
发布时间:2024-07-01 20:20:27 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter One Task Description

1.1 Background Information

With the continuous tightening of global energy and the continuous warming of theclimate,the development of electric vehicles has become a general trend.In recent years,therise of electric vehicles at home and abroad has begun to gradually replace the traditionalautomotive industry.Electric vehicles not only solve the problem of energy consumption,butalso contribute a lot to curbing global warming.BYD continues to grow and develop in Chinaand has made great contributions to the country and society.As an important part of China'ssocialist market economy,private enterprises contribute more than half of GDP and nearlyninety percent of new jobs.As a private enterprise in the field of electric vehicles,BYDactively responded to the government's call,vigorously promoted the application of cleanenergy in the automotive field,established its own development system,and always adheredto green development.

Wang Chuanfu,president of BYD,delivered a speech at the 2021 Yabuli ChinaEntrepreneurs Forum,focusing on BYD's development history and how BYD adheres to theoriginal intention of developing the green electric vehicle industry under the huge difficulties faced by the clean energy automobile industry at home and abroad.BYD continues to achievesustainable development goals through technical means and strives to complete the task ofcarbon neutrality in China.Since 2008,BYD has begun to use lithium iron phosphate as abattery,which not only solves the problem of energy density,but also solves the safetyproblem.In this way,it opens up a huge market for the electric vehicle industry in China.


1.2 Task Requirements

In order to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of this mock interpretation,theauthor should do the best to restore the real interpretation scene.

First,the material should be chosen carefully because not all materials are suitable to dothe mock task and it also has to be made that the selected material has not been interpreted ortranslated in order to keep the authenticity.

Second,the choice of the venue is as close as possible to the real interpretation scene,and it is best to choose the school's simultaneous interpretation room.At the same time,theparticipants participating in this simulation should be determined in advance,and they will beinformed about the theme and main contents of the meeting in advance,so that the author'sperformance in all aspects can be evaluated and scored after interpretation.

Third,the author should make thorough preparations before interpreting,includingunderstanding BYD and its leaders,familiarity with automotive industry especially electricvehicles terminology,and confirmation of the venue equipment.

Last,for formal simulations,interpreters and their attendees should dress formally andenter the venue in advance of the agreed time.The interpretation process is as close aspossible to the real interpretation scene,especially the consecutive interpretation scene,whichmeans that sometimes the speaker’s speaking is longer,and sometimes it is relatively short.Don't divide the blocks very short to facilitate interpretation.

Chapter Two An Overview of the Interpreting Process

2.1 Pre-interpreting

There is no such conference that needs interpreters preparing nothing for it(Seleskovitch,1992).As an old Chinese saying goes:if you fail to plan,you plan to fail.No matter what youdo,adequate preparation will definitely make it easier to do it.The same goes forinterpretation.Whether it is simultaneous or consecutive interpretation,comprehensive andsufficient pre-interpretation preparation is an important prerequisite for the interpreter tosuccessfully complete the interpretation location.There are many pre-interpretationpreparations,involving many aspects(Yin Taojie,2021),including the preparation ofinterpretation topics,terminology preparation,object preparation,pre-interpretationpsychological preparation,interpretation tools and equipment preparation,etc.(Xin Yanyan,2019)

2.1.1 Preparation of the Material

At the end of November last year,at the request of the supervisor,the author began tosearch for materials online.The initial material sent to the supervisor was not the finalselected material,which was a video presentation by the head of a foreign company.Aftersending it to the supervisor,she felt that the content of the material was too simple and had noreference significance as a practical material.So the author found a few more materials tosend to the supervisor,one of which was the video of the Yabuli entrepreneur speechdelivered by the president of BYD.After watching a few videos selected by the author,thesupervisor felt that BYD's video content was good,but at the same time pointed out that theauthor could continue to look for other materials,and if she really couldn't find othermaterials in the end,she could use BYD's video.

2.2 While-interpreting

As mentioned earlier,the mock conference interpreting started at 8 a.m.and the wholemeeting lasted 113 minutes,of which interpretation time accounts for about 50 percent.Thesimulation of this interpretation is a one-way interpretation from Chinese to English.

After the interpretation simulation started,roommate A,as the“host”,played the video,because there was no prior communication of the pause time,so roommate A was alwaysirregular when controlling the playback.For example,at the beginning of the video,the realhost Jiang Changjian in the video said a long paragraph,roommate A only paused once for theauthor to interpret,a large amount of information and more dense terminologies made theauthor very nervous,and there was some information loss.

Roommate A found that the author was a little nervous,so she adjusted the playing time,and the author successfully interpreted the opening statement and then watched BYD's visionfilm,because the vision film is with English subtitles,so there was no need for the author tointerpret,so the author used this time to try to adjust the state and lay the foundation for thenext stage of interpretation.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation ................................. 11

3.1 Overview of Gile’s Effort Model ........................ 11

3.2 Application of the Theory in Interpreting ......................... 12

Chapter Four Case Analysis .......................... 13

4.1 Misinterpretation and the Solutions ................................ 13

4.1.1 Misinterpretation of Terminologies Solved by Terminology Database ............ 13

4.1.2 Misinterpretation of Numbers Solved by Converting Units ...... 15

Conclusion .................................... 23

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 Misinterpretation and the Solutions

Interpreting is a multitasking process that requires the simultaneous participation of allcognitive abilities to successfully complete the task.But when energy is not properlydistributed,mistakes occur.In other words,an imbalance in the distribution of energy at anyone point will lead to a deterioration in the quality of interpretation.In recent years,researchers have explored the language comprehension process of interpretation frommultiple perspectives,mainly including the influence of source language information oninterpreter's comprehension(Gerver,1976;Galli,1990;Shlesinger,2003),strategies forunderstanding under different syntactic complexity(Meuleman&VanBesian,2009),andtranscoding of source and target languages(Macizo&Bajo,2004,2006;Ruiz,Paredes,Macizo&Bajo,2008).In the process of listening,interpreters may not understand the words,sentence patterns or logic of the source language and cannot interpret smoothly(Yang Jing,2019).In the process of relistening and transcribing,the author mainly encountered problemssuch as unfamiliarity with terminology and misinterpretation of numbers,which are analyzedas follows.



This practice report is based on a speech delivered by BYD’s President Wang Chuanfu atthe 2021 Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum.The main content of Wang Chuanfu's speech isabout BYD's persistence and achievements in recent years.This practice report mainlyrecords the entire process of the author's mock C-E interpretation assignment,includingpre-interpretation preparation,while-interpretation evaluation and post-interpretationreflection.

After completing this interpretation practice,the author summarized some interpretationproblems encountered in the practice process and analyzed them during the post-interpretationreflection.Finally,through extensive references and books,solutions to these problems werefound and described in detail in Chapter Four of this Practice Report.The author's findings inthis practice are as follows:

First,the problems encountered by student interpreters and novice interpreters in theearly stages of interpreting can be roughly classified into three categories,namely,listeningand comprehension problems in interpretation;poblems with notes taken in interpreting andoutput problems in interpreting.In each of these three categories,each interpreter willencounter different minor problems,such as insufficient short-term memory and unevendistribution of notes,and Chinglish.For example,for the problem of balancing short-termmemory and notes,interpreters can follow the"three seven principles",that is,30%for notetaking while 70%for brain memorization.For the problem of Chinglish,interpreters shouldreinforce their self-monitor effort on site.
