
发布时间:2024-05-20 19:12:07 论文编辑:vicky


Chapter 1 Task Description

1.1 Selection of the Source Text

The unique perspective and novel subject matter can arouse positive thoughts amongChinese readers,especially female readers.The book If We Break is a memoir from theperspective of women,published in 2022 by acclaimed American author Kathleen Buhle.It is an honest,first-hand account of an independent woman who gradually loses herselfin her marriage and then faces the reality of her husband’s alcohol and drug addiction andinfidelity.The memoir is told from a female perspective,turning page by page throughthe author’s memoir of the past 24 years of her marriage,recreating the whole process oflosing herself in marriage,finding herself,and finally identifying with herself.Thismemoir of self-redemption and self-actualization is a great inspiration to women whohave lost themselves in marriage and wish to regain their identity.

Kathleen Buhle’s brave and honest story transcends politics,division,hearsay,andjudgment.It is a story of love and growth.She writes with warmth and kindness,withoutbitterness.Her account is clear-eyed,painful,heartfelt,funny,and,best of all,hopeful.Itis a harrowing tale of innocence and self-discovery,truth-telling and resilience.Thisinspiring chronicle of radical honesty and self-actualization speaks to women who havelost part of their identity and want to reclaim it.


1.2 Analysis of the Source Text

In the process of analyzing the source text,an introduction to the source text and ananalysis of features are made.The translator first makes a brief introduction to theauthor’s background,and then discusses the content of the source text.The features of thesource text are mentioned at last from three aspects of vocabulary,syntactic structure,and text.

1.2.1 Introduction to the source text

Kathleen Buhle shares her story of resilience and self-discovery after her marriage toHunter Biden unraveled in the wake of substance abuse and infidelity in this intimate,astonishing memoir.In If We Break,Kathleen Buhle writes clearly and courageouslyabout her life and story.From a working-class family to the first family,Buhle tells astory that will help others who have loved someone with addiction recognize thataddiction does not discriminate and there is nothing anyone can do to cure an addict.Thatcan only come from a choice the addict makes to change their life.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework

2.1 Introduction to Translation Compensation Theory

Based on linguistics and other related disciplines,translation compensation theorydeveloped.The process of change in translation and the relative untranslatability oflanguage inevitably leads to translation loss.In order to reduce translation loss and makethe translation especially similar to the source text in terms of structure,semantics,function,style and aesthetics,it is necessary to conduct translation compensation(Liu,2010).

Xia Tingde is the first person to conduct a systematic and comprehensive study ontranslation compensation in China.His Study of Translation Compensation is the firstbook on translation compensation in China(Xia,2006).In this book,Xia(2006)redefines compensation,pointing out that compensation is the repair or bridging ofpotential or incurred losses in the translation process by means of the target languageprimarily,supplemented by other linguistic means in accordance with the statutes ornorms of the target language,depending on the type of text and the purpose of thetranslation.The new definition remedies the lack of means of compensation and correctsthe tendency to neglect the type of text and the purpose of translation in translationcompensation.

A Study on Translation Compensation is the first comprehensive and systematicstudy of translation compensation in China.Demonstrating the rationale of translationcompensation,Xia(2006)proposed six principles and eight compensation types andstudied the application of compensation skills.

2.2 Selection of Translation Compensation Theory

The inevitability of translation losses and the necessity for compensation determinesthe feasibility of translation compensation theory to guide this translation practice report.“Loss”in novel translation is inevitable.The translator must compensate for these lossesin the process of translation in order to restore the linguistic and aesthetic information ofthe source text.The novel chosen for this report has a detailed narrative,meticulouspsychological descriptions and rich dialogues,which tends to lose the delicate emotionalinformation implied in the original descriptions and the unique aesthetic connotations inthe context when translating.

Xia(2006)argues that cultural differences are known to cause losses in translation,especially in written translation,because they are taken out of context and across timeand space.It is difficult to escape,no matter what type or form the text belongs to.Because of the influence of Chinese and English language and culture,the loss oflinguistic and aesthetic levels between the two languages inevitably occurs in the processof conversion.Therefore,translation compensation has the feasibility to reduce lossesand reproduce the source text as completely as possible.His suggestions are to considerthe reading expectations of the target language readers,to avoid over-compensation,andto increase the rationality and effectiveness of compensation.

Chapter 3 Translation Process .............................. 13

3.1 Pre-translation Preparation ................................ 13

3.2 While-translation Procedure .............................. 14

3.3 Post-translation Proofreading .............................. 15

Chapter 4 Case Analysis ................................. 17

4.1 Lexical Compensation ......................... 17

4.1.1 Derivation ............................ 18

4.1.2 Specification .......................... 20

Chapter 5 Conclusion ........................... 48

5.1 Major Gains...................................... 48

5.2 Limitations .......................................... 49

Chapter 4 Case Analysis

4.1 Lexical Compensation

As a small unit of the language system,vocabulary is susceptible to the influence ofcommon contexts and situations.According to Nida(1993:68),“Vocabulary has bothspecificative and associative meanings”.Nida(1993:68)argues that“designativemeanings represent actual or linguistic world designations,while associative meaningsrepresent values and attitudes”.The associative meaning of a word derives primarily fromthe context(both cultural and linguistic)in which such a word is habitually found.It isinfluenced by the different contexts,as well as by the differences between the twodifferent languages and cultures(Wang,2021).

It is therefore likely that some words in the source language will not find acounterpart in the target language.As a result,loss of meaning at the lexical level oftenoccurs.In order to avoid or minimize such losses,it is necessary to compensate by anumber of means,including but not limited to the following:derivation,amplification,specification,adaptation and conversion.

Lexical compensation at the linguistic level is generally limited to the lexical level.Losses of lexical meaning occur from time to time(Cui&Liu,2015).These losses may affect the referential meaning,the associated meaning,or the pragmatic meaning.Theloss is compensated for by means of appropriate compensation,depending on thesituation,the type of text and the purpose of the translation.The main means of lexicalcompensation are compensation by integration and compensation by isolation(Feng,2014).


Chapter 5 Conclusion

5.1 Major Gains

The gains from a translation practice report can vary based on individualexperiences and specific circumstances,but here are some harvests:

First,as a literary genre,memoirs possess a unique narrative style and literary charm.Their words are subtle yet powerful,resonating deeply with feminist readers.In thismemoir,Kathleen Buhle meticulously revisits the 24 years of her married life,whichencompassed love,struggles,sacrifices,and redemption.She vividly expresses her pastfeelings and experiences,delving into the meaning of life:not losing oneself in the midstof life and the importance of being true to oneself.This memoir holds literary andaesthetic value,prompting readers to reflect and gain insights.

Second,considering the complex and variable vocabulary and sentence structures inIf We Break,finding the right way to express these intricacies is crucial for the translator.Through this translation project,the translator gained profound insights into thetranslation characteristics and challenges of memoirs.

What’s more,translation practice is an excellent way to improve language skills.Through continuous practice,you can gain a deeper understanding of the target languageand your native language,improving your language expression and reading abilities.Translation practice can also help translators gain a deeper understanding of thedifferences between different cultures.During the translation process,the translator willencounter texts from various domains,which can broaden the translator’s culturalperspective.




