, while scholars only discussed related theory, the comparison of input andoutput teaching methods. In addition,the objects of study are mainly limited to
2014-09-04 20:25:12
场认知风格差别对英语学习者阅读策略及成绩影响 This research attempts to provide some usefulsuggestions to help teachers know learners’ cognitive difference and then take matchingteaching strategies in their classes and help students know how to use learning strategiesproficiently and
2014-09-02 19:07:16
大学英语成绩测试的效度及其反拨效用 As an independent institute, HUSTWB has a College English teacher crew andalmost the same students' academic level similar to other independent institutes. Theresearch on its language tests may serve as a reference for other independent inst
2014-09-01 17:06:39
英语世界的《红楼梦》研究 本文是英语论文代写案例,本论文对国内的《红楼梦》研究具一定的参考价值。用英文写成的红学著述与其他西方语言的红学著述比较,其数量多、分布范围广、对学术界影响大。
2014-08-31 11:27:10
任务型教学在长沙市中学英语教学之实施:局限性、可能性和适应性 Before giving a definition to “task”,a clear differentiation should be madebetween task, exercise and activity. According to Nunan (2001), a task is acommunicative act which does not have a focus on a single grammatical form.
2014-08-28 11:31:22
新课标下初中英语教材“Go For It”中任务的设置与评价 This research aims to describe characteristics of tasks in Go for it,and evaluatesthese aspects. Tasks are main body of Go for it as it declares that it adapts task-basedlanguage teaching theory in it and implements adaptation according to
2014-08-27 10:56:00
功能对等理念指导之英语论文代写新闻汉译 本文是英语论文,本文从翻译家尤金.奈达的“功能对等”理论视角出发,结合笔者翻译《经济学人》英语新闻的实践基础,探讨该理论如何指导翻译实践。“功能对等”理论原是奈达组
2014-08-22 18:43:54
高校艺体生英语论文代写错误分析 Art and sports are the effective platform and fantastic channels to enhancemutual understanding and communication among different countries and peoples.English is a bridge of art dissemination and sports competition.
2014-08-19 10:34:22
整体听写在非英语专业论文代写大学生英语听力课堂之应用研究 In China, the concept of communicative competence has long been introduced into theforeign language teaching. Influenced by this related theories, English teachers put focus ongrammar teaching in class.
2014-08-13 10:09:05



