
发布时间:2012-04-16 10:06:07 论文编辑:第一代写网


  摘要 5-6
  Abstract 6
  第一章绪论 7-14
  一、研究背景 7-8
  二、相关研究综述 8-11
  三、本研究的特点 11-14
  第二章区域经济与海关监管 14-21
  第一节我国区域经济发展概况及特点 14-16
  一、区域经济发展概况 14-15
  二、我国区域发展的特征 15-16
  第二节区域发展对海关监管与服务的需求 16-17
  第三节海关监管工作面临的新形势和要求 17-21
  一、新形势 18-19
  二、新要求 19-21
  第三章我国海关监管体系发展沿革及基本构架 21-27
  第一节海关不断优化监管与服务的发展历程 21-23
  一、现行海关监管体系格局的形成 21
  二、促进区域经济协调发展的努力 21-22
  三、进一步优化监管和服务的探索 22-23
  第二节海关现行监管体系基本架构 23-27
  一、物流监控 23-25
  二、进出口货物通关 25-26
  三、特点分析 26-27
  第四章现行海关监管职能与区域经济一体化的不整合性及其原因分析 27-38
  第一节执法不统一的问题比较突出 28-29
  一、基本表现 28
  二、原因分析 28-29
  第二节物流跨关区流转存在障碍 29-32
  一、促进多式联运发展的措施亟待优化 30-31
  二、"属地申报口岸验放"覆盖面低效用不足 31-32
  三、监管能力不足限制了转关运输的发展 32
  第三节通关效率不能满足区域发展的高要求 32-38
  一、提升整体通关效率面临的问题 34-35
  二、制约提高整体通关效率原因分析 35-38
  第五章进一步优化海关监管与服务的建议 38-52
  第一节国外经验的借鉴 38-41
  一、欧盟海关实现安全与便利的做法 38-39
  二、美国海关实现安全与便利的做法 39-41
  第二节综合推进海关执法统一性建设 41-43
  一、统一执法的制度保障 41
  二、统一执法的体制保障 41-42
  三、统一执法的机制保障 42-43
  第三节遵循区域发展规律实施顺势监管 43-45
  一、进一步优化跨关区快速通关 43-44
  二、积极支持多式联运的发展 44
  三、完善对转关货物的监管 44-45
  第四节以分类处置为手段实现效率与效能的平衡 45-52
  一、完善企业分类管理 45-47
  二、强化风险式管理 47-48
  三、丰富完善差别化作业方式 48-50
  四、完善服务区域发展的方式 50-52
  第六章结论 52-54
  1.主要结论 52
  2.研究展望 52-54
  参考文献 54-58
  后记 58-59

【摘要】 我国面临的区域经济一体化包括国际间的区域经济一体化、国内跨省(直辖市)行政区的区域经济一体化两个层面。本文关于中国海关监管职能优化研究主要围绕满足国内区域经济一体化发展的需求,但由于海关监管的客体与进出境活动密切相关,对形势的判断和提出的建议自然要考虑经济全球化、国际区域经济一体化的大背景。作为国家进出境监督管理机关和宏观经济管理部门之一,国内区域经济一体化背景下,海关监管工作对国民经济的影响将继续强化,在促进国内区域经济发展中,海关面临着海关关区、行政区划的划分与全国的要求、地区的特点怎么结合的问题,监管业务管理体制和监管职能实现方式需要进行调整优化。目前,海关监管作业与区域发展的要求还存在着一些冲突,主要有由于执法规范不统一、业务管理体制分散、程序控制不严格而引发的各海关执法不统一问题比较突出;进出境物流跨直属海关关区流转还存在障碍;整体性通关效率还存在着较大的提升空间和需求,忽视有效监管的现象普遍存在,这些都直接影响到进出境物流的效率和成本,进而影响到国家区域发展战略的实施。在分析海关监管工作面临的形势、要求和存在问题的基础上,借鉴国外发达国家海关一些的有益做法,本文对优化我国海关监管职能,提升服务区域经济发展能力提出建议:综合推进海关执法统一性建设,遵循区域发展规律实施顺势监管,以分类处置为手段实现效率与效能的平衡。

【Abstract】 The Integration of regional economy in China does include two levels: international economic integration and domestic provinces (municipalities) economic integration. This article is talking about the optimization on the regulatory function of China Customs, mainly to meet the domestic demand for the development of regional economic integration. Due the object of customs control is closely related to import and export activities, the assessment and the advices of the situation must be considered of the economic globalization and the economic integration.As a national authority of controlling import and export, and as one of the administration of the macro-economic management, customs will continue to strengthen its influence to the national economy in the background of regional economic integration. Customs now is facing a problem about how to combine the characteristics of the customs division and the administrative division with the characteristics of the very area. The systems of supervision and the achievement of supervision should be adjusted to achieve optimal way.Currently, there are still some conflicts between the customs operations and the regional developments, mainly about:law enforcement are not unified because the law enforcement standards are not unified, the system of management are decentralized, and the process control is not strict; there are still barriers in the inbound and outbound t logistic among district customs; there is still large room for promoting the efficiency of customs clearance; the neglect of effective regulation is still widespread. These have a direct impact on the efficiency and cost of logistics, thereby affecting the implementation of the national regional development strategy.On the basis of analyzing the situation, requirements and problems of the customs supervision, learning from some of the good customs practices of the foreign developed countries, this article suggests that improve the level of law enforcement uniformity synthetically, follow the laws of the implementation of regional development, take classification as a means of disposal of realizing the balance of efficiency and effectiveness, which could optimize the function of China customs supervisions and promote the ability of developing regional economy.

【关键词】 海关; 监管; 职能; 优化;

【Key words】 customs; supervision; function; optimize;


