
发布时间:2012-04-18 09:06:54 论文编辑:第一代写网

  论文摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5-6
  引言 10-12
  第一章小产权房基本问题概述 12-16
  一、小产权房的概念界定 12-14
  (一)房屋、产权的概念及其关系 12
  (二)小产权房的概念 12-14
  二、小产权房的特点 14-16
  (一)城乡分布 14
  (二)价格低廉 14
  (三)产权有瑕疵 14-15
  (四)涉及主体较为复杂 15-16
  第二章小产权房存在的原因及其法律问题 16-29
  一、小产权房问题的成因剖析 16-18
  (一)买卖双方的利益驱动 16
  (二)城乡二元制的土地制度 16-17
  (三)住房供应制度不适应实践需求 17-18
  二、小产权房存在的法律问题 18-25
  (一)小产权房的合法性问题 18-21
  (二)小产权房买卖合同效力问题 21-22
  (三)小产权房的权属问题 22-23
  (四)小产权房的流转问题 23-25
  (五)小产权房的救济问题 25
  三、对待小产权房的不同处理意见 25-29
  第三章小产权房合法化的理论探究 29-40
  一、小产权房存在的正当性 29-33
  (一)财产权 29-31
  (二)平等权 31-32
  (三)住宅权 32-33
  二、小产权房存在的合理性 33-36
  三、小产房合法化的必要性、可行性探究 36-40
  (一)小产权房合法化的必要性 36-37
  (二)小产权房合法化的可行性 37-40
  第四章破解小产权房困境之探索-完善农村土地制度 40-54
  一、解决小产权房问题的基本原则 40
  二、重新审视我国城乡土地的二元流转制度 40-42
  三、完善集体土地所有权制度 42-46
  (一)模式选择 42-44
  (二)集体土地所有权法律制度改良 44-46
  四、改革宅基地使用权制度 46-50
  (一)我国现行农村宅基地制度评价 46-48
  (二)宅基地使用权制度改革需要解决的问题 48-50
  五、集体建设用地使用权流转制度之构建 50-54
  (一)构建集体建设用地使用权流转的指导原则 50
  (二)集体建设用地使用权流转的法律规制 50-54
  结语 54-55
  参考文献 55-58
  致谢 58

【摘要】 小产权房是指建在农民集体所有的土地上并出售给非本农民集体成员的房屋,其产权证不是由国家房管部门颁发而是由乡政府或村委会颁发。小产权房从“出生”就被贴上了非法的标签,但这并未能阻挡住民众的购买热情,小产权房仍然逆势热卖,迄今为止占地面积高达六十亿平方米,相当于中国房地产业近十年来的开发总量,引发了许多社会问题。小产权房产生于我国特殊的社会背景和特定的法律制度下,是社会、经济以及法律制度各方面因素综合作用的结果。小产权房问题的制度原因是房地一体主义立法模式下,城乡土地二元结构框架内,国家土地所有权和集体土地所有权法律地位不平等,集体建设用地使用权不能在土地市场自由流转。尽管政府部门对小产权房采取了打压措施,但笔者认为在不变革现有农村土地制度下,这些措施都是无效的,更有可能激化社会矛盾,引起民生问题。文章采用了提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的基本方法和研究步骤,从分析小产权房的现状、成因入手,对小产权房屋相关法律问题进行了阐述,从小产权房存在的正当性、合理性以及小产权房合法化的必要性、可行性进行探究,得出结论应当赋予小产权房合法的地位。我们应以小产权房合法化为契机,变革与实践发展相脱节的现行农村土地制度,完善集体土地所有权制度,构建集体建设用地使用权和宅基地使用权自由流转机制,深化二元土地制度的改革,最终实现城乡一体化。

【Abstract】 House with limited property rights is built on the land collectively owned by peasants and sold to non-members of the peasant collective, and the property ownership certificate is not issued by the state housing authority but issued by the township government of or the village committee.House with limited property rights is labeled the illegal tags from the”birth”, but which does not stop enthusiasm of living people from buying, and it is still hot against the market trend, So far, It has covered an area of up to six billion square meters, which is equivalent to total amount of real estate development in China over the past decade, causing many social problems.Houses with limited property rights grew out of exceptional social background and specific legal system, was a result of the role of various factors including society, economy and legal system. The system reason of the issues are the legislative mode of real estate, the framework of dual structure of urban and rural land, the unequal legal status between state land ownership and collective land ownership, and the right to use collective construction land can not be transferred freely in the land market, the legal status of the ownership of collective land and national land is unequal. Although the government departments try to find out some measures to suppress, writer believes that without changing the existing rural land system, all the efforts are useless and more likely to intensify social contradictions, then cause people’s livelihood issues.In this thesis, the basic methods and research procedures which are asking questions, analyzing problems and solving problems are used. Through analysis current situation and causes of limited property house, expound related legal issues, research the legitimacy, rationality, necessity and feasibility of its legalization, writer suggests houses with limited property rights should be given legal status. We should take this opportunity to change the existing rural land system in which the reform is out of touch with practical development, to perfect the system of collective land ownership system, to build collective construction land use rights and land use right free transfer mechanism, to deepen the dual land system reform, and ultimately achieve the urban-rural integration.

【关键词】 小产权房; 农村土地制度; 集体土地使用权;

【Key words】 house with limited property rights; rural collective land system; collective land use rights;


