
发布时间:2012-04-18 09:02:54 论文编辑:第一代写网

  论文摘要 3-5
  Abstract 5-7
  引言 10-12
  第一章商业搬迁中的民事权益概述 12-21
  第一节商业搬迁的界定 12-16
  一、商业搬迁的概念 12-13
  二、商业搬迁与公益征收 13-16
  第二节商业搬迁中的民事权益 16-21
  一、民事权益的主体 16-17
  二、民事权益的内容 17-21
  第二章商业搬迁中民事权益实现的困境考察 21-33
  第一节民事权益实现之法律困境 21-26
  一、立法陈旧,计划经济成分明显 22
  二、立法冲突凸显 22-24
  三、土地权利保护失衡 24-26
  第二节民事权益实现之现实困境——城市土地市场 26-28
  一、我国城市土地市场基本问题 26
  二、我国城市土地市场结构 26-27
  三、我国城市土地市场结构评析 27-28
  第三节民事权益实现之技术困境——房地产中介 28-33
  一、我国房地产中介行业基本问题 29
  二、我国房地产中介行业现状影响分析 29-30
  三、我国房地产中介行业发展对策 30-33
  第三章商业搬迁中民事权益实现的香港模式及其借鉴 33-44
  第一节商业搬迁中民事权益实现的香港模式 33-37
  一、香港土地市场基本问题 34-35
  二、香港土地征收与补偿制度 35-36
  三、土地强制售卖制度 36-37
  第二节我国商业搬迁中民事权益实现模式的镜鉴 37-44
  一、商业搬迁协商机制 38-42
  二、土地强制售卖 42-44
  第四章商业搬迁民事权益的保护 44-56
  第一节民事权益实体法保护 44-51
  一、完善商业搬迁立法 44-46
  二、协商阶段民事权益的保护 46-51
  三、土地强制售卖阶段民事权益的保护 51
  第二节民事权益的程序法 51-56
  一、民事仲裁 51-52
  二、诉讼救济 52-56
  结论 56-58
  参考文献 58-62
  后记 62

【摘要】 随着我国社会经济不断发展,大规模的城市化建设已不可避免。城市发展的好坏一定意义上指示了某一地区的社会发展水平。城市化建设必然伴随着土地用途的变更和土地权利的转移。目前,我国的城市建设,不论是公益建设还是商业开发,其土地来源单一,即为国家运用行政权力征收农业用地或者收回城市土地建设用地使用权而取得的土地。该土地供应模式与我国《宪法》、《物权法》等有关土地征收须以公共利益为目的的要求不相符。造成了目前城市房屋拆迁问题重重,矛盾尖锐的局面。作者试图在本文中,对我国的土地管理立法、土地市场等进行考察,并借鉴域外土地市场制度,探寻我国城市商业开发用地的供应模式以及商业搬迁过程中对各主体的民事权益的保护。全文除却引言之外共分四章。引言部分主要介绍了本文问题的提出,研究的对象和范围等,同时梳理了国内外对商业搬迁的研究现状,讨论了构建城市商业开发供地模式及保护商业搬迁中各主体民事权益的理论意义与现实意义。第一章对公益征收与商业搬迁的内涵、特征等进行辨析。分析了我国公益征收的立法现状及其对商业搬迁的影响;剖析了商业搬迁中主要的民事权益主体及其享有的民事权益内容,突出了商业搬迁的民事法律关系特征,为讨论商业搬迁模式及民事权益保护奠定基础。第二章深入考察了目前我国商业搬迁中民事权益实现的困境。作者从立法、土地市场及房地产中介三方面讨论了当前我国发展商业搬迁制度的现实困境,为进一步探讨商业开发土地供应及商业搬迁中民事权益的保护明确方向。第三章简要介绍了域外土地市场的发展现状,重点介绍了香港土地市场的运行模式及土地强制售卖制度。并结合我国内地土地所有权与使用权分离的产权模式,尝试构建商业搬迁制度。第四章具体探讨了新的商业搬迁模式下,对各主体的民事权益的保护。根据商业搬迁的不同阶段,分析了不同的保护措施及权利救济措施。结论部分是对全文内容及观点的总结阐述。缓和拆迁矛盾,优化城市发展,需要构建以保护民事权益为重点的商业搬迁制度。

【Abstract】 Within the social and economic development of country, large-scale urbanization seems to be unavoidable. The development of a city indicates the level of social development of an area in a certain sense. Urbanizations are accompanied by changes of land use and the rights to land consequentially. Nowadays, neither the public constructions nor commercial developments of the urbanization, the resources of land for these uses are single. Most of these resources are from the land which was used for agriculture and some construction sites by eminent domain. This mode of land provision is conflicted to the provisions on eminent domain, which requires public use prescribed by Constitution and Property Law. And then this confliction results in the phenomenon that there are a mass of difficulties and dissensions in removing. In this thesis, the author wants to make investigations on land control and land market, and then draw lessons from extraterritorial land market systems, in order to seek the land provision mode for commercial developments and to protect the civil rights and interests of parties to business move.Besides the exordium, the whole thesis is divided into four chapters. The exordium makes an introduction about raising the contention, the object and the scope of the study. And then takes a thorough look on the extraterritorial and domestic study’s actuality on business move. Also the exordium makes a discussion on the theoretical value and the practical significance about land provision mode construction and protection for the civil rights and interests in business move.The first chapter makes discrimination between eminent domain for public use and business move on connotations and features. The thesis analyses the legislation of eminent domain and its effects to business move. And then makes analysis on the parties to business move and the contents of their civil rights and interests, underlining the nature of civil legal relation. So that we can lay a foundation for discussing then business move mode and protections for civil rights and interests. The second chapter makes a deep investigation about the difficulties in realizing the civil rights and interests during business move. The author discusses the limitations in legislations, land market and real estate agency which blocks developing business move system. And make a direction on discussing land provision for commercial developments and protections for civil rights and interests in business move.The third chapter makes a brief introduction on the development actuality of the extraterritorial land market, and some particular descriptions about the land market operations and the provisions of order for sale in Hong Kong. Then the author tries to contribute a new business move mode by combining with the property mode that the ownership of land and the usufruct are separated. The forth chapter makes a particular discussion on protecting the civil rights and interests of the parties to business move, in the new mode. Basing on the two phases of business move, the thesis analyses different safeguards and remedy measures.The conclusion is a summary of the contention and ideas. To relax conflicts in removing and optimize the urban developments, we need a construction of business move system which focuses on protecting the civil rights and interests.

【关键词】 商业搬迁; 土地市场; 民事权益保护;

【Key words】 business move; land market; protections for civil rights and interests;


