词汇被认为是语言知识的三个基本因素之一。词汇是所有语言技能的基础,同时也是一部分英语学习者在开始学习英语的时候可能会面临的问题。Without enough vocabulary,English learners can hardly makeprogress in their abilities for listening, speaking, reading and writing.Linguists both on foreign languagelearning and teaching hold the idea that vocabulary plays a vital role in foreign language teaching andlearning. Wilkins D.A.asserts,‘‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothingcan be conveyed”(Wilkins, 1976:89). Although vocabulary learning is so important to second languagelearners, it has not been attached enough attention in language teaching for a long time. This becomes anobstacle for students to develop their language learning ability. After all, vocabulary is more important thangrammar in many different aspects.
Vocabulary learning is the core of second language learning. In order to improve the performance ofour English, we must have a good vocabulary, but sometimes our vocabulary level depends on the propervocabulary learning strategies. Many high school students are losers of junior high school English learning,and they are afraid of learning English because they are afraid of memorizing the words. Many studentswant to know why learning English is not as easy as they think before. www.1daixie.com Most of students make slowlyprogress because of the following reasons: the forgetting and the frequent using of wrong words, and it alsomakes most of students embarrassed and puzzled. If the learner can acquire a certain amount of vocabularylearning strategies, they will improve their learning efficiency, and enhance confidence in learning English,so learning English is going to achieve success.
Senior high schools, as the important component of high education stage in China, are required to takethe significant task of cultivating a large number of high-quality students for colleges and society. And evenso, economical trade globalizations require the professional talents which can master and use Englishskillfully, so vocabulary teaching is undoubtedly an essential part of English teaching in senior high schools. Senior high schools, as the important component of high education stage in China, are required to takethe significant task of cultivating a large number of high-quality students for colleges and society. And evenso, economical trade globalizations require the professional talents which can master and use Englishskillfully, so vocabulary teaching is undoubtedly an essential part of English teaching in senior high schools.
1.2 Research Significance 研究意义
As we know, vocabulary conveys a lot of information and plays an important role in languagecommunications, and we can list numerous of reasons to show that vocabulary is an important element ofsecond language learning. And it the same as Wilkins says, “While without grammar very little can beconveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed (Wilkins, 1976: 89). But some people still insistthat vocabulary is not play the same role as listening, speaking, reading or writing, for it seems that there isno direct relationship to communications. Even more, our English examinations are pay more attention totest students in the form of listening, reading, and writing, but they seldom test their vocabulary directly. Soin order to change the belief, the new curriculum standard is taken out. The New Curriculum Standard isschemed in 6 levels,with the whole basic education of English divided into nine grades.Each grade has itsrespective goal in vocabulary instruction.The general prescriptions of the vocabulary goals for each gradein senior high schools (Grade 7 refers to Grade 9) are as follows:
Chapter 2 Literature Review文献综述
In this chapter, some definitions and classifications of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) andlearning styles will be specifically reviewed, meanwhile, the theoretical framework of the current thesis, isdiscussed in details. Vocabulary learning strategies is subclass of language learning strategies, so some briefreview of studies on vocabulary learning strategies will be introduced as well.
2.1 Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategies 英语词汇学习策略的定义
As vocabulary learning strategies is subclass of language learning strategies, so before defining whatVLS is, it is necessary to review some most widely recognized definitions on language learning strategies.Weinstein and Mayer (1986): “Learning strategies are the behaviors and thoughts that a learnerengages in during learning that are intended to influence the learner’s encoding process.”Chamot (1987): ‘‘Language learning strategies are techniques, approaches or deliberate actions thatthe students take in order to facilitate the learning, recall of both linguistics and content area information.’Oxford (1990): “Language learning strategies are behaviors or actions which learners use to makelanguage learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable.”Wen Qiufang also proposed the theory of English learning strategies, she thought English learningstrategies were measures taken for effective learning.According to the new English Curriculum Standards, learning strategies are actions and steps thatstudents take to make learning more efficiently.
Chapter 3 Research Design......................................... 29-33
3.1 Research Questions and Objectives......................................... 29
3.2 Research Subjects .........................................29-30
3.3 Research Instruments .........................................30-33
3.3.1 Questionnaires .........................................30-31
3.3.2 Interview .........................................31-33
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion......................................... 33-43
4.1 Results and Discussion of questionnaires .........................................33-41
4.1.1 Results and Discussion of Questionnaire (1) .........................................33-38
4.1.2 Results and Discussion of Questionnaire (2)......................................... 38-41
4.2 Results and Analysis of the Interviews......................................... 41-43
Chapter 5 Conclusion .........................................43-47
5.1 Major Findings .........................................43-44
5.2 Suggestions for further Research......................................... 44-45
5.3 Limitations of the Present Research .........................................45-47
Conclusion 结论
There are many factors which influence the students’ selection of English vocabulary learningstrategies. This thesis aims to do a research on the relationship between the learning styles and thevocabulary learning strategies of senior high school students. There are two research questions. The resultsshow that the subjects who are investigated in this study tend to show an overall tendency of employing alarge variety of vocabulary learning strategies.
Firstly, according to the data of the questionnaire (1), the five frequently used strategies were:prepetition strategies, pronunciation strategies, dictionary strategies, memory strategies and using strategies,Thus we can infer that the strategies which senior high school students prefer to use are always the onesthat they think effectively.
Secondly, there is strong relationship between the vocabulary learning strategies and the learningstyles, such as affective learning strategies is one of the most popular strategies in auditory and kinestheticlanguage learning styles. And the social learning strategy is the most popular language learning strategies intactile learning style learners. The author of this study also found that there is little effect on the choice ofvocabulary learning strategies between students of grouping learning style and individual learning styles.Language learners' of grouping learning styles only like to use affective learning strategies and languagelearners' of individual learning style prefer memory learning strategy and meta-cognitive strategies. It maypossibly because the subjects in this study are selected from grade two in the senior high school. And thestudents of grade two are facing much pressure from college examination entrance examinations than gradeone. so most of them have to learn new information alone to save time. At the same time, in order to reducetheir anxiety and pressure that formed in the learning process, many of senior high school students like touse affective learning strategy.
The study indicates that both the students and teachers need to pay more attention to learningstrategies through strategy instruction. In this thesis, it just refers to one part of the factors influence thestudents’ selection of vocabulary learning strategies, so it needs more researches on other ranges ofvocabulary learning strategies, such as the following aspects: www.1daixie.com cultural background, beliefs, motivation andattitude. It tries to allow students to become more aware of their preferred learning strategies, and helpthem to become more responsible to meet their own goals. These goals can be achieved when the studentsare trained to use strategies to learn their vocabulary. And by using of strategies the students can becomemore independently and effectively in their vocabulary learning. According to the findings of this research,some suggestions should be proposed.