代写Assessment Details
Select a listed company from a developing country and register this with your tutor. Up to 5students may select the same country, provided that at least 8 countries are covered and astudent's combined selection of country and industry is different from the rest of the local
students. All registrations require the approval of the tutor and it is each student'sresponsibility to advise the tutor if the available fipafnjial ste^ements^re~1fFqited e.g/rfocurrent, not complete etc. Your selection mu^r ngj includ^South Africa or th%industry as "Harmony" is used as a lecture iHustraBdfl!1 "^^t^fcMX VLO(JL
The marks are included in the Appendix A: marking guide.
The part a) lecture summary format is given at the end of each topic's lecture file.Part b) of each question has a maximum of 300 words, with 250 words expected.Note that the weekly questions include one case question from this assignment toprovide an opportunity to discuss your thoughts and opinions in open class.
1 Part 1 - Individual assignment; due date is in section 6. (19 marks)
For each question clearly identify at least one strength and one weakness,including for each a user group for which the issue is significant.
1 a) Identify your registered company including its financial year end, industry, countryand stock exchange using lecture summary format. Also include your company's and^jf another web address that discusses your company. You need to have an annualreport; a commentary section followed by the financial statements (including statutorydeclarations by the auditor etc.).
b) Provide an economic description of your selected country and discuss its status as adeveloping country and the history / role of the accountancy profession. Alsoprepare a table of at least six companies listed on your company's stock exchange(including your company) & include the industry and other available data (e.g. netassets, sales, number of employees etc.) and discuss the source and reliability /reasonableness of this data.
2 a) Identify your company's form of financial statements (e.g. annual report), headings ofall financial statements & notes 1 - 3 using lecture summary format. Also review thenotes to identify major shareholders (e.g. over 10% of the issued shares) andcomplete Appendix 1.1.
Appendix 1.1: Company: Currency
Period; millions ('000,000)
Income Summary (include any FS note references):
Income / sales
Less Cost of goods sold
Less expenses (excl. following expenses)
foreign exchange loss (plus gain)
fair value adjustments
impairment of assets
interest expense
income tax
Equals net profit (loss)
Other comprehensive income (loss)
[identify if from Equity Movement Statement]
Foreign exchange
Fair value adjustments
Other - specify
Total comprehensive income
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Cash flow from operations (Cash Flow Statement)
Stock exchange price per share: at/near balance sheet date: date;
a current date: date;
b) Identify the basis of preparation of the financial statements and discuss how thiscompares with IFRS, with specific reference to the format of the financial statementsincluding the notes (e.g. may use Harmony as a benchmark). Also discuss if there isthere is disclosure of any close relationship with an identified major shareholder.
3 a) Identify the business reporting sections headings within the annual report (excludingFS) & additional statements available (company website & other) using lecturesummary format.
b) Discuss your company's business including its products, markets / competitors,customers / suppliers. Integrate this information with FS note information in
Appendix 1.1 and any segment note disclosures. Note that IAS segment disclosurerequirements are included in next week's topic.
4 a) Calculate earnings per share (and disclose any EPS in the Income Statement) usingappendix 1.1 (the net profit adjusted for any preference dividend) and appendix 2.1
(adjust number of issued shares to period average). Identify the listed share priceat/near balance and calculate the price / earnings ratio per share. Also identify thenet asset backing per share using lecture summary format.Within the FS identify the note reference number for post balance sheet events,prepare appendix 1.2.
Appendix 1.2: Company: CurrencyYearend; millions ('000,000)
http://www.1daixie.com/liuxueshengzuoye/ Balancesheet assets (include any FS note references):
Property, plant and equipment
Investment property
Intangible assets
Investments accounted for using equity method
Biological assets
Financial assets
Other assets (describe in a note if greater than 2% of assets)
Financial assets held for sale
Trade and other receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Other assets (describe in a note if greater than 2% of assets
Total assets
Less total liabilities
Equals equity [Note number reference ]
- number of issued shares: ordinary
other (specify)
Note number reference for segment disclosures:
b) Discuss the variation between the listed share price at balance date and the net
asset backing per share including the significance of the price earnings ratio.
Comment on the variability of past net profits (e.g. where a loss try to obtain past 3 to
5 year figures) and the variability of more current share prices. Use appendix 1.1and discuss any significant difference between net income and cash flow fromoperating activity.
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In addition discuss if the disclosure for segments (identified in prior week) iscompliant with IFRS 8 and discuss the significance of any post balance date event.Conclusion: Part 1 (Note: a conclusion only includes data previously discussed)
With reference to questions 1 to 4 and the financial statements, identify two (2)significant strengths and two (2) significant weaknesses of which one must relate to yourdiscussion in 3 b) and another to 4 b). Each conclusion needs to be referred to the relevant
prior discussion.
Each strength and weakness needs to identify a category of user of financialstatements you consider to be significant to each strength / weakness. Overall you shouldaim to identify two of the nine user groups in Chapter 1 of the 代写留学生评估作业textbook (Topic 6) in additionto shareholders / investors.
a) A Reference List which only includes sources acknowledged in the body of theassignment. [Up to 4 marks deducted if missing or incomplete referencing,including 1 mark for each of questions 1 to 4 inclusive.]
b) Appendix 1.1 and 1.2 as discussed above..
Appendix 2 with a copy of the financial statements referred to in 2 a); allfinancial statements and notes 1 - 3.
[Up to 3 marks deducted if missing or incomplete.]
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