代写英语硕士论文-代写dissertation-英语论文提纲范文-The Evolution of Chinese Me

发布时间:2011-08-23 09:18:51 论文编辑:第一代写网

代写英语硕士论文-代写dissertation-英语论文提纲范文,The Evolution of Chinese Media's Coverage of Disaster News under Globalization:From SARS to Wenchuan Earthquake

This dissertation aims to analyze the evolution of Chinese media’s coverage of disaster news under the globalization background, taking the coverage of SARS and Wenchuan earthquake as cases. The original mode of reporting disaster news of Chinese media had many flaws and these were fully exposed in the SARS event in 2003. With China’s entry to WTO, the new media and media globalization have deeply influenced the way of information spreading in China and changed Chinese policy on disaster news reporting. The traditional disaster coverage was strictly controlled by the Chinese government and the media could not issue any report on disasters without the permission of the government. But because the new media like cell phone and internet increasingly play a more important role in spreading information, the traditional news media and government have to adopt changes to report disaster news more immediately and correctly. As a result, the media did a better job on reporting the Wenchuan earthquake event.

As the traditional media, newspaper is faced with many challenges from the new media. The present dissertation takes Chinese authorial newspaper, People’s Daily as case sample to study the evolution of Chinese authorial media on reporting disaster news and analyzing the underlying causes for such changes. The previous studies on media globalization, disaster media, Chinese media situation, and new media will provide insights to the current study. Through the comparison of the news report of 2003 on SARS and 2008 on Wenchuan earthquake event, it can be seen that Chinese media has greatly improved the quality of disaster news coverage.

Chapter one sets the context for the current research. Chapter two serves as literature review, reviewing the previous studies on media globalization, new media, and the Chinese media and defining the concepts used in this research. Chapter three is the data analysis of the news report, taking reports from People’s Daily in 2003 on SARS and 2008 on Wenchuan earthquake. Chapter four lays out the major findings of current research. Chapter five discusses the cause for the evolution, draws conclusions from the above chapters and points out the limitations.

Chapter 1: Preface
1.1 Context
1.2 Statement of research problem
1.3 Research objectives
The impact of globalization on Chinese media’s disaster coverage
1.4 Research questions
 1.4.1 What was the guideline for Chinese media to report disasters in the past?
1.4.2 Has this guideline changed in the past ten years?
 1.4.3 What are the causes for such change?
1.5 Significance, scope and limitations of the study
1.6 Chapter outline


Chapter 2 Media in the Globalization Era
2.1 Defining globalization, media globalization and new media
 2.1.1 Globalization and media globalization
 2.1.2 The impact of new media
2.2 Defining the disaster news
 2.2.1 About the disaster events
 2.2.2 The Differentiation of disaster news and negative news
2.3 Chinese Media in the Globalization Background
  2.3.1 Chinese Media and Globalization
  2.3.2 Chinese Media on Disaster News

Chapter 3 The Investigation of Chinese Media’s Coverage of Disaster News
3.1 Investigative design: Case study (SARS and WENCHUAN Earthquake)
3.2 Data collection and description
 3.2.1 Type of Data
 3.2.2 Data collecting
  1)Coverage volume
 The coverage volume of People’s Daily, the Chinese authoritative newspaper, will be analyzed regarding to the reports on these two disasters in 2003 and 2008 respectively.
  2) Coverage forms
Taking the news reports of Peoples’ Daily in 2003 and 2008 as examples, the changes of amount in news, messages, in-depth reports, picture reports and commentaries will be examined.
   3)Contents of reporting(political, economic, and the situation of the disasters)
  4)Degree of public recognition
The subjective comments of the public will be investigated through questionnaire and interview.

 3.2.2 Data Analyzing

Chapter 4 The Evolution of Chinese Media’s Coverage from SARS to Wenchuan Earthquake
4.1 The increase of coverage volume
 4.2 The growing varieties of coverage forms
 4.3 The changes in the contents of reporting
 4.4 The improvement of public recognition

代写英语硕士论文Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Discussion (analysis of the causes)
 5.1.1 The influence of media globalization
 5.1.2 The impact of new media (internet)
 5.1.3 Other related causes
5.2 Conclusion