英国代写assignment-Electronic Systems Design-Assessment Cover Sh

发布时间:2012-03-29 10:59:08 论文编辑:王小华
英国代写assignment Final mark awarded  ______

Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form
Module Code:
Module Title:
Electronic Systems Design  Lecturer:
S. Watson

Assignment No:
1 of 1 No. of pages in total including this page:
    Maximum Word Count:
Assignment Title:  Discrete Linear Power Supply Design

Tasks:  See assessment detailed requirements (attached at end)

Section A: Record of Submission

Record of Submission and Plagiarism Declaration

I declare that this assignment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided.

Student Number:

You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statement by writing your student number(s) above.

(If this is a group assignment, please provide the student numbers of ALL group members)

Details of Submission

Note that all work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be capped at 40%.  No marks will be awarded if the assignment is submitted after the late submission date unless mitigating circumstances are applied for and accepted.

• An electronic copy of your work should be submitted via Blackboard.
• Work should also be submitted to the member of academic staff responsible for setting your work.
• Work not submitted to the lecturer responsible may, exceptionally, be submitted (on the submission date) to the reception of the Faculty of Advanced Technology, which is on the 2nd floor of G block (Room G221) where a receipt will be issued.

Mitigating Circumstances: if there are any exceptional circumstances which may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment, make sure you contact  the Faculty Advice Shop on 01443 482540 (G221).

Section B : Marking and Assessment
This assignment will be marked out of 100%

This assignment contributes to 25% of the total module marks.

This assignment is bonded .  Details :
LO2. To analyse the requirements and design advanced electronic circuits to perform complex analogue and digital functions.
It is estimated that you should spend approximately

_____20___   hours on this

Date Set: 21/10/09 Submission Date: 9/12/09
  Feedback Date: 8/01/10

Learning Outcomes
This assignment addresses the following learning outcome(s) of the module:

Marking Scheme Marks Available Marks Awarded
1. Schematic Diagram 15
2. Component Calculation 15
3. Design Description 20
4.         Simulation results 20
5.        Design Evaluation 20
6.         Presentation, spelling and grammar 10

Assessment Criteria
Performance Level Criteria
(< 40%) Report contains very little relevant information and little or no conclusion.  No simulation results or calculations are given.
3rd Class  / PASS
(40% - 49%) Report contains the bare minimum information.  Little work done in researching around the subject.  A basic schematic diagram and description have been produced, but with errors.
Lower 2nd Class / PASS
(50% - 59%) Report contains basic information. Report shows that research has been undertaken in the subject area. A schematic diagram and description have been produced, but with some errors. No critical evaluation of the design has been included.
Upper 2nd Class / MERIT
(60% - 69%) Report addresses all parts of the assignment, and demonstrates that research has been done in the area and clearly shows its relevance.  A schematic diagram and description have been produced. An evaluation of the design has been included.
(70% +) Report addresses all parts of the assignment, and demonstrates that extensive research has been done in the area.  A schematic diagram and calculation have been produced, with comprehensive descriptions. A critical evaluation of the design has been included.

Section C : Marker’s Feedback

Lecturer’s Comments:
Areas to concentrate on next time:

Report structure
Team work


Lecturer’s signature: Date: Mark awarded:
All marks are subject to confirmation by the Board of Examiners

1. Introduction
The aim of this assignment is to design and evaluate a stabilised discrete linear power supply. The power supply needs to be designed according to the specification outlined below and evaluated using a circuit simulator.
2. Specification
A stabilised discrete linear power supply needs to be designed. The power supply can only use discrete components, e.g. transformer, resistors, diodes, transistors, etc. The only exception is Operational Amplifiers (opamps) which may be used. The power supply needs to conform to the following specifications:
• Input Voltage: mains 230V, 50Hz
• Output Voltage: 10V
• Maximum output current: 1A
• Short-circuit protection
• Current limiting
• Low quiescent current.
The power supply needs to be able to cope with input voltage changes as well as with load current changes (Line regulation & Load regulation).
1. Using the circuit simulator, evaluate the performance of your design with respect to:
(i) power consumption (based on quiescent current)
(ii) dropout voltage
(iii) ripple rejection
(iv) load regulation (as %)
(v) line regulation (assume ±10% variation on mains voltage).
2. Compare your results with a simulation of a standard IC linear regulator of your choice (e.g. 7805).
3. If the maximum output current is to be increased to 2A what changes would be needed in your circuit? Recommend, and justify the choice of, any component changes.

3. Report
Your report for this assignment should include,
•  schematic diagrams,
•  calculations for all component values,
•  a description/justification of your component choices,
•  the simulation results
•  a critical evaluation of your design
英国代写assignment Furthermore, the report should contain an introduction and conclusion. Simulation results should be presented in a readable format.

Note that all work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be capped at 40%.  No marks will be awarded if the assignment is submitted after the late submission date unless mitigating circumstances are applied for and accepted.