
发布时间:2012-12-04 19:31:29 论文编辑:lgg

1. 绪论

随着经济和社会的发展,中外交流日益密切,因此中国对外语尤其是英语的要求不断提高,英语听力作为人际交流的首要条件和英语学习的必要途径,具备至关重要的作用。English was not bom as a widely used language as it is today. With socialdevelopment, English is becoming the global language. It is used in more and moreplaces by more and more people, hence more and more varieties of English, that is,various “Englishes,,can be heard in different countries or regions. Speakers of Englishtravel into every comer of the world with their language and culture. Besides BritishEnglish and American English, there are other Englishes such as Canadian English,Indian English, Singapore English, China English, Japanese English and so on. Englishis either the native language in some countries, such as Britain,American, Australia,Canada and New Zealand or the second language in some countries like India,or just acommunication tool in other countries like China. Under different histories, cultures,traditions, politics and life styles, people have their own English expressions when theyuse English.
With the opening up of China to the outside world, English has become a necessarytool to help the Chinese communicate with the outside world. More and more newwords from Chinese are enriching the English. New words expressing special Chineseculture are flooding into the world. The flourishing of China English is www.1daixie.com a goodphenomenon, not only for the development of China, but also for the foreign peopleswho are interested in Chinese history and culture. We call those words China English.
China English is one of the English varieties that combined with Chinese culture.Most of the China English expressions are coined by Chinese people who is grow up inthe Chinese social and culture background. As a result, China English is greatlyinfluenced by Chinese culture and the thinking mode of the Chinese people etc. ChinaEnglish is good for the communication between China and the outside world, whichhelps to spread the influence of the Chinese culture and the development of the Chinesebusiness.

1.2 Classification of China English中国英语分类
China English is one of the English varieties derived from the Chinese culture. It iscoined by people with the Chinese social and cultural background. So China English isgreatly influenced by Chinese culture, the Chinese way of thinking etc. Based onChinese and English,the coinage of the words and phrases in China English bwww.1daixie.comasicallyfalls into the following four categories;
Experts find that not all the Chinese words can be expressed by English exactly,like the names of Chinese people, foods or drinks, places, objects, ideas and so on. Sopart of China English is directly transliterated from the pronunciation of ChinesePutonghua or other dialects。

2 Literature Review文献综述

This chapter aims to review the background and different approaches to ChinaEnglish and its interpersonal meaning. China English is one of the English varieties,though it is long misunderstood by lots of English learners and teachers as nonstandard,grammatically unacceptable or broken. Through the introduction of China English and acontrast with Chinglish, the author is to prove the functional value of China English.

2.1 Analysis of China English中国英语分析
Nowadays, English has obviously developed into a global language. It's animportant subject to study the varieties of English and their background. China English is one of)the English varieties; Under the specific language environment,the Chinese people use it for cross-cultural communications. It is quite different fromChinglish,which is generally defined as the deformed English that Chinesepeople used in a wrong way.
Ge Chuangui must be the first one who proposed the notion of China English inhis article —“A discussion on Chinese-English translation" in Translator s Notes in theearly 1980,s. He said English is a language of the English people. Other peoples oughtto fellow the idiomatic way of the English people when use it. However, each nationcarries its own particular situation, like China, in the past or at present, there are somany words with typical Chinese characteristics expressed in written or spoken English(Ge Changui 1980:2). In this article, he lists thousands of particular Chinese phrases,Inthese translated versions, grammar must be the main factor to distinguish China Englishand Chinglish (or Chinese English). “Every country has its own situation. As for ourChina, be it old or new one,it has many things with Chinese characteristics that need tobe expressed when they are spoken or written in English." (Ge Chuangui 1980) (p-2).

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework ..........................................29-45
    3.1 Introduction ..........................................29
    3.2 An Overview of Constructivism ..........................................29-41
    3.3 Studies on the Application of Constructivism ..........................................41-43
    3.4 Summary ..........................................43-45
Chapter 4 An Empirical Study on Constructivism.......................................... 45-60
    4.1 Experiment ..........................................45-48
        4.1.1 Objectives ..........................................45-46
        4.1.2 Research Design ..........................................46-47
   Subjects ..........................................46
   Treatment.......................................... 46-47
   Instruments.......................................... 47
        4.1.3 Procedures of Data Collection and Analysis.......................................... 47-48
    4.2 Interview.......................................... 48-49
    4.3 Research Findings ..........................................49-50
    4.4 Interview Results ..........................................50-52
        4.4.1 Positive Emotions.......................................... 50-52
        4.4.2 Negative Emotions.......................................... 52
    4.5 Implications for Audio-Visual English Teaching ..........................................52-54
    4.6 Specific Strategies of Audio-Visual English Teaching ..........................................54-60
Chapter 5 Conclusion ..........................................60-63
    5.1 Implications ..........................................60
5.2 Summary of the Thesis.......................................... 60-62

Conclusion 结论

It is no doubt that English is the global language. The constant globalization andnationalization of English lead to more and more language contact and conflict. ChinaEnglish is the natural result of such contact and conflict,and it is one of the flourishingEnglish varieties with local features,and the cultural choice in the process ofnativization of English in Chinese context. In this thesis, the author has made a study ofChina English and analysis the interpersonal meaning of China English. As Chinese, weshould be confident to speak out our own voice and further emphasize inheriting one'sheritage language and heritage culture identity. The long historic culture of Englishes agreat value for foreign language to teach and learn in China.
In the present research, the author makes an effort to classify the China English, adistinction between China English and Chinglish,and a link leading China English tothe interpersonal meaning from the Systemic Functional Grammar. Interpersonalmeaning is frequently used to analyze a dialogue or a speech but seldom applied to theanalysis of words and phrases. In this thesis the author takes this theoretical foundationin her analysis words and phrases, which proves to be a new approach in linguisticresearch.
Although the different between China English and Chinglish is still vague andChinglish still not admitted, it's a process of language changing. All the analyses here inthe present research are in need of some empirical investigations for further support.And the examples cited are not sufficient enough for detailed analyses. There is stillmuch room for the further improvement of the research.
In this research we make a detailed investigation on China English aiming tochange most people's attitude toward it. If we reject all the different varieties of Englishand stick to idiomatic English only, it will be a great pity because we lose not only thefun and value of China English, but also the interpersonal function it shoulders. Wemake such a research to demonstrate that the interpersonal meaning of China Englishdeserves a place in world English and this English variety~"China English” has itsproper right and great value to exist.




