TBS 984 International Business - ASSESSMENT 2 MARKING CRITERIA
CRITERION High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
A Presentation and style (25 marks)
1 Presentation of
代写留学生作业Shows a distinctive and
imaginative approach to
organisation and visual
Carefully and logically
organized, polished and
professional in appearance
Shows organisation and
coherence, polished and
professional in appearance
Clear organisation, professional
Disorganized/incoherent with
little attempt to present
2 Clarity of expression
(style, accuracy,
spelling, grammar,
Fluent writing style appropriate
to professional document
Grammar and spelling
Language fluent
Grammar and spelling accurate
Language mainly fluent
Grammar and spelling accurate
Meaning apparent, but
language not always fluent
Grammar and spelling mainly
Meaning unclear Grammar
and/or spelling contain
frequent errors
3 Referencing Referencing is consistently
Referencing is consistently
accurate with minor errors
Referencing is mainly accurate Referencing is mainly accurate
with minor errors
Referencing is
B Content and knowledge (45 marks)
4 Content and range Comprehensive/detailed
knowledge of topic with areas
of specialization in depth and
awareness of the provisional
nature of knowledge and
alternative approaches
Superior knowledge of topic
and an awareness of a variety
of ideas, contexts, and/or
Has given a factual and/or
conceptual knowledge base
and appropriate terminology
Evidence of knowledge of topic
and use of appropriate
Lacks evidence of knowledge
relevant to the topic and/or
significantly misuses
5 Use of
of research
Has developed and justified
using own ideas based on a
wide range of sources which
have been thoroughly
analysed, applied and
Able to critically appraise
information gained from
variety of sources, developing
own ideas in the process
Clear evidence and application
of materials relevant to the
Literature surveyed, but
presented uncritically, in a
descriptive way, and indicates
limitations of understanding
Either no evidence of literature
being consulted or irrelevant to
the assignment
6 Knowledge of theory Demonstrates integration and
innovation in the selection and
handling of theory
Insightful and appropriate
selection of theory in key areas
Key theories are included in an
appropriate manner
Selection of theory is
appropriate but some aspects
have been missed or
Inaccurate or inappropriate
choice of theory
C Thinking/ analysis/conclusions (30 marks)
7 Conclusions Analytical and clear conclusions
well grounded in theory and
Good development shown in
synthesis of arguments based
in theory/literature
Evidence of findings and
conclusions grounded in
extensive search of
Evidence of findings and
conclusions supported by
conclusions based on anecdote
and generalization only, or no
conclusions at all
8 Critical reasoning Consistently demonstrates
application of critical analysis
well integrated in the text
Clear application of theory
through critical analysis/critical
thought in relevant areas
Demonstrates application of
theory through critical analysis
in relevant areas
Some evidence of critical
thought/critical analysis and
rationale for approach taken
Lacks critical thought /analysis
/ reference to theory
9 Rationale Uses all available data to
evaluate the options. Clear
criteria are applied to
demonstrate reasons for final
Uses data to evaluate options
and selections of final
decision/choice clearly follows
from evaluation
Uses data to evaluate some
options and selection of final
decision/choice is linked to the
Presents benefits and
disadvantages of some
potential outcomes but
代写留学生作业without clearly indicating
reason for final decision
Little explanation of how the
final decision/choice was
made, or fails to specify final