代写英国留学生论文-英国战后工业设计论文-Postwar British industrial design devel

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代写英国留学生论文Postwar British industrial design development

Postwar British industrial design rehabilitation and development benefits from the British government attention, guide and support, have also benefited from British design organization successful work. The British government support type model of development under, the British industrial design organization and activities get standard, the design of the respect and understanding to be improved, the industrial design professional status has been consolidated, for the development of the industrial design created a different from the American market leading the way for Britain now ranks among the world's later also becomes good design created a condition.

Train the 1930 British folk organization established-industrial art association (SIA) in the post-war into two section of the commercial art and industrial design, this is the unofficial most authoritative industrial designer organization. The association of professional meeting, held through the organization design exhibition, and write notes, published bimonthly "design information" activities, in promoting industrial design standardization, make design major regulations system, to guarantee the designer professional position plays a positive role. Later in order to adapt to the development of the industrial design, has set up three important branches:

(1) industrial designer alliance

(2) the product designers organization

(3) consultant designer organization

To better discussion and guide the industrial design proper development. By 1955, the members of the association of 1000 people. This series of activities and institutions, make the postwar British designer to obtain the very good organization, to share information, jointly promote purpose, to British postwar industrial design promotes the development of.

In 1941 the British government for accidents with war material shortages, daily necessities are in urgent need of condition, puts forward a set of "standard emergency period furniture" the design requirements and norms to guide the design wartime price, practical, save material furniture. The government intervention design behavior, causing the designer to design material used and the attention of economic law, promote the design on the highly standardized, pushing the design of the rational methods and procedures to make Britain postwar industrial design can follow a more correct direction.

Train established in 1944 the British industrial Design commission (hereinafter referred to as COID) and it under the Design center (Design center) is at present on the world by the government--the most of the large, the most influential and most practical function of the industrial Design institutions, mainly for the British: industrial enterprise

(1) provide the design consultation, design information

(2) the organization design display

(3) discussed in design activities

(4) for the government and the social public publicity and popularity of the knowledge of the industrial design

Industrial design committee has jurisdiction over two departments and a center that ministry of industry, material department and design center. (1) the main object of service industry is industrial design personnel, manufacturers and business people and (2) under the ministry of industry design center is to provide the world's industrial design information primarily institutions; (3) the material object is the general public service, consumers and children, aims to national industrial design education work.

In 1956, the design of the london-based centre opened, and there is a three layers of space for permanent exhibition space to display all over the world excellent industrial design product and excellent product design of Britain, these exhibits COID by the review committee from product purpose, functional, production technology, material selection and appearance and so on the strict censorship shows the "good design, good appearance" the guidelines. Design center set up annual design award "Edinburgh award", by the queen for the most outstanding design product designer and manufacturer issued awards, this is the British industrial design of the highest honor. Then launch good design sign plan, promote the business to the attention of the industrial design. Design center also set up a department to provide the "Design Index" (Design Index), in the good product Design select and recommend a work. These material index including product design of the record, analysis and photos, and once in the display of the excellent products of detailed information, are free to the manufacturers, greatly promote the products in the enterprise production application. Design center in addition to data card outside, still collecting relevant books, for various aspects to provide services. Mosaic and held the exhibition, the design problem for communication, research and discussion. Design center became a British designer exchanges and concentration of the center, but also the UK and world industrial design information center.

The British industrial Design commission also published "Design" (Design) magazine, it is the world's most authoritative industrial Design magazine, published in more than 80 countries, greatly promote the knowledge in the field of industry Design communication and information transmission. The British industrial design committee and its design center of fruitful activities and measures, and shows that the British government to industrial design the active support of attitude, promote and the British industrial design development, and the prosperity of the industrial design of the world has produced profound influence.

Because the British government's active support and strongly support, British 40 or 50 s of the industrial design made some outstanding achievements.

In 1941 the United States famous designer in London opened he refers in outside the United States first industrial design firm, business development very smoothly, the customer as many as 75 companies. Its success inspired 40 s British industrial design and consulting industry development, also has stimulated the home designer. In 1948 the British designer ALieKe reyes, gorbachev nice (Alec lssigonis) design Morris cars (Morris Minor Motor Car), comfortable and easy and has the popular modelling, become the first English in the international market of "the mass" brand with Germany (Volks wagen) Car to rival Car, have been production by 1959.

In 1949 the British mourinho radmanovic company design out mourinho radmanovic company design out mourinho radmanovic MAS-276 type radio, with dark outside the box XuanNiu index plate, horn, etc. Parts to a panel on middle, this one design into the whole 50 s desktop exchange the radio style of typical. Robin, wear is the s the most representative furniture and indoor design great master, its design work pay attention to function, economic law and contemporary, lead the British industrial design of development in the right direction. In 1950, he designed a combination ark, has the good function and overall appearance, is the earlier one of the emergence of modern furniture of combination, in 1951 in milan exhibition has been well received. In 1957 he for British railway system lounge chair of the design, simple in structure and strong, plain appearance, difficult to damage, can better adapt to the public the use of high frequency, become function furniture design of excellent representative.

1954 by George love dehua (George R • Edwards) to participate in the design of "viscount type" passenger plane, appearance and act the role ofing has obvious out of the line form the tendency of socialism, and emphasizes the speed, expresses the highly visual communication function. Was the aviation industry think is the DC-4 jet Boeing 707 after the most excellent civil aviation passenger plane before. 1956 paine company (Pan Ltd) of the production of the model 710 portable transistor radio paine, its creative design has been completely out of the old radio shape characteristics, give full play to the characteristics of this new transistor materials, starting from the functional sex of product design in successful examples.

In 1959, by flat Farina (Pinin Farina) design Austin A-40 (Austin A40) Volkswagen, appearance simple, easy, on the design do not fall convention, reflected the typical modern style, was the British "design" magazine named the most outstanding design industry Britain, one of the car market became A very long period the hot goods. In the same year, by ALieKe bayes pargo nice (Alec Issigonis) design of super small cars morris, the front wheel drive, which is simple, the regularized shape characteristics, design for the European small cars to lay the foundation.

The background material 】

代写留学生论文The UK is a industrial design with a long history of nation, "craft art movement" is originated in the United Kingdom, "craft art movement" and a direct impact on the European continent happened in the "new art movement". In the 20 s and 30 s, with modern socialist design thought in the spread of the Europe, Germany, Russia, the Netherlands to the development of modern design, and has obtained remarkable achievement, British modernistic design but in a never-ending theory of dispute, makes the birthplace of industrial design-Britain's modernistic design start behind the trend of The Times. The British industrial design of the main reason behind two: one of, "craft art movement after" theory has been continue to debate, no problem good industrial production in the relationship between art and technology, lack of the design practice exploration; Secondly, for the first time after world war ii, the world of art and industrial production center gradually by the European turned to the americas.

In 1914, the famous theory home plug Rachel (Lissary) published "art and technology," a book, puts forward and Henry van DE will DE very similar views, think: "mechanical product even if not fine art, and no reason to let their appearance not beautiful, not smooth, not strong and not practical." In 1914 the British establishment of UK Industry alliance "institution, the" British Design and industrial Association "(Design and Industry Association, hereinafter referred to as the DIA), in 1932, the Association released the first job report" modern industrial Design ", the report in full presented a Design principle and the overthrow of the William morris insist on "ugly products is the root cause of the machinery production" erroneous argument. This is the turning point of the development of industrial design. In 1922, the royal art association was established "the industrial design award"; In 1931, the British ministry of trade of special committee, by which Gregorian (Gorell) responsible for darfur, so it is also called "which Gregorian's committee", its mission is to make clear the function of art in modern industry, the state should be the type of design strategy, should set up what kind of art design education system. In 1934, the British ministry of trade established "Art and Industry committee" (Council of Art and Industry, CAI).

In 1944, the British government set up "the British Industrial Design association" (Council of Industrial would COID), 1946, "the British Industrial Design association" in Victoria and alberta's the getty museum held the first British Industrial Design exhibition, titled "Britain can do!" (Britain can make it), 1948, "association" and organized the second design exhibition-" the British people festival ", eritrea, Ernest flores (Ernest Race, 1913-1964), Robin • generation (Robin Day). Ernest, Lester's early years in school of architecture of learning interior design, praise highly modernistic design art, then engaged in furniture design, especially the application of steel and aluminum design manufacturing light furniture, work is 1951 the design of "antelope chair", the adoption steel pipe and plywood made of the combination of the measures. ROM. Asked, in furniture design, an inheritance and development of American designer Charles in the design thought, Tim, using steel tube and plywood design combines, representative of is "Hillestak chair".

Since the 1950 s, due to the government's attention, the British industrial design get rapid development.

"Pop" style of the 1960 s originated in the United Kingdom, performance for designers to traditional, including modern socialist traditional not many rely on the feelings, and pay more attention to their generation's habits, love and / individual character consumption psychology, from products, clothing, plane three art design field breakthrough, break traditional constraints, look for their visual symbol, design work shows for modelling strange, decorative pattern is very special features.

In order to develop the British art design, the former British prime minister Margaret thatcher made a great advocate the work, she once said: "the UK can not thatcher, but not all without industrial design!" Begin from 1931, the British government regulations children between the ages of five and 14 must learn to be "design and art (including process)" and "design and technology" the curriculum, and "design and technology" the curriculum more must take to 16 years old. In 1993, the international industrial Design association (ICSID) in the UK of Glasgow, a city, "Design of the Renaissance" (Design Renaissance) as the theme of the congress, and further stimulate the British in art Design of enthusiasm, in Britain launched a "Design Renaissance". As British prime minister Tony Blair after he launched the "have created the British sports" (Creative British), established the "Design counselling sessions" (Design Council), featuring the famous British industry more than 80 designers, the prime minister himself listen to their Suggestions and ideas. In order to further enhance "have created the British sports" consciousness, the British government with the year of the millennium the favorable period, between 1997 and 2000 to hold "the year of the millennium design work selection activities". In April, 1998, British design consulting first elected the year of the millennium design work 202 pieces, November and elected the second group of 231 pieces. Works involve new ships escape system, the gas power truck, solar fluorescent lamp, electronic gyroscope and so on, until early 2000, reaching 1000, and in England "Millennium the top of the garden" (Millennium Dome) hold exhibitions, purpose is arousing people design consciousness.