发布时间:2011-06-01 10:52:48 论文编辑:第一代写网

Please fill in this form and return it by email to your tutor. It must reach your tutor before the beginning of Week 13 (Week 1 in Term 2). Do not continue with your research work until your proposal topic and focus has been agreed with your tutor1
Name: YU GUO (Rita)
Student number: Title of degree programme: BA BUSINESS COMMUNICATION
代写留学生论文Proposed title of your dissertation/project:
State as clearly as you can the specific aim(s) of your dissertation (use three – five bullet points):
1. To research how an exchange rate should affect the value of people’ life or an industry.
2. During the financial crisis, the exchange rate how to affect the value of people’s life or an industry.
3. How the media institutions to report it, and which kind of influence would bring to audience?
4. Trying to interview some people whose life was relate with this topic, and combine those opinions with the medias reports to find if those people were affected by the reports.
5. Finally, my own opinion.4
Indicate at least three key bibliographical references you intend to draw on.
1. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/tourist-rates
3. http://uk.reuters.com/business/currencies?WT.mc_id=ext_SEM_Google_uk%20exchange%20rates&WT.srch=1

5State whether there are any ethical considerations you need to take into account. For example, if you are collecting data you may need to consider the anonymity of the respondents and respect their rights to privacy and ownership.

1. I will collect data the necessary analysis data from Newspaper, Web, and Book.
2. This topic also has a big affect on overseas student, because the exchange rate is a very important thing in their life. I will try to ask many students opinion.
3. Researching the characters of different UK media.
6 Say here what problems you think may arise in the process of undertaking your project (this could be concerning data collection; planning; time management or something else). Suggest ways in which these problems could be overcome.
代写留学生论文Firstly, I must have a research about how the exchange rate go down and go up in recent year. Hence it will relate to much economic knowledge. And the date collection is a very important point in this essay, I would think about how to collect data as specific as possible.
Secondary, I was confused about which ten medias in UK, should I analysis every newspaper?



Be prepared to bring to your first tutorial a one-page outline of your project based on the steps given in the Module Guide.