代写留学生工商管理硕士论文:Ryanair Case Implem

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Ryanair Case Implementing the Strategy Option: Change Management Strategy (example)
5.1 The new strategy and the business vision, mission and objectives. A company’smission statement is intended to determine the answer the following key questions, namely “Whydoes this business 代写留学生工商管理硕士论文exist? What is its general purpose and what business are we in?” Johnson et al(2005.p209). In order to answer these questions, we should take in to account the following
factors as defined by Mintzberg & Quinn in the strategy process (1991), Johnson et al (2005) andThompson (2001), who expound the views of the main stakeholders, the scope of boundaries ofthe organisations activities, its culture, key values and standards of behaviourPerhaps the first question that should be asked of any organisation change is does it change the
key direction of the organisation to such an extent that we need to rewritethe above principles of
the organisation? In the case of Ryanair, it can be said that whilst there are some important issuesto be addressed it can be seen that few radical changes need to be made to the overriding visionand mission of the organisation. It may be necessary to develop ‘one stop shop’ specific goalsand objectives for this new strategic direction. Balogun & Hailey, in Johnson et al (2005.p506),define the types and scopes of change required into four clear categories from
incremental(adaptation to evolution) to big bang (reconstruction to revolution). Capon (2003) and Johnson et
al (2005.p514) cite the tool developed by Lewin (1951) known as Force Field analysis. Here
Lewin suggests change is the outcome of driving and resisting forces that try to exert pressure on
the current status quo.
5.2 Style of Change. Lynch (2003) defines strategic change as the “Proactive Management of
change” within an organisation that involves the implementation of new strategies that involve
substantive changes to the normal routines of the organisation.
Clearly the any in which an organisation approaches the communication process can dramatically
affect the outcomes. Johnson et al (2005.p516) identify 5 clear styles of managing change namely
Education & Communication, Collaboration, Intervention, Direction and Coercion. From the
research carried out in this assignment, I would suggest that the style adopted by leaders at
Ryanair would be Direction which is defined as “a top down strategy, with a clear vision of
strategic intent by somebody who is seen as a leader of the organisation”. This is the closest fit
to the current communication strategy. Deal and Kennedy (1998) identified seven key elements
of successful cultural change. In the context of Ryanair, the recommendation here is. Position a
/hero in charge of the project. This would clearly be M O’leary. He is just the type of charismatic
leader who will either inspire his people or even perhaps drive them out (CSP852).
Student example sn1234567 CSP=Case Study Page Page 2of 2
References (an extract of related ones from this students final case)
Alle, M.M., Schmitz, M.A., (2004) Ryanair Plc. Solvay Business School
Capon, C., (2004) Understanding Organisational Context: Inside & Outside Organisations.
London: FT Prentice Hall, p363
Hill, C.W., (2004). Global Business Today, 3 ed. London: McGrawHill.
Hill, C.W., (1988) Differentiation versus Lowcost
or Differentiation and Low Cost: A
Contingency Framework. Academy Management Review, Vol 13. No3. p401412
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington, R., (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy. 7 th ed. Pearson /
Lynch, R., (2003). Corporate Strategy, 3 ed. London: Pearson / PrenticeHall.
pp 9498
Porter, M., (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New
York: Free Press.
Thompson, J.L, (2001) Strategic Management. 4 th London: Thomson, p9095
Deal, T. & Kennedy, A., (1988) Corporate Cultures. London: Penguin Business.
1. This example extracted from a students work is for illustrative purposes only re
approaches for general layout/referencing.
2. The 1” or 2.5 cm margin only applies to the left and right margins
3. You are not limited to one page for the reference/bibliography section
4. Do not forget the font sheet a
代写留学生论文list of contents of portfolios chosen – do not repeat the
questions, but make it clear which portfolio (sub) questions your are attempting.
5. Do not forget it is an average of one page per portfolio. (two templates are given on
portfolio option 6)
6. When drawing upon the core and other texts, it is good practice to acknowledge the
original sources e.g. Core competence – Hamel and Prahalad – see page 157 of Johnson et al