
发布时间:2012-04-17 09:27:05 论文编辑:第一代写网


  摘要 4-5
  Abstract 5
  1绪论 6-15
  1.1选题背景与意义 6-10
  1.2研究目的与范围 10-13
  1.3研究思路 13-15
  2文献综述 15-26
  2.1非营利组织品牌营销的理论发展 15-16
  2.2非营利组织品牌营销的定义与内涵 16-18
  2.3非营利组织品牌营销的对象 18-19
  2.4非营利组织品牌营销的特点 19-21
  2.5本研究主要涉及的理论和工具 21-26
  3上海世博会志愿者品牌营销个案分析 26-40
  3.1上海世博会志愿者品牌营销简介 26-27
  3.2上海世博会志愿者部的组织架构和职能 27-28
  3.3上海世博会志愿者品牌营销环境的SWOT分析 28-30
  3.4上海世博会志愿者品牌营销的主要做法 30-39
  3.5上海世博会志愿者品牌营销存在的问题 39-40
  412355上海青少年公共服务中心品牌营销个案分析 40-51
  4.112355品牌营销简介 40-41
  4.212355的组织架构和职能 41-42
  4.312355品牌营销环境的SWOT分析 42-43
  4.412355品牌营销的主要做法 43-49
  4.512355品牌营销存在的问题 49-51
  5壹基金与静光公益品牌营销个案分析 51-59
  5.1"壹基金"品牌营销 51-55
  5.2静光公益品牌营销 55-59
  6结论与建议 59-69
  6.1主要研究成果 59-62
  6.2对策建议 62-69
  参考文献 69-72
  后记 72-73

【摘要】 如果说中国20世纪后30年最重大的事件是以私营经济的迅速崛起为代表的改革开放,那么21世纪前30年的最重大事件将是以非营利组织的异军突起为代表的社会建设。近年来,非营利组织在国内快速发展,数量剧增,但是大多数组织由于品牌营销意识较低、能力较差,都先后陷入了尴尬的境地:一方面希望组织有所发展、实现组织价值,但另一方面,组织发展所需的资源、特别是资金后继乏力。如何开展好品牌营销研究成为中国非营利组织不得不面对的战略性问题。为此,本文应用非营利组织营销管理的理论和工具,分别对上海世博会志愿者(准官方型非营利组织)、12355上海青少年公共服务中心(半官方半民间型非营利组织)、壹基金(民间型非营利组织)、上海静光公益组织服务中心(民间型非营利组织)等四家非营利组织的较为成功的品牌营销实践进行了个案研究。本文按照品牌营销计划过程将四家组织的具体做法分别按照以下六个阶段进行了论述:品牌需求和环境分析,规划与方案制定,营销资源整合,品牌创建,品牌推广,监测、评估和发展。然后,本文分别从品牌营销计划过程和品牌营销组合两个角度,对四个个案的具体做法进行了比较分析,寻找他们的相似点和差异点。通过比较分析发现,这四家组织都非常重视品牌营销,营销过程比较规范,选择了适合组织特点的营销组合,采用了较为专业的营销方法,所以能够取得成功。但同时,由于四家组织情况不同,因此其具体做法也有较大差异,特别是营销组合的选择和实施上差异较大。这种差异性的做法,值得不同类型的非营利组织借鉴。最后,本文对如何从战略高度谋划和实施品牌营销工作进行了总结,并尝试将理论与实践相结合,对中国非营利组织如何开展好品牌营销提出对策建议。

【Abstract】 In our view, the most important event during the first three decades of the 21st century in China would be the social construction which is representable by non-profit organizations, whilst the major event during the last three decades of the 20th century was the reform and opening up policy which was representable by private enterprises. In the past few years, the number of non-profit organizations increased rapidly in China. However, most of them got into a corner mainly because they failed in brand marketing. On one hand, they aimed to realize the goal of the organization. On the other hand, they were short of capital which was crucial to the development. We think the Chinese non-profit organizations are faced with the challenge of brand marketing.In this paper, we adopted the theory of non-profit organization marketing to the below four organizations and implemented case study:Expo 2010and 12355 Shanghai Youth Service Hotline, One Foundation, and Shanghai Jingguang Commonweal Organization Service Center. We categorized the four cases into six phases in terms of brand marketing planning process (BMPP), namely the brand demand and environment analysis phase, planning phase, resource integration phase, brand building phase, brand promotion phase, and monitoring phase.Secondly, we discussed the practices of the four cases from both the marketing planning and marketing mix angle, in an effort to summarize the similar points and differences. In conclusion, all the four organizations attached high importance to brand marketing, and chose appropriate marketing strategies. Moreover, they adopted professional process. Nonetheless, the differences of the marketing mix they adopted led to diversified effects. We think other non-profit organizations could take examples from our case studies.Lastly, we concluded the methods of brand marketing from strategic height, and offered proposals about successful brand marketing.

【关键词】 非营利组织; 品牌营销; 营销计划过程; 营销组合;

【Key words】 Non-profit Organizations; Brand Marketing; Marketing Planning Process; Marketing Mix;


