
发布时间:2012-04-17 09:31:54 论文编辑:第一代写网


  摘要 6-7
  Abstract 7-8
  第一章绪论 10-13
  1.1研究目的与意义 10-11
  1.2研究内容与方法 11-13
  第二章物业管理基本理论 13-20
  2.1物业管理概述 13-17
  2.2物业管理的基本理论 17-20
  第三章我国物业管理法与物业管理的现状 20-26
  3.1我国物业管理的立法现状 20-22
  3.2物业管理现状的调查 22-26
  第四章小区物业管理中存在的问题 26-33
  4.1业主方面的问题 26-27
  4.2物业管理企业方面的问题 27-30
  4.3行政管理方面的问题 30-33
  第五章完善小区物业管理的法律对策 33-39
  5.1完善物业管理立法 33-35
  5.2加强政府行政监管 35-39
  第六章结论 39-40
  参考文献 40-43
  致谢 43

【摘要】 物业管理行业在我国发展了二十余年,初步取得了一定的成绩,但是仍处于起步阶段,在其不断走向成熟的进程中暴露出许多不同层次的法律问题。如物业管理法律、法规体系亟待完善;业主法律意识淡薄;物业管理自治组织运作机制发挥作用不理想;物业管理企业经营活动不尽规范;产权关系不明晰,房地产公司与物业公司多为“父子”关系;市场化的物业管理机制没有建立;物业管理队伍素质偏低,管理的科技含量偏低;物业管理服务收费难;违法违规,开发建设单位侵占维修资金现象严重;缺乏引导,物业管理良好发展氛围尚未形成;物业管理协会工作亟待加强和拓展等问题。产生这些问题的原因是多方面的,主要包括:物业管理法律体系不完善,立法滞后;业主物业管理意识薄弱,难以形成主体地位;政府主管部门监管不力;物业管理协会不能充分发挥协调作用等。其中物业管理法律体系不完善,立法滞后是最主要的原因。因此,制定完善的物业管理法制体系,是解决物业管理行业中存在的法律问题的最佳途径。物业管理行业中存在的这些问题能否得到妥善解决是物业管理行业健康发展的关键,这些问题的存在能够直接影响人民的生活水平,不利于社会的稳定。因此,本文把物业管理实践中存在的突出法律问题作为切入点,结合对延吉市小区物业管理中存在的问题调查研究,试图在我国物业管理现行立法的基础上,借鉴国外的先进的物业管理理念和制度,为我国物业管理法律制度的完善和物业管理法律问题的解决提供一些可行性方法。除了完善物业管理立法以外,加强政府行政监管也是规范物业管理行业的一个重要手段。本文从规范前期物业管理行为,解决“建管不分”和建设单位遗留问题;健全市场准入和退出机制,加强对物业管理企业的监督;规范业主委员会的行为,解决消费和维权问题;强化维修资金管理,解决占挪用维修资金的问题;建立和完善“两级”投诉受理制度,加大行政执法力度;充分发挥物业管理协会的桥梁纽带作用等几个方面对加强政府行政监管提出了建议,争取立法与监管双管齐下,更好的解决物业管理行业中存在的问题,使我国物业管理行业健康发展。物业管理的对象包括住宅小区、写字楼、商业大厦、酒店、厂房仓库等,其中最重要的是住宅小区,并且当前社会中存在问题最多的也是住宅小区,因此本文的研究对象仅限于住宅小区的物业管理。

【Abstract】 Property management in China is an emerging industry, still in its infancy, in its gradual process of maturity revealed many underlying legal issues. Such as property management laws and legal system needs improvement; owners of weak legal consciousness; property management role of autonomous organizations operating mechanism is not ideal; property management business activities, not the norm; property relations are not clear, many real estate companies and property companies as the "Father-child relationship"; market-based property management system is not established; low quality property management team, management, science and technology content is low; property management service charges is difficult; illegal, occupation of the development and construction unit of maintenance funds is serious; lack of guidance, property Management has not yet formed a good atmosphere for the development; property management should be strengthened and expanded work of the association and other issues. These problems have many causes, including:property management legislation lags behind, the legal system is imperfect; owners by the traditional system of housing management, property management awareness is weak, it is difficult to form the dominant position; inadequate supervision by government authorities; Property Management Association can not fully play a coordinating role. One property management legislation lags behind, the legal system is imperfect, is undoubtedly the most important. Therefore, improve the legal system of property management property management in resolving the legal issues is particularly important.To the healthy development of the property management industry, the existence of these problems can be resolved is the key, and this will directly affect people’s living standards and social stability. Therefore, this article exists in the property management practice as the entry point for the outstanding legal issues, combined with city of Yanji, residential property management for the problems in the research, try to property management in our country on the basis of current legislation, refer to the concept of property management at home and abroad and systems for the legal issues of property management to provide some idea of perfection. In addition to legislation other than the perfecting of property management, administrative supervision to strengthen the government regulate the property management industry is an important tool. This behavior from the norms of Estate Management to address the "construction and management, regardless of" legacy and the construction unit; improve market access and exit mechanisms to strengthen the supervision of property management companies; regulate the behavior of the owners committee to address consumer and civil rights issues; strengthening maintenance fund management, misappropriation of maintenance funds to resolve accounting issues; establish and improve the "two" complaint handling system, increase administrative law enforcement; give full play to Property Management Association of the aspects of the role of bridge between the strengthening of the administrative supervision of recommendations, for a two-pronged legislation and regulation, a better solution properties Management problems in the industry, so that the healthy development of China’s property management industry.The object of property management including residential quarters, offices, commercial buildings, hotels, warehouses, factories, one of the most important residential areas, and the current problems in society is the most residential area, so this research are limited to the residential area of the property management.

【关键词】 物业管理; 物业管理法; 法律对策; 业主;
【Key words】 Perfect; Property management; Property management law; Legal countermeasures;


