留学生report作业代写参考:Communication Management of Dominos

发布时间:2024-01-22 10:50:22 论文编辑:cinq888



In this report, I introduce the management of communication in Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd through eight parts which is business demographics, organizational goals, organizational, management of knowledge resources, group dynamics, meeting management, stakeholders, and network.


Domino’s Pizza is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Domino’s menu features pizza, pasta, oven-baked sandwiches, wings, boneless chicken, salads, breadsticks, cheeses ticks, and a variety of dessert items. Domino’s Pizza holds the exclusive master franchise rights for the Domino’s brand and network in Australia, New Zealand, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Principality of Monaco.


Business demographics 商业人口统计

According to the Future Foundation Report (2003), on average, adults in the UK eat out and/or eat delivered/take-away meals around 80 times a year. It is means people lack of time to go to the story to buy the food. This report show that maybe we do not need too much shop in a certain area. Delivery will more meet the customers need. Then Domino’ pizza input more money on phone-call system. This report also indicates that more people will have access to interactive technologies, up from 70% to 90%. Now, we can easily get menu on the Domino’s pizza website.


Other methods the Domino’s pizza uses are:达美乐披萨使用的其他方法有

Shop 商店

Magazine and newspaper advertisements 杂志和报纸广告

Television commercials 电视广告

2. Organisational goals 组织目标

Organizational goals help define your organization, oriental your organization and give the guide of the organization. In an organization, somebody is leaders and others are follower. A common goal can help motivate members by communicating what the organization is striving for as well as providing a basis of recognizing accomplishments and successes. Organizations that set goals are more effective in recruiting members. Also when the leaders and followers have the common goals, the followers will empower the leaders as well as the leader will influences the followers. In this way, the efficiency of this organization must enhance fast. In December 2007, Domino’s introduced a new slogan, “You Got 30 Minutes”, alluding to the earlier pledge but stopping short of promising delivery in a half hour. Domino’s Pizza had a guarantee that customers would receive their pizzas within 30 minutes of placing an order, or they would receive the pizzas free. This is a good example for explain the important in communication of the aim between the different level in an organization. Thinking about that when the high level of the company want to give some pledges to the customs for increase the sale, just like time guaranty. But how much time is property; by communication with the different levels of the company they got the final goal. That is guarantee 30 minutes to the customs and they did it.

组织目标有助于定义你的组织,定位你的组织并为组织提供指导。在一个组织中,有人是领导者,其他人是追随者。一个共同的目标可以通过沟通组织正在努力实现的目标以及为认可成就和成功提供基础来帮助激励成员。制定目标的组织在招募成员方面更有效。同样,当领导者和追随者有共同的目标时,追随者会赋予领导者权力,领导者也会影响追随者。这样,这个组织的效率必须快速提高。2007年12月,达美乐推出了一个新口号“You Got 30 Minutes”,暗指之前的承诺,但没有承诺在半小时内交付。达美乐披萨保证顾客在下单后30分钟内收到披萨,或者免费收到披萨。这是一个很好的例子来解释目标在组织中不同级别之间沟通的重要性。想一想,当公司高层想向海关承诺增加销售额时,就像时间保证一样。但多少时间是财产;通过与公司不同层次的沟通,他们达成了最终目标。这是保证30分钟到达海关,他们做到了。

3 Organizational culture and ethics 组织文化和道德

As a successful company, it is necessary to pay back the society that we call it corporate social responsibility. Because the organizations harvest the benefits from the society. Furthermore the organizations always possess large amount of resources. They have more ability to undertake more responsibility. In 2001, Domino’s launched a two-year national partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. That same year, the company stores in New York City and Washington D.C. provided more than 12,000 pizzas to relief workers following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. Through a matching funds program, the corporation donated $350,000 to the American Red Cross’ disaster relief effort. [6] In 2004, Domino’s began its current partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, participating in the hospital’s “Thanks and Giving” campaign since it began in 2004, raising more than $1.3 million in 2006. This is the ethics of the company.


New Zealand is a country of immigration, the residences from the whole world. And every year, thousands of international students come and accept education here. People from different place and have different culture. Therefore, the organization should give some training about the dimensions across the cultures or employ the staff from different culture. For example, Domino’s pizza offers the Chinese service and Japanese service.


4. Management of knowledge resource 知识资源管理

Knowledge management is the branch of management for achieving breakthrough business performance through the synergy of people, processes and technology. Four methods to manage knowledge 知识管理是通过人员、流程和技术的协同作用实现突破性业务绩效的管理分支。管理知识的四种方法

1. Training 培训

In a successful company, the training is important for the members of the company especially the new staff. Though the training, the employees could understand the process of the products and services. Then, they can adapt and operate the working easily. Naturally, the whole of shop’s efficiency will be enhancing as well as improve the satisfaction of customers.


2. Testing 测试

Testing is the convenient method to judge the staffs master the skill and knowledge or not. After the training, every half year company always will hold a test for ensuring the staff master the skills and using it.


3. Report 报告

For a business, report is essential. According the annual report, the company can know the situation of prosecution. Also, they can aware the drawbacks and disadvantage of company.


4. Orientation 定向

For a food company, the customers feedback is particular vital. It orientates the direction of the company.


For example, customers and staffs can easily find the annual report on the website of the Domino’s pizza. They train the employees and share the experience with them.


5. Group dynamic 团体活力

Group dynamics is joint action by two or more people, in which each person contributes with different skills and expresses his or her individual interest and opinions to the group and efficiency of the group in order to achieve common goals.


There are some benefits of group dynamic: 团体活力态有一些好处

1. Greativity 伟大

For Domino’s pizza, every shop forms a group. Each team’s members have different skills, knowledge and personal attributes. By utilizing all of these different aspects in a team, they can be generated more ideas and make a difference. In a company, we focus on work together. This does not mean that the individual is no longer important.


2. Harmony 和谐

A team’s members have different skills, knowledge background and personality as well as style. It is important to have good chemistry reaction among the members to improve the satisfaction of the job follower enhancing the staff’s passion to the work even leading to more success directly.


3. Efficiency 效率

A harmonious team excels at close, collaboration and understanding. For an effective team, everybody should qualify their own work. What is team work? It is no means others help you when you cannot do the task. But everybody finishes their aspect and trust their workmates could done the task.


6. Meeting management 会议管理

Meeting is a basic part for a company.会议是公司的基本组成部分。

The different of meeting 会议的不同

——-Status meeting.状态会议

It is usually led by leader for report the situation of the company in recent period. It is a one way communication.报告公司最近一段时间的情况通常由领导领导。这是一种单向交流。

——general meeting 股东大会

Generally, we can submit the problems currently then discuss and analysis the cause followed make solution. This kind of meeting includes staff meeting, work meeting and team meeting.一般来说,我们可以提交当前的问题,然后讨论和分析原因,然后做出解决方案。这种会议包括员工会议、工作会议和团队会议。

The process of general meeting 股东大会的过程

Before the meeting, we need plan the objective of meeting and where and when the meeting holds. Then notice the members who will be in the meeting.


At begin of meeting, we need introduce the aim of meeting and share some essential information. Followed turn to the meeting member, give them some time for discussing or thinking new ideas. Then, the leader of meeting summaries the opinions.


The leader of meeting makes decision. If some member insist their own opinion. It is will be voting.


For example, in a general meeting, one of the staff said that the customers complain them waiting too long recently. Then they discuss the problem and found it is no the fault of deliverymen but lacking of people to make pizza. Finally, the manager makes a decision, employing two more staff for product.


7. Stakeholders 利益相关者

Every business has stakeholders like individual, organization or group. Domino’s pizza as successful company should know the needs and requirement of his stakeholders.


The primary stakeholders for any publicly traded company would include stockholders, investors, owners, creditors, suppliers, and anyone and everyone that has something to lose in the company.


The secondary stakeholders are everyone else that keeps the business in operation from their employees, the community, and the government.


Primary stakeholders are those eventually affect, either positively (beneficiaries) or negatively (for example, those involuntarily resettled). Secondary stakeholders are the intermediaries in the aid delivery process. This definition of stakeholders includes both winners and losers, and those involved or excluded from decision-making processes.


Stakeholders for Domino’s pizza include:达美乐披萨的利益相关者包括

–customers 客户

–franchise holder 特许经营权持有人

–employees 员工

–shareholder 股东

8. Networks 网络

Domino’s pizza has varied of function on website. Such as 达美乐披萨在网站上有各种各样的功能。例如

–food delivery 食品配送

–online coupons 在线优惠券

–business opportunity 商机

–date entry 日期输入

–franchise sale 特许经营销售

–weight loss 体重减轻

–cheap hotel 廉价酒店

–pizza supply 披萨供应

It is also include other functions. In nowadays, with the developing of internet technology, people get more reliable to the computer. Domino’s pizza offer the function of order online give customers much convenient. And from august 2010, we launched an iphone app for customer.


