
发布时间:2014-10-14 16:47:50 论文编辑:lgg

I. Introduction

1.1. The background of the study
“Back in the 1990s I predicted that learner autonomy was set to become a buzz wordand that —like ‘ communicative' — it would soon be emptied of any clearly agreedmeaning'X Little 1991:2). Indeed,learner autonomy has not only caused a sensation inWestern education, but also attracted a wide attention among Chinese educators andscholars in the last two decades. China introduced it and began similar reforms.Fundamental principles from the new Chinese English Curriculum Reform in 2011emphasized: learners should develop their autonomous learning abilities throughexperience, practice, participation,cooperation and inquiry, gradually mastering thelanguage knowledge and skills, constantly adjusting attitudes, and forming effectivelearning strategies. Students should change the way of relying on teachers in their studies.And they are encouraged to participate in class activities,trained to develop the learningabilities of practices, collaboration and inquiry, ultimately improve autonomous learningabilities so as to lay the foundation for life-long learning.

1.2. The Significance of the study
Scholars not only concern about extracurricular autonomy, but also pay moreattention to classroom autonomy. Compared to traditional teaching mode based on"teacher-centered", autonomous learning class holds a comparative advantage. Itemphasizes student autonomy, reflects the subjectivity of students in the classroom, so itgains much attention in education. It is worth mentioning that some schools bravely reformand attempt to implement autonomous instruction mode in class according to their features.They introduce the idea of learner autonomy into their schools and encourage teachers toguide students to leam autonomously. Although various embodiments in promoting learnerautonomy in schools and different procedures of autonomous instruction teaching modes inclass, they all have the feature of "self-learning". This paper focuses on Z-mode class, anautonomous instruction teaching mode in class,in Tian Tian Secondary School. Thismiddle school is the first one to implement autonomous instruction teaching mode in classin Beijing. And it has practiced for 9 years since 2004,and made some achievements.However, Z-mode class as a representative of learner autonomy class is still on the pathof development and needs more efforts to become mature. In addition, due to China's particular situation,teachers' training, the imperfect self-directed learning modes and otherfactors, the shortcomings of autonomous instruction teaching mode in class areincreasingly apparent. This paper attempts to summarize the problems of autonomouslearning class according to the status of implementing Z-mode class and negativefeedbacks from teachers and students in Tian Tian Secondary School. The purpose of thisstudy is to enrich the theoretical and experimental researches of autonomous learning inChina and promote further development of autonomous learning theories.

IL Literature review

2.1. “learner autonomy" and “ autonomous learning"
The term autonomy has aroused a considerable controversy so that Linguists andeducationalists have failed to reach a consensus as to what autonomy really is, such ascapacity(Holec, 1981; Little, 1991), attitude(Dickinson,1987),independence (Sheerin,199l),language awareness (Lier, 1996),and self-direction (Candy, 1991),which testifies to theimportance attached to it by scholars. Let us review some of these definitions and try togain insights into what learner autonomy means and consists of. Holec (1981) holds thatLearner autonomy refers to autonomous self-regulation in which the learner takes chargeof his own learning. He views learner autonomy from five aspects; determining theobjectives,the contexts and progresses, selecting methods and techniques to be used,monitoring the procedures of acquisition properly and evaluating what has been acquired.

2.2. Related researches on autonomous instruction model in class
There are lots of factors influencing autonomous learning. One of the importantfactors is the teaching mode. The teaching mode affects students' autonomy not only inclass but also after class. The theoretical bases of autonomous instruction mode in class areProximate Developmental Zone, Humanism Learning Theory and Constructivist LearningTheory.Vygotsky believed that the development of children can be divided into two levels, thefirst level is the current level of development, which represents children's intellectual levelto independently solve problems. The second level is that children can not independentlysolve some problems, but with the help of an adult or peer they can successfully solve these problems. Distance between the actual level of independently solving problems andthe potential level of solving problems with help is the Zone of Proximal Development.Teaching can create the zone of proximal development. This theory requires teachers toknow what should be learnt by students and what should be taught by the teacher.

III. Z-mode class..........16
3.1. The theories of Z-mode class ..........  16
3.2. Teaching goals ..........19
3.3. Implementing conditions.......... 19
3.4. The relationship between students and teachers.......... 20
3.5. Procedures..........   21
3.6. Assessment.......... 25
3.7. Summary ..........26
IV. Methodology.......... 27
4.1. Research design.......... 27
4. 2. Participants.......... 27
4.3. Instruments ..........    28
4.4. Data processing ..........9
V. Results and discussion..........       31
5.1. Data of the quantitative research.......... 31
5.2. Data of the qualitative research..........   36
5.3. Discussion ..........41
5.3. Summary ..........44

V. Results and discussion

The purpose of this research is to confirm the influences of Z-mode class on students,teachers and class. So in this segment, a brief analysis of the collected data is presented,and the results and findings of this research will be summarized. The specific results arediscussed based on the following qualitative and quantitative data. Then, discussion iscomposed of three subsections: Z-mode class negative impacts on the students, teachersand class. 6.86% students don't like Z-mode class. Explaining the reasons why they don't likeZ-mode class, students wrote: 1) some classmates do not have much self-control. They liketalking during class,which causes me not able to focus on thinking and learning. 2) Peerscannot teach as well as teachers. Some of classmates can't explain knowledge clearly.3)English class is too noisy.



With the help of qualitative and quantitative researches, a number of new discoveriesare explored in the study of negative effects of autonomous -learning English class onstudents,teachers and class management. The negative effects are actually weakness ordisadvantages of Z-mode class. Since Z-mode class is based on the educational thinking oflearner autonomy. The author is trying to evaluate Z-mode class with reference to an idealof autonomous learning. The new findings of the whole research are listed below; Peer's teaching and group discussion become main parts of Z-mode class. Peer'sknowledge become an important source of learners in class. Because of nervousness,limited knowledge and expression abilities,"peer teachers" tend to explain language pointsambiguously,and some important but difficult language points are missed. In Z-mode class,“peer teachers" use Chinese to explain grammar or phrases, and students also use Chineseto communicate and ask questions. Such phenomenon reflects students' limited Englishproficiency. At the same time, it is not beneficial for students to practice English in class.
Reference (omitted)



