代写留学MBA作业范例:The Vision Mission and Values of Good Leadership

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代写留学MBA作业范例-良好领导力的愿景使命和价值观。本文是一篇代写留学MBA作业范例,主要内容是通过领导力的愿景使命和价值观很容易写出领导力的定义,但在现实生活中却很难实践。 行为在领导力中确实很重要,而技能则是第二位。 管理者和领导者之间有天壤之别。 经理更可能依赖于管理技能、计划、组织和沟通技巧,但领导者确实具有经理的技能以及更多的素质。 有些人天生具有优秀领导者的品质,有些人在成为一名优秀领导者的过程中培养了这种品质。 领导者必须具备许多品质,例如自信、魅力,并且这些品质会在有经验的领导者身上不断增长。下面就请参考MBA作业范例的全部内容。


This is easy to write the definition of leadership but it’s quite hard to practice in real life. The behaviour does matter first in leadership and the skills are second. There is hell of difference between manager and a leader. The manager more likely depends on management skills, planning, organizational and communication skills but the leader does have the skills of a manager as well as some more qualities. Some people born with qualities of a good leaders and some people develop such qualities in their to be a good leader. There are many qualities which a leader must have like confidence, charisma and the qualities continue to grow in a leader with experience.
There are different styles of leadership. Some leaders have no style, which is right for some situation and wrong for some situations as well. Managers, Stake holders, staff, all people have different style of leadership according to different situation.
For leadership to work well, people (employees and interested outsiders) must be able to connect their expectations, aims and activities to a basic purpose or philosophy of the organization. This foundational philosophy should provide vital reference points for employees’ decisions and actions
这里有不同风格的领导。 有些领导没有风格,这在某些情况下是正确的,在某些情况下也是错误的。 经理,利益相关者,员工,所有人根据不同的情况有不同的领导风格。
为了使领导力发挥良好作用,人们(员工和感兴趣的外部人员)必须能够将他们的期望、目标和活动与组织的基本目的或理念联系起来。 这一基本理念应为员工的决策和行动提供重要的参考点
Vision 愿景
Defines the desired or intended future state of a specific organization or enterprise in terms of its fundamental objective and/or strategic direction. Vision is a long-term objective.
根据其基本目标和/或战略方向定义特定组织或企业的期望或预期的未来状态。 愿景是一个长期目标。
Mission 使命
Defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, describing why it exists. Mission is a short-term objective.
定义组织或企业的基本目的,描述其存在的原因。 使命是一个短期目标。
Values 价值观
Beliefs that are shared among the stakeholders of an organization. Values drive an organization’s culture and priorities.
组织的利益相关者之间共享的信念。 价值观推动组织的文化和优先事项。
And every body like executives, managers, staff, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, etc, need solid philosophical principles in term of mission vision and values on which to base their expectations, decisions and actions.
Evens ,(1963)”similarity hypothesis”
“The more the similar parties the parties in dyad are ,the more likely a favourable outcome”

It means if every individual and and teams know their duties and if they match their goals with strategic direction of the organization than they would have the same thinking and they will work together on the same path which is the strategic direction of the organization to get better outcome .
这意味着如果每个个人和团队都知道自己的职责,并且如果他们的目标与组织的战略方向相匹配,那么他们就会有相同的想法,他们将在相同的道路上共同努力,这是组织的战略方向,以变得更好 结果 。
Strategic direction of organization is very important on march 6,1990 west Germany Daimler Benz and Japan Mitsubishi group revealed that they had secret meeting in Singapore .to work on a intensive cooperate among their different projects and lines of business .because germens cooperate structure does not mash or fit with Mitsubishi group of management approach .
组织的战略方向很重要 1990年3月6日,西德戴姆勒奔驰和日本三菱集团透露,他们在新加坡秘密会面。要在他们不同的项目和业务线之间进行密切合作。因为德国的合作结构不 混搭或适合三菱集团的管理方式。
For this the organizational direction is being used was GSA(global strategic alliance ) which create new horizons in fact by this creates new products and ease the problem of worldwide excess productivity capacity & became the essential part of every organization’s structure and brought different national origins together.
为此,正在使用的组织方向是 GSA(全球战略联盟),它创造了新的视野,实际上由此创造了新产品并缓解了全球产能过剩的问题,并成为每个组织结构的重要组成部分,并将不同的国家起源结合在一起。
Leadership approaches and styles 领导方法和风格
“Great Man” Theories “伟人”理论

This theory indicates about the leadership “that great leader is born, not made”. This kind of theory represents the heroic personalities who were got the qualities of leadership when they were born. Great Man theories assumes that leadership is integral These theories often represent great leaders as heroic, fabulous, and destined to rise to leadership when needed. The term “Great Man” was used because, at the time, leadership was thought of primarily as a male quality, especially in terms of military leadership.
这一理论表明,领导力“伟大的领导者是天生的,而不是后天造出来的”。 这种理论代表了刚出生就具备领导素质的英雄人物。 伟人理论假设领导力是不可或缺的 这些理论通常将伟大的领导者描述为英勇、出色且注定在需要时升任领导者。 之所以使用“伟人”一词,是因为在当时,领导力主要被认为是男性的品质,尤其是在军事领导力方面。
Trait Theories 特质理论
Similar in some ways to “Great Man” theories, trait theory focuses on the people receive assured qualities and characters that make them better matched to leadership. Trait theories repeatedly classify specific personality or communicative features shared by leaders. But this theory raises the question as if certain traits are key features of leadership, how do we clarify people who hold those qualities but are not leaders? This question is one of the problems in using trait theories to illuminate leadership.
Contingency Theories 权变理论
This kind of leadership style emphasis on specific variables which are directly related to environment to have control on style of leadership which is best suited for the situation. According to this theory, the leadership style must be different in different situation. The leader can change their behaviours in different kind of situations. Contingency theory says that the success of a leader depends on the number of variables the leader use in different circumstances and the abilities of the admirers.
Situational Theories 情境理论
This kind of theory illustrates that leader choose the best action must be taken by the leader based upon the situational variable. Decision making in different type of situation does matter in this theory.
这种理论说明,领导者必须根据情境变量选择最佳行动。 在这个理论中,不同类型情况下的决策确实很重要。
Behavioral Theories 行为理论
Behavioural thory believes that the great leaders can be made rather they born with qualities. This leadership theory focuses on the action of leaders rather the mental level, personality and internal qualities. Behavioural theory says people can learn to become great leader through getting knowledge, experience and observations.
行为理论认为,伟大的领导者可以被培养出来,而不是他们与生俱来的品质。 这种领导理论侧重于领导者的行动,而不是心理水平、个性和内在品质。 行为理论认为,人们可以通过获得知识、经验和观察来学习成为伟大的领导者。
Participative Theories 参与理论
The participative leadership theory illustrates that the leaders must take his/her followers into account. In this theory the followers take participate in decision making and the members feel more relevant and committed as well. The leader allows the members to participate in decision making process.
参与式领导理论表明,领导者必须考虑到他/她的追随者。 在这个理论中,追随者参与决策,成员也感觉更相关和更投入。 领导者允许成员参与决策过程。
Management Theories 管理理论
Management theories (also known as “Transactional theories”) emphasis on the role of administration, association, and group performance. These theories base leadership on a structure of incentive and penalty. Managerial theories are frequently used in industry; when workforces are fruitful, they are satisfied; when they fail, they are reproached or penalized.
管理理论(也称为“交易理论”)强调管理、协会和团队绩效的作用。 这些理论将领导建立在激励和惩罚的结构之上。 管理理论在工业中经常使用; 当劳动力富有成效时,他们就会感到满意; 当他们失败时,他们会受到指责或惩罚。
Relationship Theories 关系理论
Relationship theories (also known as “Transformational theories”) focus upon the networks formed between leaders and admirers. These leaders stimulate and inspire people by helping group members see the prominence and higher good of the job. Transformational leaders are absorbed on the presentation of group members, but also want each person to achieve his or her impending. These leaders frequently have high principled and moral standards.
关系理论(也称为“转型理论”)关注领导者和仰慕者之间形成的网络。 这些领导者通过帮助团队成员看到工作的重要性和更高的利益来激励和激励人们。 变革型领导者专注于团队成员的介绍,但也希望每个人都能实现他或她的未来。 这些领导者通常具有很高的原则和道德标准。
Leadership could be described in different levels in organization as
Direct leadership 直接领导
Which is part to element leadership or direct line is in the organization were staff see their leader all the time .
Organizational leadership 组织领导
They are the leaders on hundreds or some time on thousands of the staff but this is indirect leadership to help him there must be the staff at direct level to help the leader for decision making.
Strategic leadership 战略领导
Strategic leaders are generally responsible for large organizations and may influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people. They establish organizational structure, allocate resources, and communicate strategic vision.
Strategic leaders work in an uncertain environment on highly complex problems that affect and are affected by events and organizations outside their own.
Strategic leaders apply many of the same leadership skills and actions they mastered as direct and organizational leaders; however, strategic leadership requires others that are more complex and indirectly applied.
Strategic leaders, like direct and organizational leaders, process information quickly, assess alternatives based on incomplete data, make decisions, and generate support. However, strategic leaders’ decisions affect more people, commit more resources, and have wider-ranging consequences in both space and time than do decisions of organizational and direct leaders.
Perhaps of paramount importance-because they exert influence primarily through subordinates-strategic leaders must develop strong skills in picking and developing good second-tier leaders.
Strategic leadership skills and characteristics 战略领导技能和特点
There are many leadership skills and characteristics a person should posses to become a quality manager and to succeed in the globalized world of business.These leaders have certain characteristics such as the leader should be employers brand
Should posses emotional intelligence,creativity, innovativeness, and flexibility, posses certain leadership characteristics as high ethical standards, energy, prioritization skills, commitment, dedication, goal orientation, empathetic, and extroverted. Leaders adapt leadership styles accordingly in order to better create and develop new ideas or reform existing ones. Some leaders may choose a certain leadership style based on the culture of their organization. A manager should provide leadership and direction to management levels according to the organization’s goals, mission, and vision.
应该具有情商、创造力、创新性和灵活性,具有某些领导特征,如高道德标准、精力、优先级技能、承诺、奉献精神、目标导向、善解人意和外向。 领导者相应地调整领导风格,以便更好地创造和发展新想法或改革现有想法。 一些领导者可能会根据其组织的文化选择某种领导风格。 经理应根据组织的目标、使命和愿景为管理层提供领导和指导。
Conclusion 结论
Leadership is about the influencing and motivating peoples these days and leader are not born and leader can be developing through organisation structure and development training as well. Among the two leadership styles discussed, there are some that have a better fit in different organizational models. In the non-profit sector, using a servant leadership style would be effective the majority of the time, yet the other two models can be used for specific purposes. The leadership styles are noted in all organizations. However, there is a primary style shared in the organizational culture. There are many other styles not examined in this analysis, which opens the opportunity for further research in this area. Further research can be conducted using other leadership models and other industries. Supplementary research can also be done within each industry subdividing it further. The decision of which style to use in each industry would depend on the leader, follower(s), and tasks. A leader should learn and practice those skills needed to be a successful leader. In conclusion, individual leaders who have the skills and qualities necessary to succeed are better equipped to execute the styles of leadership discussed. To become a successful leader one should utilize the best suiting style to everyone in every situation. The style of leadership used varies by organization and leader. While organizations may have a primary style of leadership, this is not the inclusive selection or style. The leadership technique and characteristic of the leader varies as the various experiences change. The leader must know to adapt and adjust their leadership style according to the current events of the organization. As the organization evolves through its growth stages, it calls for the use of different leadership styles.