Research proposal context-对global warming进行Proposing Solutio

发布时间:2011-11-30 09:50:48 论文编辑:第一代写网

Research proposal context
Research objectives
Conceptual/Theoretical background (i.e. introduction to theory, review of pertinent literature) (1000-1500words or 3-4 A4 pages)
Methodology (description of the proposed research methods: anticipated analysis) (1000 words or 2-3 A4 pages)
A Gantt chart (i.e. a work plan)
Ethics form

Dissertation Structure
1. Introduction/Background of the research: Why you carry out this study and how important the research outcome would be and what research objectives are
2. Literature review: what research in the area of interest has been done already and what your research issues would be
3. Theoretical/Conceptual framework: research issues and model with key variables derived from the literature
4. Research methodology: how you will carry out the research in terms of research strategy, data collection and analysis
5. Results and discussion
6. Conclusions (summary, implications for future research and practitioners and limitations)
7. References
8. Appendices

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 参考文献格式References Style(APA –Harvard-Chicago-Others):                 
对global warming进行Proposing Solutions
作文要求:Discussion of the problem (includes a description of the problem, who it affects directly and indirectly, and evidence showing the problem has harmful effects).  Thus, you might want to consider examining the causes of the problem and the effects of the problem.  This section will probably comprise two or three well developed paragraphs.  You end this section with a clear and strong proposal claim: To solve this crisis (problem), we should do y.  Make sure that your proposal claim and solution matches the problem.

Discussion of the solution including:
A clear description of the solution;
An explanation showing how your particular solution can solve the problem;
Good persuasive reasons to argue this solution can solve the problem so it should be done.  Be sure to include appropriate evidence to show that the solution is feasible, and the solution can be carried out given the resources available (funds, personnel, equipment, etc.).

Discussion of opponent’s objections to your solution and refutation of those objections based on reasons and evidence

Discussion of at least one alternative solution as well as reasons and evidence showing why those will not work or will be less effective (The alternative solution is a type of refutation.)

Conclusion urging readers to act and the benefits of taking action now