代写英国留学生媒体学论文-英国传媒与文化研究-British media and cultural research

发布时间:2012-03-29 09:53:55 论文编辑:英国代写assignmen
In the western world, media and communication (media and communications) has become an important research fields of social science. Especially from 60 s beginning, social scientists have mass media in the west and its culture all aspects of the impact of, made a more detailed study and described. However, in view of China social sciences unique history and encounters, media and communication research in was left out in the cold for the social science times is very few. At present, in the relevant domestic media of the points and text, which accounts for a significant proportion of media professionals is of their own work to summarize and discuss. And to a surge of intelligentsia to mass pop culture understandings. From the social science Angle, to the media on the experience of the system research and close theory analysis of the text are rarely (1). The research status, and the mass media itself and the rapid development of Chinese society and the whole world that play more and more key role in extremely. Therefore, at the turn of the century Chinese society, advocated the development of culture and media research, has the extremely important practical significance. This paper on British media and cultural studies the simple integrated introduces the selection in media research history is a great breakthrough and influence of the research institution and research achievement, and hope to the field of research for domestic provide some useful ideas. 1. Early empirical study of the western social science spread to the mass media attention, began in late 1920 s of the United States, also is the beginning in films. Because of American social science has deeply rooted traditional pragmatism, its characteristic is one of the methods and theories of careful is proportional to the poor. The use of social science, is not fundamentally to social criticism and reflection, but in solving practical social problems, to the greatest extent the stability of the existing system maintenance. As for whether justice system itself is irrelevant. Therefore, the mainstream of American social science research and the royal is critical research, the original to mass communication (mass communication) research is no exception. Media research history first relatively influential report, it is according to the American public at that time to the emerging films held prejudices writing and become. Films in the 1920 s a appear, get the favour of many young audiences. Many parents so worried about the screen adds sound more attractive to the youth moral behavior will produce the bad influence. At The time, The social science scholars The public's worries, carried out a series of questionnaire survey, including The actual investigation and study, The 代写英国媒体学论文result is then spread research history often refers to The "paine Fund research" (The Payne Fund Studies) (2). The conclusion of this study, now seem redundant and superficial, namely the movies is on teenagers can produce positive or negative influence. However, because of the "scientific" aura, the conclusion was the public in impact, the media research on the later also play a certain standard function. In the next 30 years, especially the spread of the American west and media studies of the mainstream, and stay in the media attention to the applied on the influence of the audience, or the so-called media effect study (media effect studies). In general, the media effect most research unintentionally behaviorism psychology has fallen into the stimulus-reaction model (stimulus-response) in. The model assumption, the media once given stimulation signal and the audience (audience) will be in the attitude or behavior to respond, communication research mission is to discover and measured the audience reactions. The model in the later of different media social science in to reflect, including of radio, television, and comic books. Among them, the most outstanding is 60 s to children and television research. And "paine fund research" the motives behind the similar, children and television research, also due to the public for the TV "update" media concern, people worried about the TV broke into the home screen more easily than the small church children some bad behavior. 50 years later generations, TV is generally into western family, at the time, the research to the field work (field work method, the popularity of TV has community and has not been popular TV community comparison (3). By the s, along with the television further popularization, children and television research from community to psychology and laboratory (laboratory experiment), pure quantitative research will become a kind of fashion. Right now in the United States, the focus of public opinion more concentrated in opposition to sex and violence in TV. Face this kind of pressure of public opinion, funded by the government researchers began to attempt to through the psychology experiments to establish TV content and children's behavior of the causal relationship between directly. Quite a number of experimental research seems to prove the causality, but also have a few draw on the contrary result, that is present in TV violence can reduce the actual violence, i.e., the so-called catharsis theory. This kind of contradictory conclusion was not accidental, and just explain behaviorism psychology research itself of serious limitations. Because it will research objects from the actual life living out, put in human's lab to observe, and come to the conclusion can only be virtual. This limitation is British media later criticism and beyond the object of sociology. The narrow empirical research on the media monopoly, until the late s was able to collapse. They are often later critics nicknamed the "subcutaneous injection mode" (the hypodermic model), or "bullet theory" (bullet theory). Of course, this is not to say, in the previous few decades have no other outside the mainstream of media studies in, they're just little impact. From the s began, in the early 70 s, when in the western world the rise the critical sociology (critical sociology) will be pointing at the the mass media. Criticism in the rise and development of the sociology and its history background and social basis is not divided, i.e., the postwar capitalism "golden age" of the end. A series of social unrest replaced the balanced development, including people known as the Western Europe young student movement, the American black civil rights movement, and demonstrations against the Vietnam war. The sudden social unrest and further shake the long as American and British social science foundation of positivism, and also from the status quo will sociological structure and function of the socialist liberate, forcing it to become social criticism of the tools. In Western Europe, marxism and were later collectively referred to as the western marxism various schools, for the rapid development of critical sociology provides a rich source of thought; In the United States, with Wilbur Aaron (Thorstein Veblen) and for miers (C.

Wright Mills) as a representative of the marxist local criticizing the traditional also is able to broadcasting. Was vigorous development of mass media also became a sociological analysis critical nature of one of the object, critical media research (critical media research) from now on in the 70 s to rapidly developed and up (4). 2. British cultural studies of English world's critical media research, started in the late's, in the mid '80 s heyday to achieve. In the main origin Britain, critical media research, from the start around two university research center by use of different theories and the discipline position on. Founded in 1964, University of Birmingham (Birmingham University) Contemporary culture research center (Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies), from the start, emphasis Cultural and ideological relative independence, provide various theories and ideas from resources, establish the so-called British culture research (British Cultural Studies) tradition, the media constitute its study field is one of the important aspects. Two years later founded the University of Leicester (Leicester University) media Research center (Centre for Mass Communication Research), it was for the base of the discipline of sociology, and go all out to the media to spread further comprehensive critical studies. The two center has in the late 80 s, with the departure of its theoretical backbone and gradually decline. But, they and the heyday of the early research work, and in theory and methodology as Britain's critical media research laid solid foundation. Its groundbreaking academic value and social significance, then in colleges and universities in the growing popularity of media and cultural studies, it is?   plaque  capsule color sad rock  ape or down? BR >

University of Birmingham contemporary culture research center's main theoretician Hall (Stuart Hall), committed to the excavated "ideology" (ideology) the keywords, and carries on the theory "cosmetic", make it become culture research and criticism of the powerful tools (5). Marx said ideology, is built on the foundation of the economy in the upper part of the building, is the ideology of the ruling class and values. So, in the electronic media age, a society of the ideology of the ruling class, and how to become including is ruling class, the consciousness of whole society form? This is actually a race and acquire cultural leadership problem, also is the hall said the "language class struggle". In such a "peace" rather than the compulsory process, media plays an extremely important role. One of the mission of cultural studies is to deconstruct the process, this paper discusses the media, intentionally or not, adopted in the ideological position. In order to facilitate the actual research and analysis, but also detailed discusses significance hall in the process of creating "code" (encoding) and "decoded" (decoding) the two different stage 6, the mainstream ideology it is through the two spread practice in extremely complex stage and realize. In the media research field, ideology analysis (ideological analysis) instead of the past effect study, theoretical study and practice of the long-term separation to change state. In addition to cultural research in theoretical discussion, more important is, university of Birmingham contemporary culture research center also gave a large amount of text analysis and experience and research, including the mass media, the contemporary western society's cultural phenomenon multi-faceted description, interpretation and criticism, which involve subculture (subculture), youth culture (youth culture), women's studies (women 's studies), etc. Early and theories of cultural study of ideological origins, hall not only talked about British home "ancestor" HaoGe special (Richard Hogard), Williams (Raymond Williams) and Thomson (E p. Thompson), also talked about the continent's du plug (Louis Althusser), case ramesses (Antonio Gramsci), and all wei-Strauss (Levi-Strauss), f division (Foucault) and Lacan (Lacan), visible Birmingham culture research from the beginning? ⒘ hinder our legs like xi resembles Feng head pepper ㄗ try her  Hui silly porcelain  jaws fold the brain? BR >

Be known as the British study hall, founder of the earliest Williams and HaoGe special, are working-class background humanities knowledge of molecules. Facing Britain such a class divisions extremely obvious and relatively stable society, the image of the Williams himself this special situation called a "blindness" (border crossing), namely across the boundaries of social classes. Their living situation of the working class of sympathy and understanding, decided they to the mass media and pop culture take specific attitudes. As humanity intellectuals, their critical position is of no doubt. But, this kind of criticism and traditional elite culture advocates attitudes there is a fundamental difference, the western society that the political left and right of the difference. The traditional cultural elite to mass pop culture take attitude is to ignore or contempt, means is isolation or destroyed. Williams, the mass media in wider social history background, the origin of the development of serious discussion. Mass culture phenomenon since then also landed on the academic this "repeating", only to be original classic serious literary text target of criticism. At the time of the British social historical conditions is valuable. It was also in this sense, Williams is the newcomers such as British culture research held up as the virgin ancestor. In early 50 s Williams to start some of the key words in English are wide and sociological double explored from the change of meaning grasp the change of society, and vice versa. English culture in a word, from the original Latin root development, and extend a variety of different meaning and usage, become the most difficult English the concept of the definition of one. Only when the culture from the narrow "senior spirit product" extensions for anthropology in the sense of "a way of life", the public way of life to be "culture", also just had mass culture (mass culture) and pop culture (ppular culture) said. But, on the contemporary culture research, it's more than two culture define a too narrow, a too wide. Scholars and tries to narrow a wide find that more exact between. At present more people accept the definition argues that culture is all symbolic things, including narration, articles, action, events, and so on. In fact, this definition is also too wide and too vague. The concept of culture itself vague about also led to the subsequent culture research in the field of expanding and disorganized, especially in the 80 s after the beginning of the 90 s, originated in Britain's culture research in the United States and Australia and other English country becoming popular and variation, and trying to make in this field for overall review of the efforts to become more and more difficult. In the 70 s the university of Birmingham in cultural studies, in theory identity culture and ideology of the relative independence, consciously against? The core  magnesium Tiao  sulfonylurea Jia ? 0 th century all kinds of western marxism basic theoretical coincidentally. In practice, the cultural phenomenon of the record through the interpretation and to achieve a social criticism. For example, the working class in teenagers produced, the society of the subculture attention, the British social class of implicit criticism of oppression. More like, feminist theory directly affects and guidance to the center of concrete research problems, including the mass media to women image of the mold and distorted, and to male society 代写留学生论文omnipresent gender discrimination criticism. University of Birmingham contemporary culture research center after heyday, morphing into Birmingham university culture research department. Cultural studies also begins to be the bulk production and generic, and gradually become higher college English in the world and a professional "discipline", the actual social critical function also faces the risk of resolution is. Britain's culture research from the 80 s in English world popular. In the United States, as empirical experience for the spread of the basis of methodology research mainstream, are from the other side of the Atlantic island nation of the impact theory, and also presents the unprecedented "theory prosperity". Australia by introducing British researchers, also in different degree have culture research hot. In recent years, English world culture research important BBS, except for in the United States published the study culture "(cultural Studies) outside, and new added the European culture research" (European Journalof cultural Studies) and the International culture research, International Journal of cultural Studies), were / published in Britain. This explains the cultural research field is trying to surpass English world, in Europe and around the world begin. However, English world recent a culture research hot, too much attention in the pop culture phenomenon at the same time, ignore the Birmingham university culture research to all sorts of oppression of face to face with the critical spirit. Especially in the 90 s, the prosperity of culture, is not so much to the field of deepening the research development, than the academic market for its increased demand. Cultural studies social critical function, is often on the surface of the noise being flooded. Some influential culture the researchers, is to give up the deep social criticism pursuit, instead of pop culture contains the so-called resistance hegemony and control factors complacency and the casual exaggerated. This form of cultural radical, actually has morphed into a substantial political conservative