
发布时间:2024-09-24 16:04:14 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

(1)The Requirement of the National English Curriculum Standards for GeneralSenior High School(2017 edition,2020 revision)

The National English Curriculum Standards for General Senior High School(2017edition,2020 revision)(shortened as NECS)emphasizes the importance of higher-orderthinking.The NECS points out developing students’core competencies,which includelanguage ability,cultural awareness,thinking capacity,and learning ability,to implementthe fundamental task of fostering virtue through education.Zhang Jinxiu(2016)pointsout that thinking quality is one of the four core competencies,which means developingstudents’thinking quality,especially higher-order thinking skills,has become a universalrequirement in the primary education stage.Therefore,given the requirements of the NECS for higher-order thinking,it is indispensable for teachers to pay attention tocultivating students’higher-order thinking in English reading teaching.

(2)The Current Situations of Senior High School English Reading Teaching

There are some common problems that are not conducive to cultivating students’higher-order thinking in senior high school English reading teaching.Reading class is acrucial course for students to learn English subject knowledge and a vital way to cultivatestudents’reading ability,comprehension ability,thinking ability,and humanisticliteracy(Zeng Ni 2023:113).However,there are some common problems that are notbeneficial in cultivating students’higher-order thinking in senior high school Englishreading teaching.

1.2 Research Purpose


The purpose of this study is to cultivate students’higher-order thinking and improvestudents’reading achievements in senior high school English reading teaching,so as toimprove the teaching quality.Currently,there are still some problems in English readingteaching that are not conducive to cultivating students’higher-order thinking.Someteachers did not design teaching activities in accordance with students’cognitive leveland paid less attention to the analysis of the deep connotation in texts.This study willapply the question chain based on the ABA to senior high school English readingteaching to explore its effect on cultivating students’higher-order thinking,includingapplication,analysis,evaluation,and creativity,and the effect on improving students’reading achievements.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Core Concepts

2.1.1 Question Chain

The concept of the question chain in this study is clearly introduced by PeiSong(2011).Pei Song pointed out that the question chain is a series of systematic,hierarchical,and independent but interrelated questions converted from the knowledge oftextbooks by the teachers according to the teaching objectives and contents as well asstudents’existing knowledge and experience.The first question paves the way for thesecond one,and the second one is the ladder of the third one.Question chains can helpstudents form an information chain in their minds gradually,deepening theirunderstanding to the text and improving their reading ability.

This study uses three types of question chains based on the ABA.To solve thecritical problem of how to design question chains and help students build a ladder ofthinking in English reading teaching,Zhao Shanghua(2015)divided question chains intotext explicit question chains,text implicit question chains,and text transcendent questionchains according to the relationship between questions and reading text,who also adopted Pei Song’s definition of question chain.Most importantly,Zhao Shanghuapointed out these three types of question chains are generally paired with the cognitivelevel of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives(as shown in Table 2-1).Therefore,teachers designing these three types of question chains can better comply with the orderof students’cognitive development and guide students to understand and analyze thecontent of the text progressively.

2.2 Previous Studies on the Cultivation ofHigher-order Thinking in Senior High SchoolEnglish Reading Teaching at Home and Abroad

To understand the current situation of cultivating students’higher-order thinking insenior high school English reading teaching,this study collects the previous studies oncultivating higher-order thinking in senior high school English reading teaching at homeand abroad.The previous studies introduced teaching methods and strategies forcultivating higher-order thinking abroad.Besides,the research on the importance,feasibility,methods,and strategies for cultivating higher-order thinking in senior highschool English reading teaching at home are also collected.

2.2.1 Previous Studies on the Cultivation of Higher-orderThinking in Senior High School English Reading TeachingAbroad

Some scholars have tried to explore the effect of one teaching activity or teachingmethod on cultivating students’higher-order thinking in English reading teaching.Barnett(1993)pointed out that the purpose of post-reading activities in teaching is tovalidate students’reading comprehension,develop their logical thinking,and enablestudents to understand the reading material more deeply.Yaron Doppelt(2009)believedthat reading teaching activities should be designed to reflect students’creative thinking.The teaching method involving creative thinking made high school students be willing topropose new ideas based on the content.Terresa Carlgren(2013)proposed that manyfactors affected the development of students’critical thinking.He advocated that highschool students should take the initiative to develop their critical thinking.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation....................................30

3.1 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives..................30

3.2 The Problem Continuum Theory................................32

Chapter Four The Application of the Question Chain Based on the ABA................36

4.1 The Principles of Designing Question Chain.............................36

4.2 The Procedures of Designing the Question Chain Based on the ABA................38

Chapter Five Research Design.....................................64

5.1 Research Questions............................................64

5.2 Research Participants........................................64

Chapter Six Results and Discussion

6.1 Results and Discussion of Thinking Scale

The thinking scale in EC and CC was carried out before and after the experimentrespectively,to test the effect of the question chain based on the ABA on students’higher-order thinking.90 thinking scales were distributed to the EC and CC before andafter the experiment.Before the experiment,this study gave out the thinking scales in theEC and CC to test students’current level of higher-order thinking.After finishing theexperiment,the same thinking scale was handed out to the students in the EC and CC totest the change of students’level of higher-order thinking.There are four dimensions inthe thinking scale:employment,analysis,creation,evaluate.The thinking scale isreferenced to the Higher-order Thinking and Problem Solving Checklist designed by G.D.Borich&M.L.Tombari(2004),with scores of 1-5 indicating very non-conforming,non-conforming,sometimes conforming,conforming,and very conforming respectively.Through the analysis of the test data,this study gets the following findings from thethinking scales and then makes discussions about the results.


Chapter Seven Conclusion

7.1 The Major Findings

Based on the theoretical analysis to the question chain based on the ABA andexperimental research data,the application of the question chain based on the ABA insenior high school English reading teaching has a positive effect on cultivating students’higher-order thinking and improving their reading achievements.Based on the collectionand analysis of literature on the question chains and the question chain based on the ABA,this study applies the question chain based on the ABA to senior high school Englishreading teaching under the guidance of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives andproblem continuum theory.This study aims to explore the effect of applying the questionchain based on the ABA to senior high school English reading teaching on students’higher-order thinking and reading achievements by analyzing the data collected fromreading tests,thinking scale,and interviews.The following conclusions are drawn fromthis experiment.

Firstly,the question chain based on the ABA has a positive effect on cultivatingstudents’higher-order thinking in senior high school,and it can promote the developmentof students’employment ability,analysis ability,evaluation ability and creation ability.The analysis ability has been improved most significantly,followed by creation ability,employment ability,and evaluation ability.On the one hand,under the guidance ofBloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives and the problem continuum theory,thisstudy designs the question chain based on the ABA.Cheng Xiaotang(2022)points outthat the three activity levels of ABA are designed based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and the characteristics of English learning.This study adopts thequestion chain types designed by Zhao Shanghua(2015).These three types of questionchains correspond to students’cognitive levels one by one.Therefore,the progressivequestion chains based on the three activity levels of the ABA follow students’cognitivelevels and are conducive to promoting the development of students’thinking fromlow-order to high-order.




