
发布时间:2012-12-19 18:49:53 论文编辑:lgg


输入的意义已经被越来越多的大学生所重视,非英语系大学生在学习英语的过程中,对教师课堂上所传授的英语知识的吸收被称之为英语输入。In fact, all models of SLA useinput in their endeavors to illustrate how learners produce grammar in the second language.
Input shows different characteristics depending on different theories of SLA from Krashen'smodel (1985), in which input, in the form of comprehensible input takes a major role toresearches withinhttp://http://www.1daixie.com/dxyylw the framework of Universal Grammar (White, 1989b), where input plays alesser but more specific and central role. In the early studies of input by Krashen, one focalpoint was the comprehensible input and the comprehended input. And the comprehensibleinput implies the speaker, instead of the hearer, controls the comprehensibility, while the focusof the latter is the hearer (the learner) and the degree to which he or she comprehends (SusanM. Gass, 1997: 1-5).The term input means the language that is address to the L2 learners either by nativespeakers or other L2 learners. And it can also put in another way: “The language to which thelearners are exposed that can be spoken or written. Input serves as the data the learners mustuse to determine rules of the target language" (Ellis, 1986: 22). Language input has drawmuch concern in the field of SLA and all theories of Second Language Acquisition (SLA)regard the input as necessary, but disagree with the importance and the role of input inlanguage learning and acquisition (Lin Li, 2007: 70). It is known that there are twoprerequisites for SLA: one is the adequate language materials that's the sufficient languageinput and the other is the LAD proposed by Chomsky that analyzes the language input tomaser its rules. However, the relationship between the language input and LAD has beendisputed in the SLA field with some researchers maintaining that once the proper languageinput is provided, learners will naturally master the second language considering the innateLAD. People with this view put stress on the importance of language input. While othersbelieve that language learners are the creators, who have the capacity to discover the internalrule of the L2 and to master them on matter how obscure the language input they receive is.Of course, some people http://http://www.1daixie.com/dxyylwhold the central point that learners play an active role in SLA, but thepre-condition is that the language input they receive is pre-processed, that is, it isunderstandable. It is clear that in order to make sure that the language learning happens,theremust he some L2 data that are available to the learners as input. At the same time, languagelearners should possess the mental ability to process the information of input. Naturally, therefollows a major problem in the SLA, that is,how do the learners acquire the second languageby controlling these two aspects? There are basically three views on the role of input in thefield of SLA, Behaviorism,nativism and interactionist.

1.2 Background and Significance of the Study研究目标和意义
Against the backdrop globalization, communications with the outside have never beenmore frequent. English learning has become unprecedentedly necessary in the 21^^ centuryespecially for college students as they are exposed increasingly to an environment withEnglish element. In this information age, people are bombarded with all kinds of informationeveryday whether it is of use. Nevertheless, it is not the case that the more information peopleare exposed to, the better they will leam their language. It is for this reason that the questionof how to get access to proper and make the maximum use of the language input is thefundamental issue calling for sound resolutions.
In the teaching practice, traditional way of instilling language input by the teacher andthe learners acting as the passive receptor of information has been proved out-dated and not aseffective in language teaching. It is noted that with the implementation of the new curriculumreform, many emphases have been put on the active role of the learners and the facilitatingrole on the teachers part. And pilot programs have also proved that new teaching methodengaging the learners during the classroom and the increase of learners autonomy areconducive to language teaching. But how language input should be better dealt with no matterin teaching or learning, remains a question although many researches have been done on thissubject. As the first step to language learning language input is vital for everyone eitherin self-learning or individual perfection, especially, in this information era where there isa higher requirement for foreign language abilities for wider exposure to moreinformation. As a result, no one can afford to neglect language input in English learning,if he is to better survive and live in today's information-bombarded modern society.


正如埃利斯所说的那样,学习者在学习母语或其他外语语言的时候,大脑所产生的思维被称之为生成理念,其中也包括英语学习中的听和写的能力。nput serves as thedata which the learners must use to determine rules of the target language." (Ellis, 1986: 22).Susan maintains that “It is standard practice in the SLA to refer to the speech learners hear inmeaningfljl contexts as input" (Susan E. Carroll, 2001: 8).There are generally three types of input:
As many previous studies on input in SLA are concerned with the acquisition of a firstlanguage rather than a second language, the Mother Talk and its role in LI acquisition areinitially explored. When mothers speak to their kids, they will modify their speech and alsoensure communication. The particular use of language by mothers is featured by simplifiedand ungrammatical utterances. Motherese plays the following roles: (1) an aid tocommunication, (2) a language teaching aid, and (3) a socialization aid (Ellis,1985: 130).Researchers suggest that the motherese doesn't alter the route of LI acquisition, but it has astrong impact on the speed of acquisition. Speaking to the function of input in SLA, the briefreview of the motherese in children's learning of their first language offers a basis forresearches.

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework ............................................25-31
    3.1 Generative Learning Theory of Constructivism............................................ 25-31
        3.1.1 Essence of Learning ............................................26-27
        3.1.2 Generative Learning Model............................................ 27-31
Chapter 4 Research Methodoloy............................................ 31-34
    4.1 Description of the Research............................................ 31
    4.2 Subjects of the Research ............................................31-32
    4.3 Instruments of the Research............................................ 32
    4.4 Treatment ............................................32-34
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussions............................................ 34-54
    5.1 Data Collection and Analysis............................................34-52
        5.1.1 Statistical Data of Subjects Basic Information............................................ 34-37
        5.1.2 Statistical Data Analysis of Question Part ............................................37-52
5.2 Data Analysis Summary ............................................52-54


The present paper makes an investigation on the language input of non-English majorsby analyzing original data from valid questionnaires administered to two universities inBeijing. The last Chapter shall make a summary of the main findings and then talk about theimplications for both teaching and learning concerning language input. With the findings andlimitations of the presents study as its base, some suggestions for future study will also begiven in this part.
From the data analysis in the last Chapter, it is concluded that the quantity and quality aswell on both the teachers and learners part are not adequate which constitutes an obviousphenomenon among non-English majors. And one prominent problem is that learners do notgive full play to their initiative and autonomy in the active construction of new meanings forthorough understanding which is emphasized in GLT.



