
发布时间:2012-04-19 08:41:16 论文编辑:第一代写网


  摘要 6-7
  Abstract 7-8
  第一章绪论 10-12
  1.1研究现状 10
  1.2研究目的和意义 10-11
  1.3研究方法和范围 11-12
  第二章循环经济发展与废弃物品的回收利用 12-15
  2.1循环经济的概念及特征 12-13
  2.2循环经济与废弃物品回收利用的联系 13
  2.3发展循环经济实现废弃物品回收再利用的意义 13-15
  第三章国外的废弃物品回收利用现状及相关法律制度 15-23
  3.1德国 15-19
  3.2日本 19-22
  3.3美国 22-23
  第四章我国废弃物品的回收利用现状及相关法律制度 23-33
  4.1我国废弃物品回收利用的现状 23-24
  4.2我国废弃物品回收利用的相关法律制度 24-31
  4.3我国废弃物品回收利用法律制度的问题 31-33
  第五章完善我国废弃物品回收利用法律制度 33-40
  5.1构建废弃物品回收利用的法律体系 33-34
  5.2强化废弃物品回收利用的法律规定 34-36
  5.3加重废弃物品回收利用的法律责任 36
  5.4提高废弃物品回收利用的法律监督 36-40
  第六章结论 40-42
  参考文献 42-45
  致谢 45-46
  附录 46

论文代写-【摘要】 20世纪未,世界各国越来越感受到传统的经济发展模式将会导致资源枯竭、环境破坏,发展新型经济模式已经成为共识。“美国经济学家鲍尔丁的“宇宙飞船理论”揭示了循环经济发展的思想,从那时起,很多国家和国际社会都纷纷开始研究发展循环经济。”循环经济要求物质的生产、流通、消费等各环节要减少废弃物品进入环境,使得物质从开发利用到废弃回收各个环节循环再生,不但能够减轻物质进入环境造成的环境污染或破坏,还以可以最大限度地对该污染物进行有效利用并减少人类对自然资源的开发。发展循环经济与废弃物品回收利用的关系很密切,循环经济能否实现关键也体现在废弃物品回收利用上,它是循环经济发展的关系核心。我国资源总量,但很大人口多,人均占有量相对来说较少,这就要求我国要改变传统的粗放型的经济发展模式,走新型的经济发展道路,建立循环型社会的经济发展模式。发展循环经济,实施废弃物品回收利用是实施可持续发展的重要经济模式,符合我国科学发展观的要求,它是从根本上减轻环境污染的有效途径,也是提高经济效益的重要措施,实现人与社会、自然和谐发展的目标。本文首先说明了循环经济的概念内容和发展循环经济的意义等。然后通过例举德国和日本等发展废弃物品回收利用的现实情况来说明发展循环经济的作用,并联系到我国的发展情况,说明我国对废弃物品回收利用率远低于国际水平。通过研究德国和日本对于废弃物品回收利用的立法情况,说明德国和日本立法中的重要法律措施对废弃物品回收利用的保障作用。在废弃物品回收利用上,德国和日本是世界上发展最早的两个国家,它们的立法经验是十分值得我国学习的,特别是德国,它的循环经济发展是以废弃物品回收利用开始的,有着丰富的立法经验。2009年,我国颁布《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》,这部法的实施将为我国废弃物品回收利用提供了有力的支持。但这部法律总体上来说还是一种以促进、鼓励方式为主的法律。同时我们也看到与其它国家的差距,而且废弃物品回收利用的立法体系还不完备。希望本文能为我国的废弃物品回收法律完善提供有价值的意见。

代写论文-【Abstract】 At the end of the 20th century, all the countries in the world more and more felt that traditional economic development mode will lead to exhaustion of the natural resources and the deterioration of environment, so to develop the new economic has become a consensus. the Spacecraft Theory which is propounded by Powell’s D who is an economist of United States announced the developing thought of cyclic economy, from then on, a lot of nation and international communities all start to study cyclic economy. The cyclic economy demand to reduce the discharging of waste into environment at every section of physical production, circulation, consumption etc. It can make resource to recycle from exploitation to waste recycling. It not only reduce the pollution that enter environment, but also make use of the waste effectively and reduce exploitation of natural resources. the relationship between the development of irculating economic and recycling wastes is very close. The key of the implementation of cyclic economy lies in recycling waste, It is the core of circular economy development.Our country have abundant resource, but at the same time our population is numerous, so the per capital possession of resource is limited, which force we to change the traditional mode of economy development to new economy development mode, and create the economy development mode of cyclic society. The developing of cyclic economy and recycling of waste is important to carrying out sustainable economic mode. It meet the viewpoint of scientific development. it can availably ease the pollution of environment, and was an important measure to improve economic returns, at the same time it can build harmonious society of socialism and realize people and society harmonious development of natural goal.Firstly, this thesis will illustrate the notion, content and meaning of cyclic economy etc. Secondly, explain the waste recycle condition of Germany and Japan, and compared whit the condition of our country, explain that our country is lower on the rate of waste recycling. The paper will discuss the condition of Germany and Japan’s legalization and explain Germany and Japan’s legalization is important to waste recycling. On the waste recycling, Germany and Japan is the two nations of the earliest developed country in the world. Their legislative experience is worth our studying. Especially the Germany whose development of cyclic economy begin with recycling of waste product has rich legislative experience. In 2009, our country have promulgated《cyclic economy stimulative law》, it is important to the waste recycling of our country. But this law has a lot of stimulative content, the law system of waste recycling is not perfect at our country. I hope the paper can provide good suggestion on the legislation of waste recycling.

【关键词】 循环经济; 废弃物品; 回收利用; 法律制度; 完善;
【Key words】 cyclic economy; waste product; Recycling; Legal system; perfection;


