
发布时间:2024-08-20 21:38:14 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter One Task Description

1.1 Background and Significance of the Task

On September 19,2022,under the commendation of Mrs.Wei of the School ofForeign Languages of Dezhou University,Shangdong Yige Advertising Company entrustedthe translator to translate two commercial brand introductions,aiming to serve the researchand promotion of its curriculum.The client is mainly engaged in curriculum construction,online course services and course promotion in colleges and universities,and the audienceis mostly students and their parents.On September 20,2022,the client sent twocommercial brand introductions,each of which was about 15,500 words,with a total ofabout 31,000 words.The translator was required to express the original content as much aspossible and submit it on time.Due to the tight time stipulated by the client,the translatorinvited a classmate to translate together,one for each of the two brand introductions.

In recent years,with the proposal and development of President Xi’s“Belt and RoadInitiative’’and“Global Development Initiative’’,more and more enterprises have goneabroad,and the external publicity of enterprises has naturally become a very important part.While spreading the company’s image,culture and product concept,a good brandintroduction will also attract a large number of foreign users,which can not only increasethe company’s income,but also promote brand benefits.In view of this,this translationpractice can provide some help for the future translation work of commercial brandintroduction.


1.2 Features of the Source Text

The ST is an introduction of the commercial brand Reading Home,an informativetext with some vocative function,which mainly introduces a series of contents such as thebrand concept,positioning and its market environment.Its main aim is to attract targetreaders.In essence,a commercial brand introduction is an advertisement that not onlyconveys information,but also has the function of arousing the reader’s interest.

Firstly,there are many short sentences and a large number of repetitive,wordy andcolloquial Chinese words in the text,which is inconsistent with the cultural habits ofreaders in the target country.Therefore,necessary translation skills such as omission andcombination were adopted by the translator during the translation process.

Secondly,a large number of category names,culture-loaded words and advertisingslogans have appeared in the sentence,such as“reading ability training class’’,“211”,“985”,“地头蛇”etc.,which makes it more difficult for the target reader to understand.Inview of it,the translator adopted amplification to expound relative sentences appropriatelyto meet the value orientation and aesthetics of the target reader,arouse their interests andstimulate their desires,achieving the same effect on the readership of the translation as hasobtained on the readership of the original.

Chapter Two Translation Process

2.1 Translation Preparation

As a proverb says,“A well beginning is half success’’.After receiving the source textsent by the client,the translator first skimmed the whole article to experience its style andword characteristics.The source text is a commercial brand introduction,belonging to theinformative text.In addition,the introduction content of the brand is more colloquial,andthere are a large number of commercial vocabularies in it.

Next,the translator watched the Apple’s press event from the Internet,focusing on thevocabularies and sentence patterns used by the speaker,in order to have a betterunderstanding of the translation style and method of commercial brands.Then,thetranslator read some“parallel texts’’according to the content of the ST,which gave himsome inspirations.The translator also had a good view of the relative business knowledgeand English expressions involved in the source text.What’s more,the translator learnedmany specialized terms by means of CNKI,paper dictionaries and online search tools suchas Baidu and Google,which laid a solid foundation for translation.

2.2 Translating

After having a general understanding of the background knowledge of the source text,the translator paid more attention to the fluency and nature of language expression.Forexample,there are many short sentences in the source text,so the translator used prepositions,attributive clauses,adverbial clauses and so on in the translation to integratethese sentences.

Secondly,the culture-loaded words in the source text such as“211”,“985”and“地头蛇”add a lot of difficulties to the translator in the process of translation.In order totranslate these words faithfully and accurately,the translator consulted his teacher in thecultural translation class.

What’s more,the translation of brand names had been puzzling the translator.Take“阅读王”as an example.At that time,the translator had been thinking about how totranslate it well every night before going to bed.One day,the translator took the K43 buspast Wanda on Jingsi Road and saw the brand name“孩子王”and its translation“KidsWant”posted on the outside wall.The translator got some inspiration from it.Whencoming back to school,the translator immediately went to the library and searched relativetheses on CNKI.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ............................. 7

3.1 An Overview of Communicative Translation Theory (CTT) ............ 7

3.2 Application of the CTT in the Translation ............................ 8

Chapter Four Case Analysis ................................. 11

4.1 At Lexical Level ................................................. 11

4.1.1 Conversion of Parts of Speech .............................. 11

4.1.2 Omission .................................................. 13

Chapter Five Conclusion ................................. 27

Chapter Four Case Analysis

4.1 At Lexical Level


In the translation process of the introduction of the commercial brand Reading Home,due to cultural differences between the East and the West,many colloquial words in thesource text should be processed with appropriate translation techniques so that they can berecognized and understood by the target reader.In addition,the translation of commercialbrand introduction often implies deep purposes and intentions,which requires a higherstandard for the accuracy of vocabulary during the translation.Under the guidance ofcommunicative translation theory,the next part analyzed the translated text through thetechniques of conversion of parts of speech,omission and negation.

4.1.1 Conversion of Parts of Speech

The parts of speech conversion refers to changing the part of speech of some words inthe original text without changing the content of the original text during translation.Newmark believes that“in all CT,whether one is translating an informative text,a noticeor an advert,naturalness is essential”(A Text Book 23).Naturalness requires“first,thetranslation makes sense,second,it reads naturally,it is written in ordinary language,thecommon grammar,idioms and words that meet that kind of situation”(Newmark 24).Chinese is characterized by the high frequency of verbs while English is characterized bythe high frequency of nouns,so changing the parts of speech during the translation isessential for the translator.

Chapter Five Conclusion

Integrated with the guiding theory of Newmark’s communicative translation,thisreport mainly focuses on the reflection and analysis on two aspects:the adopted translationtechniques and the application of CTT to the translation of corporate promotional text.Thefollowing are some of the translator’s introspections.

First of all,based on the elaboration of the commercial brand“Reading Home”,thesource text reflects its characteristics and advantages through comparison with othercommercial brands,aiming to make the target reader understand the brand and attract theirinterest.The source text also introduces some famous commercial brands,such as Sleemon,to make target readers understand the brand better.This translation task focuses on how touse appropriate and flexible translation methods and skills,such as amplification,restructuring and combination,to solve the challenges encountered in translation,so as tomake the target text more attractive and appealing to target readers.Through thistranslation practice,the translator has deepened his understanding of Newmark’scommunicative translation theory and had a better command of translation techniques andmethods.

What’s more,the translator broadened his horizons and learned more professionalknowledge related to education,business and market.An excellent translator should havenot only professional skills but also rich knowledge.This translation practice had improvedthe translator’s English ability in grammar and vocabulary,sharpened his awareness of thedifferences between English and Chinese,which undoubtedly will push the translator takeanother step forward on the road of translation.




