代写商务英语课程论文-Practical Business Project Design

发布时间:2012-02-27 09:32:27 论文编辑:商务英语专业论文

Assignment specification (BA Program)
英语专业必修课程作业要求 (专升本课程)
Course: Practical Business Project Design
Assignment: 02 (Units 6-10)
Assignment title: Data Collection/Appendices, Project Implementation, Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, Abstracts, and the first draft of the whole paper
姓名:   ________   学籍号:   ______________  年级:               
学习中心: ________ 辅导教师:              

Based on the project design you have completed in the previous stage, you are asked to implement your project and then compose the core parts of your BA degree paper in this assignment. Please refer to units 6-10 of Practical Business Project Design for guidance and support to this assignment. The information in brackets indicate the specific unit you can refer to.

There are SIX parts in this assignment.

Part One  Data Collection/Appendices (Unit 6>Activity 2)

In your online courseware, two categories of forms/methods are introduced to collect primary data:
 Observation and logs
 Surveys and interviews
Please present the types of forms you plan to use to collect data in this project, which are going to be attached as appendices in your BA degree paper. You should give a title to each of the form, such as “Focus Group Discussion Outline”, “Training Evaluation Form” and “Questionnaire”.

But first, please restate your project objective and hypothesis to which your tutor can refer while they evaluate the types of data you are going to collect.

Project objective: _______________________________________________________________

Project hypothesis: ______________________________________________________________

Insert your description after the prompts in the space below.

Form I:

Form II:

Form III:

Form …

You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutor’s Comments” below.

Assessment Criteria 评估
合格 需修改
A variety of tools are used to collect data. 
Sufficient results can be obtained by using these forms. 
The items or questions in the forms are well-designed to help verify the credibility of the project hypothesis. 
Each form is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous English. 
Tutor’s Comments:

Part Two  Data Presentation (units 6 & 9)

After having implemented your project and analyzed the data collected, you are now asked to describe in detail what you have found. You should describe your findings with the support of necessary graphs, charts, tables, etc. This important part will later on be presented in your BA degree paper under the heading such as “Data Presentation” or “Project Findings”.

Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: no fewer than 800 words.)

You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutor’s Comments” below.

Assessment Criteria 评估
合格 需修改
A brief summary of the actual implementation is given, including any deviations from the original design. 
Conditions for collecting the data are specified, including dates, times, research subjects and quantity. 
Tables or charts are used to compile the data and show trends.  Tables and charts have proper titles and numbers so that variables are clear. 
The data is clearly and properly presented. 
This whole part is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous English. 
Tutor’s Comments:

Part Three  Discussion and Conclusion (Unit 10)

Based on the data you have presented in Part Two, you are now required to select some significant facts and interpret these findings in a broader context. Instead of simply restating your results, you should draw inferences about their implications for business in general. This important part will later on be presented in your BA degree paper under the heading like “Discussion”.

Write your text under the following blank space according to the above areas. (Suggested length: no fewer than 500 words.)
You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutor’s Comments” below.

Assessment Criteria 评估
合格 需修改
Significant facts have been selected for discussion, starting with those most relevant to the hypothesis. 
The data is properly analyzed and discussed. 
The meaning of the data in relation to the original objective and hypothesis is made clear. 
Final conclusions, such as whether the findings support the hypothesis, are stated. 
The significance of the results and the project has been explained. 
Any limitations and directions for future research have been discussed. 
The conclusion contains no fewer than 300 words. 
This part is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous language. 
Tutor’s Comments:

Part Four  Abstracts (units 7 & 8)

Your BA degree paper needs two abstracts, one in Chinese and a second in English. The Chinese abstract should have between 500 and 800 words, and the English abstract about 300 words. Although the two abstracts differ in length, their content is about the same. The abstract should concisely describe:
 the project background, problem statement, problem analysis, objective(s), hypothesis, research subjects, key contents, implementation period, key method(s), main results and significance.

Insert your description after the prompts in the space below.

摘要 (中文)

Abstract (English)

You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutor’s Comments” below.

Assessment Criteria 评估
合格 需修改
The project background is introduced. 
A specific problem is identified and concisely analyzed. 
The project objective and hypothesis are stated. 
A specific implementation period is given. 
The research subject and key content are briefly introduced. 
The key method(s) is described. 
The main results and significance are concisely presented. 
附有3至5个关键词, 以分号“;”分隔。
The abstract is followed by between 3 and 5 key words,separated from each other by semi-colon “;”. 
The abstract is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous language. 
Tutor’s Comments:

Part Five  Introduction (Unit 7>Activity 3 )

Write the Introduction of your BA degree paper under the following blank space. The Introduction should include information on: the project background, problem statement, problem analysis, rationale or cited references, objective(s), hypothesis, research subjects, key contents, and expected results.


You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions. Please tick in the proper cell and write your overall comments in the box of “Tutor’s Comments” below.

Assessment Criteria 评估
合格 需修改
The role of the writer in this project is clarified. 
The introduction explains the current situation, defines the problem clearly and shows why the research is significant. 
The project objective and hypothesis are stated. 
The research subjects and key content are briefly introduced. 
The rationale clearly supports the specific conceptual theories and methodology that underlie the research project. 
代写商务英语课程论文All cited references are properly introduced and discussed. Clear connections are made between cited references and the hypothesis. 
Expected results and significant findings of the research project are predicted. 
The Introduction is expressed in clear, accurate and unambiguous language. 
Tutor’s Comments:

Part Six   BA degree paper (draft)

Now that you have completed each and every component of the BA degree paper, arrange them in the proper order starting from the preliminaries (Cover Page, Abstracts, Table of Contents, etc.), through the body (Introduction, Rationale, Data Description, etc.) and to Bibliography and Appendix.

Download the template for the BA degree paper from the learning platform and paste your paper onto it.
(Suggested length: 4000 - 6000 words.)

You are required to provide between-text comments on the student’s writing by using the “Edit” function or a contrasting font color to highlight your comments or suggestions while assessing the student’s paper against the following criteria.


BeiwaiOnline’s BA Degree Paper Assessment Criteria

(Assessment Items) 评价指标
(Assessment Criteria) 满分
(Max. Points) 得分
(Points Given)

(Language & Organisation)
CRITICAL ITEM 1. 语句通顺,行文流畅,语言符合学术论文标准。
The paper does not contain major errors or a large number of language mistakes.  The writing is acceptable for a Bachelor’s level of English. 10
2. 论文结构完整,包含了论文的必要组成部分,正文部分字数4000-6000词。The paper is complete and contains all the necessary components. The body of the paper contains between 4000 and 6000 words. 

(Research Process)
CRITICAL ITEM  1. 研究过程能够证明学生真正开展了调研,比如通过调研收集了真实的数据。Research Process demonstrates that the student has met all the requirements for completing and documenting original research, such as collecting raw data. 10
2. 论文体现出学生已经把握了调研过程的各个环节(如进行原创性的设计),并且符合大学关于项目设计实施的所有要求。
The student demonstrates sufficient mastery of the various elements of the research process, such as doing original work, and has met all the university’s requirements for completing the project. 
The paper will be invalid unless the student achieves more than 6 points on each of the above two Critical Items.
(Cover Page, Table of Contents, Overall Format) 封面、目录格式符合模版要求。论文整体格式整齐规范,符合模版要求: 标题、字体、行距等符合规范;页码标注正确,从“导言”开始标注。
The Cover Page and the Table of Contents conform to the Templates. The paper is professionally formatted, conforming to the Template. The pages are properly numbered, starting with the Introduction. 10
(Chinese and English Abstracts) 1. 每个摘要均包含以下内容:项目背景(比如公司名称,作者的角色)、问题、问题的原因分析综述、项目目标、项目假设、项目对象、项目内容、项目实施时间、项目调研方法、项目调研结果综述、项目意义及关键词。
The abstract concisely describes: the project background, problem statement, problem analysis, objective(s), hypothesis, research subjects, key contents, implementation period, key method(s), main results, significance and key words. 10
2. 每个摘要均新起一页。
The abstracts both appear on a new page. 
3. 无任何语言和标点错误。
There are no punctuation or language errors. 
4. 中文摘要为500-800字,英文摘要为200-300字。
The Chinese abstract is 500-800 Chinese characters in length, and the English, 200-300 words.   
(Introduction) 1. 导言充分介绍和项目相关的背景信息:项目背景(比如公司/学校的概况,作者的角色等)、研究意义、问题分析、文献综述、项目目标、项目假设、项目对象、项目内容、项目实施时间、项目调研方法。
The Introduction includes information on: the project background, rationale, problem analysis, cited references, objective(s), hypothesis, research subjects, key contents, implementation period, and key method(s). 10
2. 字数符合要求,导言字数不少于300词。
The Introduction contains no less than 300 words. 
3. 导言新起一页,有论文大标题,页码为1。
The Introduction appears on a new page as Page “1” of the body of the paper, with the internal thesis title before the body part. 
(Project Design) 1. 明确描述问题、问题分析的方法、概括分析过程和分析结果。
The problem, along with the process and results of the problem analysis, has been clearly defined. 10
2. 明确描述一个总体项目目标及项目假设。
One primary objective and hypothesis have been clearly and specifically expressed. 
3. 具体描述项目设计的各个环节(商务方向项目设计应该有必要内容如:具体任务、关键路径、时间表、成员职责、成本分析、风险分析、实施监测与评估计划等。教育方向项目设计应该有必要内容如:调研对象与方法、具体教学步骤、收集数据的方法、使用的教材等)。
Research methods have been clearly defined, including: research subjects, procedures (for business projects: activities planned, critical path, time scale, people involved, cost analysis, risk analysis, monitoring and evaluation, etc.; for teaching projects: teaching methods, teaching materials, etc.), and data collection.  
(Results Description & Discussion) 1 明确描述数据收集的方法、时间、对象以及数量。
Conditions for collecting the data have been specified, including dates, times, research subjects and quantity. 10
2. 用图表或表格呈现数据,每个图表或表格有编号和标题。
Tables or charts have been used to compile the data and show trends.  Tables and charts have proper titles and numbers so that variables are clear. 
3. 数据的分析和讨论与项目目标和假设直接关联,能够总结出数据的总体趋势,并能够提供原始数据以备检验。
The data has been compiled into a format that clearly expresses trends related to the hypothesis. The raw data is available for checking.  
4. 总结、分析和讨论了全部提及到的调研方法所收集的重要核心数据。
Each set of data has been presented, analyzed and discussed. 
5. 结果描述和分析部分字数不少于1000词。
The Results and Discussion contain no less than 1000 words. 
(Conclusion) 1. 结论中包含了对项目调研结果以及项目意义的结论性论述,并且与项目假设相关。The results and their significance have been fully explained and compared with the work of other researchers.  Conclusions have been reached as to whether the hypothesis has been proved/supported/disproved and on the broader meaning of the project. 10
2. 包含了对项目局限性的说明和/或未来更深入的调研计划。
Any limitations and directions for future research have been discussed. 
3. 结论不少于300词。
The Conclusion contains no less than 300 words. 
(Cited References ,) 1. 引用文献必须达到五项或五项以上(英语教育方向论文的引用文献不应包括项目实施中使用的教材)。
There are at least 5 references cited in the body of the paper, excluding the school textbooks used in the teaching projects. 10
2. 论文正文中和Bibliography中所提及的书目相对应。
The references mentioned in the body are consistent with the items listed in the Bibliography. 
3. 引用文献撰写符合格式规范(请参见“论文写作课程辅导手册”附录二)。
The references have been formatted properly (using APA style). 
4. 文献综述应讨论以下内容:项目相关的理论基础、相关调研方法以及项目设计的理由等。
References have been used to support the theoretical basis of the project, including related theories and research.  Connections have been drawn between the work of other researchers and the current project. 
(Bibliography & Appendices) 1 参考书目格式规范(请参见“论文写作课程辅导手册”附录二)。
The bibliography and appendices have been formatted correctly (using APA style/ ). Each appendix appears in correct sequence with its own title. 10
2. 参考书目中的文献信息和论文正文中所提及的书目相对应。
Complete information for the references cited in the body of the paper appears in the bibliography. 
Each appendix appears in correct sequence with its own title. 
4. 附录应新起一页。
Each appendix begins on a new page. 
总分 (Total Score) 100
(Overall Comments) 请将您对论文的总体意见和评语填写在此处。(Please write your overall comment here. )