留学生论文写作格式范例-Organizational Behavior Journal Article Assignme

发布时间:2012-03-05 10:00:19 论文编辑:第一代写网
留学生论文写作格式范例 MGMT 430:  Organizational Behavior Journal Article Assignment 
Spring 2011
Each student will select a current journal article relating to organizational behavior and prepare a 2-4 page summary of the issue.  The summary should include a brief summary of the article, a discussion of the ramifications of the issue/decision/practice, a personal reaction to include your experience and opinion on the topic, and how the topic applies to business management today.  A copy of the article should be submitted with the article summary and the article itself must be at least three (3) pages in length.  Articles should be from professional journals and within the past year.  Due:  Sunday, March 13th.  This assignment is worth 200 points.   

Your Journal Article should include the following: 

State the title of the article and the publication information and why you selected this article. 

Summarize the author’s main points found in the article.

Key Point Analysis
List at least 3 points that reflects how this article relates to organizational behavior

Personal Reflection
Your turn to respond the author’s view
With which views do you agree? 
Which views do you disagree with?
Discuss the reasons for agreement and disagreement

Summarize the article and tell me what you learned from reading this article.