美国留学生论文代写-美国政府投资项目管理-The United States government investment

发布时间:2012-04-01 15:13:13 论文编辑:硕士学位论文格式
美国留学生论文代写,美国政府投资项目管理-The United States government investment project management

A, the United States government investment project management of the basic practices

(a) management system

The United States government to a wide range of investment projects, including the education, culture, health, social security, endowment, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, transportation, housing and the urban planning, the military and defense facilities, government office area, etc. The federal government provides housing and urban construction ministry, the ministry of communications, the yantie river basin begin bureau, the national park service, logistics and administration department for professional management. Such as the federal logistics agency (General Services Administration) responsible for the various government departments to provide office sites and facilities, housing and urban construction ministry responsible for residential construction and urban planning, the ministry of communications is responsible for the transportation of government investment projects management and implementation. For some oversize project, is similar to a Tennessee valley authority such special institute special management. State and local government investment project management system and the federal government is the same, are all made of several government departments of the governments at the corresponding levels of investment project implementation specialized management.

In the federal government investment project implementation process, the end user department and the White House budget office (OMB), congress and the Treasury has to participate in different forms, the end user generally want to participate in design and acceptance project examination and approval, the White House budget office (OMB) to the project budget for examination and approval, the budget must be approved by congress approval to formal execution, the Treasury is responsible for engineering construction fund pays. State and local government investment project implementation procedures and the federal government basically is same.

(2) the decision and implementation procedures
From the program perspective, the federal and state government investment project management generally has the following features: the decision stage of the project, the project to pass the finance department and parliamentary scrutiny; In the implementation stage of the project, the project executive authority in strict accordance with the provisions of the relevant contract procedures and the project to management.

The logistics agency management and construction of government office area as an example, the project to completion after the management program is: the federal administration departments to logistics agency proposed housing demand plan, logistics agency for project assessment, make sure the government is in the existing public room swap, or to housing units for renovation and expansion of old or new construction. Plan, logistics agency and housing department consultation, according to the government office area of the overall situation for the White House budget office budget management (OMB) audit, OMB budget detail and according to check and report to congress; Congress organization hearing, ask for Congressman advice deciding whether to approve; After congress passed the bill put forward corresponding to OMB, signed by President bill become effective; So far, the project decision-making stage finish, the project construction implementation phase. Need explanation is, in OMB and congress of the budget process, the time is long and repeated many times to adjust. Especially complex projects, budget details must be very clear and appropriately, is it possible to get the approval of the White House and congress. The reason is the federal budget highly transparent public, the public, the media, potential contractors and all kinds of engineering cost to the project budget institutions will assess, if audit department was not very clear budget is how to use, will face the same kind of taxpayer strong pressure.

In the process of construction, the ministry of finance under President bill signed to logistics agency appropriate project construction funds, logistics agency organization design and construction (housing department in design approved), and designated project manager for engineering design, construction management. Project manager to coordinate with the user party, persuade users party does not put forward to improve the budget, the requirements of the standards, and carry out the provisions of the relevant government environmental protection. Project manager under contract with the Contracting Officers), responsible for signing a contract with the contractor, and supervise the project investment, quality, time limit is in accordance with the contract. Completion of the project, logistics agency and housing department after acceptance, hand over housing department use, logistics agency is responsible for later maintenance management. If you need additional in the implementation of the budget, must go through congress, through the legislative amendment program is solved.

(3) supervision mechanism

For the government investment projects of the supervision of the department has three main: the administrative organs of the inspector general (OIG), congress, the office of the general accounting and federal courts. Most us administrative organs internal with one independent inspector general's office called the organization, implementation of this administrative organ procurement audit and and the functions, and report to the department chief executive and work report to congress. OIG audit, under investigation, a lawyer with the internal assessment institution, etc.

Congress audit agency shall have the right to administrative organs of the investment plan of the assessment, and administrative organ of the expenditure is put forward the proposal, and can project to audit. At the same time, always the office as administrative reconsideration organs, processing of the bidder from bidding objections.

The contractor bidding and contract to have objection can appeal court, but in dealing with such problems audit agency has obvious advantages. The court receive each year engineering dispute 50 pieces, and audit agency accept many 1000. The reason is general accounting department of strong, only is high, the staff is recognized as the government procurement experts, so that the processing results more than 96% are implemented.

Two, the United States government investment project management main characteristics

The United States is mature market economic countries, is the world's leading economic power, the government investment projects on a big scale, the project management method and system, system reform has become increasingly perfect after several times, general situation for, the following characteristics are more prominent:

1, legal management. The United States is typical of the country under the rule of law, to government projects for investment management with a series of laws and regulations for the foundation. The most important is the federal procurement policies formulated by the office of the federal procurement rules "(FAR), in addition to the U.S. congress in 1962, the government issued a contract law in the process of honest, the United States congress promulgated in 1984 when a government contract to promote fair competition law, and the various government authorities to formulate rules and regulations of the department. In addition, the United States government investment projects must also be some public legal constraints, such as contract law, enterprises law, small enterprises, etc.

2, contract management. The United States government investment project contract management has several features: one is the contract by the contract management, only the contract shall have the right to sign the contract. The contract is civil servants, according to department personnel how much, to make sure that each administrative departments have one or more of the contract. The contract notions is very strict, in addition to the degree, the most important is to should have engineering, investment and financial aspects of work background and practice experience, the contract has many experts group; 2 it is at a fixed price contract form for the Lord; Three is the contract in addition to conventional content outside, and some provisions of the government department privilege the special terms, such as regulation department reserves the right to think "compliance with government interest" terminate the contract at any time. Changes in the matters, generally USES the friendly consultation and mediation way, in the government and the contractor because the contract modification divergent, the government can send out a unilateral contract revision opinion, the contractor can only be executed to speak.

3, bidding management. In the United States, most government investment projects must be through open tender to choose the contractor, but the law also allows in certain conditions the competitive negotiation and a single source purchase. The bidding mode of the bid assessment and the basis, the lowest price in principle the principle, but the officials to make sure of the contractor's "responsible", the federal government authority granted in contract, check contractor in accordance with the requirements of the project contract ability, among them, not only to investigate the contractor the current technology and financial capacity, and investigation of the contractor's past performance and honesty. Not ZhongBiaoZhe through the legal procedure of the bidding result can disagree, if can prove its better than ZhongBiaoZhe conditions, can request to bidding, or ask the government commits any compensation to the cost of bidding.

4, budget management. The budget management is very strict, law forbids any department budget overruns, except the criminal crime budget is the only send minister or official contract in jail crime. In the department general also shall not exceed the budget projects, this is because the United States is very rigorous editing project budget, from April next year to September budget official reply before they can adjust, all possible factors into consideration very full, there were within 7% of the general. If because of the material price to excessive budget is not enough, so there are two solutions, one kind is change materials, adjusted design, reduce cost, because congress concern was not how materials, but the budget could control; Another area from other projects adjust, but adjustment by more than 5%. Whether a single project budget or 5% above the department must be approved by parliament for adjustment. In the congressional approval before the issuance of the budget implementation by only reply, and shall not overspending. If because of interest rates, currency exchange rates, such as tax policy factor to adjust the budget is not enough, because this is the government behavior, and in the final accounts of the government debt in solid, not so influence period.

5, and risk management. In the United States, the Banks, the insurance company, guarantee and the government itself from different Angle analysis, evaluation, lock project risk. As in the project contract areas, the government usually require the contractor in the contracted project to go through various kinds of insurance, the law also provides, sign over the $100000 the federal government project contract, the contractor must provide a full performance guarantee, in addition, the contractor also need to all kinds of loan bank, at the insurance, guarantees and bank loans in the process, the insurance company, guarantee and Banks from their own interests, will be very carefully review the enterprise contract, performance ability, business records and record credit status, which was to decide whether to give and with what kind of rate loans to the contractor with accept insurance, in this way the contract with the constraint ability the actual ability are in agreement. In addition, the government will also have average owner had no power, such as government could think "compliance with government interest" at any time of the termination of the contract, and right now the contractor can only on its already completed work demand compensation.

6, integrity constraints. And the Chinese government for design, construction and supervision of the contracting units qualification administration is different, the United States for the contractor to do not aptitude, or rating and qualification certificate management, contractor and the owner, bank, guarantee the relationship between contract to define, by the good faith to sustain. This is mainly because in their eyes, qualification itself is not a sure thing, qualification awarded there are likely to be moral risk, and good performance and good faith record more can resist risk. Some owners not only to investigate the contractor's credibility, and also to the project manager for investigation of individual credibility. Good faith are so important, behind the risk system is in play a role. As for the contractor, once the faithless, means losing market and bankruptcy, personal will also lose in society and the career of the base. The credit system is fit into the American social every aspect of life consciousness, individuals, groups, and government are in good faith to sustain the, the relationship between the good faith is also individuals, groups, and government organizations to survive the prerequisites.

Three and perfect our country's government investment project management several enlightenment

The two countries political system, market development degree of different different culture, different, obviously, America's many successful experience and can't directly transplant to China, but contrast between China and the us in the government investment project management differences, still can give us some revelation:

1, strengthen the management of the project. And our country's many "edge decision-making, the design side, edge construction" project management pattern is different, the United States government investment projects attach great importance to the management, preparation is inadequate, the absolute can't go into the construction phase. Government departments in application before the project budget shall be many market research, the potential contractors (design, construction, supervision and material equipment suppliers, etc.) may be involved budget evaluation. Not only that, the project generation before congress must be extensive discussion, all organizations to lobby, general projects need 1-2 years demonstrated, large project sometimes take one hundred and twenty years to come. Although project time long, but the effect is obvious, and that is we can be seen everywhere in the United States decades, hundreds of years of government projects, such as the United States logistics agency, White House chief of staff has nearly years of history still fat. When a project is identified, often after several rounds of detailed design, the purpose, the function, the budget has been very detailed, the only remaining construction unit only with difficulty. Can say, the United States government investment project management on the essence of the previous 70% management, especially design and function orientation.

2, increase the project budget dynamics, hardening budget execution. The project budget overruns and criminal crime sentencing of the same, but still got a very good execution, for many reasons, project budget review must declare fine, is undoubtedly important reasons. The United States government budget is tight, each administrative department funds is very competitive, not only for the purpose of the project can make the White House and congress must convince, budget must also be fine to everyday people (taxpayer) can be verified. In addition, the White House and congress have a batch of very professional civil servants, they shall have the right to request the administrative department according to explain various items budget, shall be returned or project in China, and most of the project construction phase, project budget also is in them. In addition, the project budget audit time is long, the White House and congress have a year of time and administrative department budget negotiations over and over again. Therefore, we suggest that, China should start from the refining project budget preparation, hardening budget implementation Angle, strengthening the project budget review of strength, give full play to the experts function, for the strict lay a scientific basis for the implementation of the budget.

3, vigorously carry out the project guarantee, give full play to the Banks, insurance and guarantee play in control project risk in the role. Engineering guarantee in our country at present and didn't get mass implementation, the biggest risk is the role of engineering in the owner, contractor, guarantee and related financial institutions reasonable share between, at the same time use benefit mechanism, play to guarantee company, Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions in the contractor's performance and to identify the good faith, the supervision and the contractor actual performance ability role, and work together to build a speak performance, heavy the integrity of the construction market atmosphere, improve the inferior breaking the contractor and increase the income of the contractor's excellent credit.

2 00 6 years

美国政府投资项目涉及面较广,主要包括教育、文化、医疗、社保、养老、农林、水利、交通运输、住宅及城市规划、军事和国防设施、政府办公用房等方面。联邦政府设有住宅与城市建设部、交通部、拓垦局、国家公园管理局、后勤总署等部门实施专业化管理。如联邦后勤总署(General Services Administration) 负责为政府各部门提供办公场所及设施,住宅与城市建设部负责住宅建设与城市规划,交通部负责交通领域政府投资项目的管理与实施。对于一些特大型的工程,则组建类似田纳西流域管理局这样的专门机构进行特殊管理。州及地方政府投资工程的管理体制与联邦政府大体相同,均是由几个政府部门对本级政府投资的工程实施专门管理。
在工程建设过程中,财政部根据总统签字法案向后勤总署拨付工程建设资金,后勤总署组织设计和施工(用房部门参与设计审定),并指定工程经理,对工程的设计、施工进行管理。工程经理要与用户方进行协调,说服用户方不提出追加预算、提高标准等方面的要求,并执行政府有关环保的规定。工程经理之下设有合同官(Contracting Officers),负责与承包商签订合同,并监督工程的投资、质量、工期是否符合合同要求。工程完工时,后勤总署与用房部门共同验收后,移交用房部门使用,后勤总署则负责后期维修管理。在执行中如需追加预算,必须经过国会,通过立法修正案程序解决。
3、 招投标管理。在美国,绝大多数政府投资工程都必须通过公开招标来选择承包商,但法律上也允许在一定条件下采用竞争性谈判和单一来源采购方式。采用招投标方式下的评标及中标依据,原则上实行最低价格中标原则,但合同官员要确认承包商的“负责任性”,联邦政府机关在授予合同时,要检查承包商按照项目的要求执行合同能力,其中,不仅要考察承包商目前的技术和财务能力,还要考察承包商的以往业绩和诚信。未中标者通过法定程序可对投标结果提出异议,如果能够证明其条件优于中标者,可要求重新招投标,或要求政府赔偿其因准备投标而支出的费用。
6、 诚信约束。与我国政府对设计、施工、监理等承包单位实行资质管理不同,美国对承包商不进行资质认定,也不进行评级和资格证书管理,承包商与业主、银行、担保公司的关系以合同来界定,以诚信来维系。这主要是因为在他们看来,资格本身是一种不确定的东西,资格授予也可能存在道德风险,而良好的业绩和诚信记录更能抵御风险。有些业主不仅要考察承包商的诚信,同时还要考察承担该项目的项目经理个人的诚信。诚信之所以如此重要,其背后是风险机制在发挥作用。对承包商而言,一旦失信,就意味着丧失市场和破产,个人亦会失去在社会和事业上的立足之本。这种诚信制度是融入美国社会生活方方面面的一种意识,个人、团体、政府都以诚信来维系之间的关系,诚信也是个人、团体、政府组织得以生存的先决条件。