Writing a College Paper-如何撰写大学论文?怎么写大学paper?代写留学生论文

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Writing a College Paper
Persuade Your Audience and Get the Grade
The best way to write a college paper is to apply an organized writing process. That way, you'll quickly be able to craft compelling arguments and back them up with supporting evidence.

Start with Structure
Whether you're analyzing facts in a research paper or interpreting texts in a critical paper, you need to convince your audience of the validity of your interpretation. Give your paper a clear structure — begin with an argument which is laid out through a series of claims, each of which is supported by evidence. Your paper should answer three basic questions:

What is the evidence? Answer this question with a presentation of your research or with evidence from the texts.

What is your interpretation of the evidence? Answer this question with your interpretation of the factual material or texts.

So what? Answer this question with a statement of your argument.
Keep Your Focus Narrow
For a short assignment (three to five pages), choose an argument that can be demonstrated in three or four simple steps. For a longer paper, choose a more ambitious argument.

Establish Your Argument in the First Paragraph
Introduce your paper with an argument or claim. In one prominent sentence, state your case, establishing a position you defend in the body of the paper.

Suppose you've decided to evaluate two theories of economic growth in Mozambique. Instead of opening with a list of facts about Mozambique, try to establish your argument by stating briefly which theory is best and why.

Make Your Argument Specific and Compelling
Compare the following claims:

Okay: "Dependency models are better than core-periphery models."

This argument is far too general — your job is not only to choose among these models of economic development, but to decide which differences between them matter and why. Also, when an argument is too general, it's too easy for your reader to come up with a counterargument before even reading your work.

Better: "The economic history of Mozambique shows that dependency models are better than core-periphery models."

/ This takes you a step closer but still doesn't include the final step of calling the reader's attention to how and why these models are important and worthy of comparison.

Best: "The economic history of Mozambique shows that dependency models better explain economic underdevelopment than core-periphery models, particularly in regions of the world relatively unaffected by cold war politics of the 1960s and 1970s."

A statement like this one gives your reader a clear sense of where you're going to take your argument, as well as hinting at why these differences matter.
Tip: If you're writing a research paper

Develop a counterargument to your own. Collect those facts that don't fit neatly into your argument and spell them out in a paragraph near the end of your paper. Identify which hypothesis they appear to support. In a few sentences explain why, despite this seemingly damaging evidence, the hypothesis, model or theory you've chosen to support is better. Don't underestimate the power of this strategy — it is a sophisticated signal of your confidence in your work.

Double-Check Your First Paragraph
When you are finished writing, look back over the first paragraph. Can you identify which sentence states your case? Is it clear to your reader exactly what your argument is? Have you ensured that your reader cannot walk away from your paper thinking, "So what?"

Bolster Your Ideas with Strong Writing
Here are some ways to strengthen your argument and its presentation:

Build your argument in steps. Make sure your sentences follow one another logically and coherently. Include clear transitions between your paragraphs.

Thoroughly express concepts and claims. For each assertion you make, ask yourself, Have I really defended this claim or merely stated it?

Include a number of factual references — not just one or two — throughout your paper to show your familiarity with, and understanding of, the material in question.

Write clearly and convincingly. Take some care with the phrases you construct, the metaphors you employ, and the words you choose.
Tip: If you're writing a critical paper

Don't depend on secondary sources. These may tempt you to rely on the arguments presented by their authors rather than to form your own. Make this a conversation between you, Melville and Hawthorne — or whomever. Use your own judgments and insights to answer the question, and don't be hesitant about presenting criticisms of the authors under consideration.

Cite Your Sources
Here are a few guidelines for presenting evidence in your paper:

Provide a citation for any material that is not your own. This includes items such as a quick page reference; a few facts quoted directly from your source; or an occasional longer passage, table or chart that you deem important enough to include in the body of your writing.

Use footnotes, endnotes or in-text citations to cite your sources. Your professor will specify which format to use. Whatever method you choose, use it consistently throughout your paper.
A Final Note
Try to have fun with your essay. Prove your points, but don't forget that your paper is also an exercise in creativity and communication. Work on your ability to fine-tune a point and really develop it. Your paper should illustrate who you are as a thinker.
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