
发布时间:2012-04-16 10:03:20 论文编辑:第一代写网


  摘要 3-4
  第1章导论 8-10
  1.1乡风文明是新农村建设的重要内容 8-9
  1.1.1"乡风文明"的提出 8
  1.1.2"乡风文明"是新农村道德建设的目标 8-9
  1.2新农村道德建设研究的价值 9-10
  第2章新农村道德建设的指导方针 10-15
  2.1以中国特色的马克思主义为指导 10-11
  2.2以培养社会主义新型农民为根本目标 11-12
  2.3与农村政治、经济和文化发展要求相适应 12-15
  第3章新农村公共道德建设 15-19
  3.1公共道德建设是新农村公共活动发展的需要 15-17
  3.1.1农村公共经济生活领域的发展 15
  3.1.2农村公共社会交往空间的扩展 15-16
  3.1.3农村公共文化生活的丰富 16-17
  3.2新农村公共道德建设的二个任务 17-19
  3.2.1实现由熟人道德向公民美德转换 17-18
  3.2.2引导农民确立现代公正意识和责任意识 18-19
  第4章新农村职业道德建设 19-24
  4.1农村职业分化与构成 19-22
  4.1.1农村社会的职业分化 19-21
  4.1.2农村职业道德的建构 21-22
  4.2培养农民职业道德素质 22-24
  4.2.1敬业精神的大力弘扬 22-23
  4.2.2树立科学职业价值观 23
  4.2.3强化职业道德责任感 23-24
  第5章新农村家庭道德建设 24-28
  5.1农村家庭关系的变迁及其引发的道德危机 24-25
  5.2构建和谐家庭 25-28
  第6章新农村道德建设的对策 28-33
  6.1提升政府的组织整合能力 28-29
  6.1.1强化农村党政组织的道德建设功能 28-29
  6.1.2基层党员干部要起到带头示范作用 29
  6.2完善农村道德评价机制 29-33
  6.2.1我国现行农村道德评价机制的特点 30-31
  6.2.2乡村道德评价机制的创新 31-33
  结束语 33-34
  参考文献 34-36

【摘要】 农业是我国国民经济和社会发展的基础,农业发展的好与坏,对于经济社会发展的全局产生重大的影响。进入21世纪以来,我国农村的发展与整个社会的发展的差距日趋加大。城乡差距日益加大,社会发展不均衡加重。为了建设和谐社会,加强农业发展,党的十六届五中全会提出要建设:“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村。笔者认为,在这二十字的指导方针中,乡风文明是关系到整个农村发展的精神面貌,关系到农村未来发展的方向与后劲,也是最为艰难且容易忽视的地方。新农村道德建设是一项复杂的社会系统工程。造就与优良道德传统相衔接、反映时代精神要求的“乡风文明”,是社会主义新农村建设的重要课题,也是新农村道德建设的战略目标和总体任务。本文围绕这一主题,分别就新农村道德建设的指导方针,公共道德建设,职业道德建设,家庭道德建设和建设的基本路径进行了较为深入的探索。新农村道德建设必须以中国化的马克思主义为指导,与农村政治、经济和文化发展的要求相适应。建设以诚信、平等、公正、尊重人权、维护公益为基本价值内涵的公共道德,应着力解决基础、结构和实践问题,应以破除“熟人道德”为切入点,以培养农民的现代公正意识为出发点。农村社会职业的分化和多样化,使农村职业道德建设面临诸多新课题和新要求。在当前农村社会着力推进职业道德建设,宜注重规范商业交易行为,提升和优化乡村干部道德;培养农民的职业道德素质,则应以培养敬业精神和职业良心为基本着力点。农村家庭关系的变迁也引发了诸多家庭道德问题。解决这些问题,应引导农民养成与践行家庭美德,构建和谐家庭。为此,必须处理好传统与创新的关系。新农村道德建设的重点和难点在于如何建设。强化农村党政组织的道德建设功能,完善农村道德评价机制等,是实现新农村道德建设目标的基本路径。

【Abstract】 The agriculture is the foundation of our country national economy and social development, agriculture development of good and bad, for the overall situation creation of the economic social development great influence. Get into 21th century, our country development and the whole margin of development with social of the village gradually enlarge. The city country margin enlarges day by day, the social development unbalance aggravates. For the sake of construct harmony social, strengthen agriculture development,16 of party five medium plenary meeting put forward want construction:the socialism new village of "produce a development, living lenient, the country breeze civilization, village permit nattiness and manage democracy". The writer thinks that in the instruction policy of these 20 words, the country breeze civilization is the spirit feature that relates to the whole village development and relate to the direction and delay effect of village future development, is also the most difficult and easily neglect of place.The new village morals construction is the social system engineering of complications. Accomplish to connect up properly, reflect with good morals tradition the time spirit requests of "country breeze civilization" is the important topic that new socialism village constructs is also the strategic target and total task that new village morals constructs. This text surrounds this topic, respectively the instruction policy of the new village morals construction, the public morals constructs, the occupation morals constructs, and the basic path of the family morals construction and construction carried on more thorough quest.New village morals construction have to with China turn of Marxism is instruction, political with village, the request of economy and culture development went with should.Construction with trustworthiness, equal, fair, respect human rights, maintenance public welfare for the public morals of basic value content, should put forth effort solution foundation, structure and fulfillment problem, should with get rid of "acquaintance’s morals" for correspond a point, with develop farmer of modern and fair consciousness for starting point.The village social occupation divides and diversifies and makes the village occupation morals construction faced many new topics and new request. Put forth effort to push forward occupation morals construction in the current village society, proper pay attention to norm commercial transactions of behavior, promote with excellent turn country of staffs morals; Develop the occupation morals of farmer character, then should with develop respect-work spirit and occupation conscience for basic put forth effort a point.The change of village family relation also caused many family question of ethicses. Work out these problems, should guide farmer to become and the Jian expert court virtue, set up a harmonious family. For this, have to handle a very traditional and creative relation.Point and crux of new village morals construction lie in how to construct Enhance the morals construction of the village political organization function, weigh to reach a rules parental precepts and country rules about, the people renews the village morals education contents and method, the perfect village morals evaluates mechanism etc., is the basic path that carries out a new village morals construction target.

【关键词】 乡风文明; 农村道德建设; 公共道德; 职业道德; 家庭道德;

【Key words】 the country breeze civilization; village morals; construction public morals; occupation morals; family morals;


