代写英国留学生经济论文,金融学硕士论文,管理硕士论文,会计硕士论文,代写Assessment- Assignment R

发布时间:2011-07-18 09:26:38 论文编辑:第一代写网

代写英国留学生经济论文,金融学硕士论文,管理硕士论文,会计硕士论文,代写Assessment- Assignment Report论文题目:        Software Testing

专业(经济,金融,管理,会计等等):    Software Development (软件开发)

字数要求:   字数不限


学校所在国:  英国

是否有数据处理要求:  (理工金融经济类,请在以下补充说明处详细说明数据或者模型要求,否则无法确定价格)
大学背景:   英国大学 Cavendish College London, HND
论文用途:  Assignment


   需求种类:  Assignment Report

Case Study: Gas Bill System
Tutorial task for week 2
A new system is required to produce gas bills.
Gas meter readings are to be gathered by meter readers who have a handheld that will have customer name and address with meter numbers pre-programmed into it for a days work.   The meter reader will enter the reading/s for the meter/s.

At the end of the day, the meter reader will connect his handheld to a laptop via a USB cable and the day’s readings are to be downloaded to the laptop.
The laptop is to be connected to a telephone line using a dial-up connection that connects to the gas company’s main computer and the readings for the day are to be transferred to the main computer.   The next day’s set of customer names and addresses and meter numbers are then downloaded to the laptop, which are then transferred to the meter reader’s handheld.

The system at the main computer is to be as follows:

Details of processes

Process A

The meter readings are checked to make sure that for every meter number there is a meter reading.   Where a meter reading is missing the reading field is set to –999.   The files, up to 10, are then merged into one file in customer number order.

Process B

Each record in the file produced by process A is checked for validity against the customer master file.   Any errors are reported on a printed error report.   Valid records are written to a valid record file.

Process C

Gas bills are calculated using the meter readings just obtained and the previous meter readings recorded in the customer master file.   The customer master file is then updated and bill details are written to a print file.

Process D

The print file details are used to produce a printed gas bill ready for sending to the customer.

Process E

The customer master file is used to produce a file for each meter reader for their next day’s work based on the date of the previous billing date.   Bills are produced every 3 months.


1. This is the description of the new system that is required.   Is it sufficient for a specification from which the new system can be built?

If it is not sufficient, determined by you carrying out a formal review, develop a suitable specification from which a design can be produced.

2. Carry out a formal review of the new specification and record the findings in
            the form of an issues list.

Software Testing
Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 & 4

Portfolio Assessment
Student Name Student Number email

The tasks specified in this assignment cover all the learning outcomes and are split into four sections one for each learning outcome.

You need to undertake ONLY the task(s) for the learning outcome(s) that you at referred in

The work set is the same as the original assignment specification for the Software Testing module and you need to make good the work in the areas that you were previously referred in. The details of the systems to be assessed for this resit are the same as for first sit for the unit and are the ‘gas bill system’ and ‘blackbox white box spec tutorial’ shown in the ‘Handouts and Notes’ section of ‘sharepoint’ for this unit

Task Learning Outcome Page
1 LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of testing stages and requirements 3
2 LO2 Create a customised test strategy, plan and techniques for a given specification
3 LO3 Undertake the test plan, producing associated outcomes
4 LO4 Provide a detailed evaluation of the test plan and its associated outcomes



Task Outline

This resit work for this unit will be assessed by you producing a portfolio of evidence that shows that you have carried out work that helps you demonstrate that you have achieved the learning outcomes that you were referred in for the unit.  

The following table describes the expected content of your portfolio for each learning outcome.

Learning Outcome Content
1. Demonstrate an understanding of testing stages and requirements

 • A report that considers a case study and explains the stages that are required for each and the likely requirements for each identified stage.
      Your choice of the stages needed must be clearly  explained  for the case study.
2. Create a customised test strategy, plan and techniques for a given specification

 • A written test strategy for the specification you have been given and the application that is to be produced for the specification.
• A full and detailed test plan for the testing strategy.
• A brief document that discusses the techniques to be used in performing the tests in the test plan.
3. Undertake the test plan, producing associated outcomes
 • A log of the testing you have carried out in accordance with the test plan that includes annotated test results.
• Details of any modifications that have to be made to the specification, the application and the testing strategy and test plan.

4. Provide a detailed evaluation of the test plan and its associated outcomes
 • A comprehensive review and evaluation that looks at the reasons for the modifications that have been made at each stage of the testing procedure.
• An evaluation of the effectiveness of the testing strategy used and the test plan that has been used.
• A discussion on the ease or otherwise of changing the testing procedures you originally specified as a result of the modifications that have been required.

Task 1- LO 1
 Demonstrate an understanding of testing stages and requirements


Please tick the following list of assessment criteria as appropriate. The first non ticked row from the top of the grid shows the students progress at this assessment point.
Specification of System  
Front page for Gas Bill System  
Text outline of system  
Structure diagram for gas bill system  
Description of input  
Description of output  
Description of processing involved with examples  
Description of user interface  
Description of error cases  
Production of Issues List for Gas Bill System  
Identify the testing stages involved in relation to the given specification   
Analysis of user requirements;   
(Dry run of) Design;   
Implementation (Module and Integration);  
User evaluation;   
Explanation of your reasons behind the choice of testing stages  
Example of user requirements and write up  
Example of Design test and write up  
Example of black box test requirements and write up  
Example of white box test requirements and write up  
Example of Integration test requirements and write up  
Example of user evaluation and write up  
Example of maintenance test and write up  
Description of the likely requirements involved at each testing stage in relation to the given specification  
Overall Grade:

Task 2 - LO 2
 Create a customised test strategy, plan and techniques for a given specification


Please tick the following list of assessment criteria as appropriate. The first non ticked row from the top of the grid shows the students progress at this assessment point.
Update of specification  
Written test strategy covering all stages identified in LO1  
Test Specification for each stage identified in LO1  
Identification of techniques to be used in determining the test plan e.g. boundary analysis  
Detailed Test Plan for each stage identified in LO1  
Discussion of techniques to be used in determining the test plans  
Example test specification  
Example test plan  
Report on example test specification and example test plan  
Overall Grade:

Task 3 - LO 3
 Undertake the test plan, producing associated outcomes

Update test specification and test plans  
Produce test log for each test plan showing results of test plan  
Describe bugs / problems found  
Comment on test runs in the test log  
Production of issues list   
Description of changes required to test plans / specification  
Example of test specification and test plans for a program specification of your choice.  
Overall Grade:

 Task 4 - LO 4
 Provide a detailed evaluation of the test plan and its associated outcomes

代写英国留学生论文Statement of the original test procedures  
In hindsight were they correct?  
Description of how they could have been changed for the better  
Reasons for changes  
Update of stages specified and examples  
Update of test specification  
Update of test plans  
Overall evaluation as to success of test procedures  
Overall Grade: