Bridg in International Business Negotiation——The Importance of Cross—Culture Communication(CCC)
Abstract:As the development of globalization,more and more people have opportunities to communicate with each other from diversecultural background.Therefore,it is essential to understand some 代写英语毕业论文cultural factors which affect the interaction among people.This arficlc
discusses why CCC is vital to study from business negotiadon angle.Besides,it offers some examples of business negotiations among differentcountTies to illustrate why CCC is a“bridge”in across—cultural business negotiations.
Key words:communication culture cross。。cultural communication business negotiation
Today,due to the rapid development of technology and globaleconomy,people have more opportunities to meet andcommunicate with one another.But due to the diverse cuhuralbackgrounds,they often cannot understand each othercompletely, and worse still some misunderstanding andmisinterpretation Occur from time to time.Therefore,the studyand the research of CCC have been carried out by many scholars.CCC can be described(in context)as the tJansmission of messagesand/or information,verbal and non-verbal,among people or
groups who share distinctive values,beliefs,traditions,languagesamong other divides with a view of getting a response;positive ornegative.
As the growth of international trade,business people meettheir counterparts from all over the world and discuss to achievean agreement that meets mutual interests.If they do not knowanything about their partners’cultures or communicationpatterns,problems may arise during negotiations,or perhaps even
undermine the relationships between both parties.This article elaborates the importance of CCC from percept ofinternational business negotiation,and gives some examples ofbusiness negotiations to /illustrate why CCC is a“bridge”inacross-ctdtuml business negotiation.
The Importance of CCC from International Business NegotiationPerceptiveNow,owing to the quick expansion of transportation andimprovement of communication technology,communicationamong different groups has become more frequent and prevalent.
Because of globalization,it makes contact throughout the worldmore commonplace than any other period of human being historyand promotes the activity of international business.
CCC plays an important role in international bu sinessnegotiation,especially for nmltinationals’.Mark E.Mendenhall etalsuggested that negotiation is the most significant field of CCC
for business people,and the likelihood of successful negotiation israre if both parties begin to negotiate without having seriouslyconsidered the obstacles and intricacies of CCC.There is an
important study on the subject of international negotiation showsthat people in any culture follow up four steps during the processof negotiation,establishing a relationship,the interchanging oftask information,winning approvals,and conceding and havingagreement.Cultural diversity also influences these fore+stages.Establishing aRelationshipWhat is more important,friendship or business?Regarding
this,different people have their own negotiation patterns andfocus.Using the right strategy to build relationships initially canhelp business people gain credibility and trust.Richard R.Gesteland suggested that“whether marketing,sourcing,ornegotiating an international alliance,the difference betweenrelationship-focused (RF)and deal-focused (DD businessbehavior impact our Success throughout the global marketplace.’’And he proposed that most part of the workl’s markets are
relationship-focused,including Arab countries,most parts ofAfrica,Latin America,and the Asia/Pacific area,where peopleprefer to do business with others through the third party orpersonal contact,and they intend to build a good relation first anddo business later.On contrary,only minority parts of the worl(Iare deal—focused,like northern Europe,North America,Australiaand New Zealand.These people are wifling to(Io business withpeople they do not know and more open to the outside world anticoncern more about the business itself fibid).So it is noticeable todistinguish what styles the other party has hefore negotiating.
Take China and North America as an example,China is arelatively RF cotintry,and Chinese negotiators pay importance inguanxi(connection/relations among people)which intend In sef up
a good relationship or friendship first,like start with asmall talkthat has nothing 10 do with the business or have d,inks or dinnerto build a rapport first while America may think that iS a waste of
lime and consider the conversation as a roaming.becauseAmerica is aDF country which empathizes the business itseIf.It is crucial to find out what kind of style your counterpartsbelong to first and take advantage of cross-cuhuralcommunication knowledge,in other words,it means think inadvance about what their culture is or how you may acclimateyourself to their culture and negotiation style.Either establishing
a good relationship or carrying on business directly,the purposeis break the cultural block for i11.her negotiation and have a good
start.The Interchanging of Task Information
This phase can be simply described as the exchange ofinformation among two or more sides.At this stage,the negotiatorsstate their Heeds.interests,and other information.Mark E.
Mendenhall et a1 once said“it takes a sustained.sincere effortboth to clearly aniculate one’s OWn situation and to understan(j
that of other party in a eross-cuhural negotiation.”So the abilityIn give and convey information to each otber is a key to the finaloutcome.When delivering the ideas,it is essential to be awal’e of
the intonation and the speed,even though both sides can speakEnglish,their prontmciation or intonation may be different.Fm‘instance.difierences in tonality between Saudi Arabians anfI
eoing EIeCtr.c Pow『er Col|ege individuals f而m English speaking countTies.While tlIe Ambic
langua驴stmsses individual words and elicits emotion in the eyes
f眦tive En曲sh speakers.the En加h langua铲comes n行ascalIIl and pleasant,even when tfle speaker intends to conveyanger.nese di"es in speech panems along访th a higherpitch in Ambic speech are ofkn peI℃eived as aggressive byEnglish speakers.conVersely,when En西ish speakers intend todjsp】ay矗瑚ness jn fheir fonaljfy,Saudj AI.aj)jans may s“Ⅱinterpret their tone as being gentle.Using the right way to conveymessages is the responsibility fbr both parties,they should findout what is the best method to teⅡwithout misunderstanding.Winning ApprovaIThe thi耐stage can be franslated嬲persuasion or eonvincing,
even c柏be seen as baEgaining.At this stage,business pe叩le tryevery endeavour to make their opI)onents to accept and agree withtheir views in orderto gain a 1)ener and pmfitable condition forfinal n丑de and commerc矗d£I.ansjdons.So communication skjJlsare the key t0 this stage which involVe vadous communication
panems when negotiators come蠡rom hm or more countries.ItrequiI;es business peopk know about other sides’communicationstyks.Take J印an as an iUus拉ation,according t0 Richa耐R.Gesteland,Japanese negotiators tend t0 use indirect and vaguel曲guage to convey their message when negotiating,出ey avoid to
sav the word “no”and u8e otherwords.1ike“we wm山ink itover”or “we wm trv our 1)est to do it”.He also claimed thatwhen negotiating with Japanese business pe叩le,be aware of mebody 1arIgI工age.A soft handshake is preferred wh丑e s【mnghandshake may he IIlisread as aggressive attitude or threalened,and direct pmlonged eye contact or ann—grabbing is notI℃conlmended,whjch js consjdered as a taJ)00 and jnsult“bjd).
0n contrary,in North America and most Westem countries,peopk interpIet the direet eye contact船concen蛔tion andrespect'and people speak in a rnoI℃diI色ct and f.rank way.They
exampk is that Chinese nod head while speakinz wi出otllerpeopk,“does not nle粕“I agree with you”or“Yes”but simplymeans “I am lisfening”.which may be misimerpreted鹊“Yes”by others.
1t is also woIthy noticing the b嘲ajning styies in mis sfage.Business people ha、淝tlleir own views and limits tnwardshargaining and use diveI暑e persuasion appmaches.Stephen E.
Wessi and WiUi锄Stripp pointed that Chinese negotiators are aptto give山e矗蛾tors or e】campIes first,and s诅te case or pmvision
later.When their counterpans do not agree,they would repeattheir ideas without aggrandizing or beautifying;f撕Mexicanne90tiators,they pay less iml)onance to a thorough analysis andevidence,but accept a bomhastic statement or experience whenne906ating with foreigTIers at authori龉tion or co叩orate degree inparticularly;fbr French negotiators,they like to given cTitical anddetailed reasons,and beljeve in“ratjonality”(ibid).Fmm abovecases,it can be seen that pe叩le from di&rent nations do havetheir own balgain;ng or persuasjon natures.CCC study couJd beuse“for ne90tiators to kam about di舵rent cuhures persuasionstyles in order to win approvals.It is also necessary for businesspeopk to be aware of Verbal and non—verbal communicationd血ng the negotiation.COncedjng and HaVing Agreement
The final stage is also known as making concession an(Ireaching an a铲eement to sign the contract.At this phase,paniessign kgal con曲cts旃er making concession and reaching an
agreement. But business people hold ‘{istinguished attitudestowards lhe degree of concession and the fhnctions of contract.Turkish negotiators like to Iake olher panies concessions as their
1 50success and t0 1)e more energetic about hargaining t0 gain bet把rdiscounts alld conditions; JapaIlese business people tend to
corIsider the relations are more imponant than contmcts,bul“isbetter to write everything down, in case that Japanese r舱y
renegotiate some tems.because some Japanese companies treatcontracts as the wrinen agreement which expresses the intemion;
on connary’ American business pe叩le or companies take
c彻曲c捃s刮ously and pay much jmpoJtance jn wd付en
aP卵ement’and no肌ally hehave in accor({ance with the final
contracts.They usuaUy write down the dr曰血a掣Eement and hringit to t11e ne90tia石on tahle,and discuss the issues舳d teHns hasedon tIle drafls;British pay n10re stress on final contr骱ts too,and
feel douh曲l ahout the extm demands mquested hy theircounter】pans that have notIling to do with the contracts.Thenegodato瑙hold difrerent views towards the usages of final writtenagreement or signed con扛ast.Some})elieve that these wrinendocumenfs ar℃flexible which could J)e alteI℃d while someconsider that the contI·acts aI℃矗xed which are hardlv rewritten orrenegotiated. As a result, this kind of phenomena needsnegotiators to ad印t their thinking to the new conditions,and 6ndan appH)priate appmach which can be accepted by aU.It is also vital to point that even though people f而m anycultures basically foIlow the above four 8tages,they view thesestages diⅡ.erently and pay d证ferent importance to the fours stagesrespectiVely.Ijke Ame—can see the st£睇of winning proposal isthe nlost critical one which needs a considerable tinle to preparefor山e plans for attaining tIleir goals,while Japanese businesspe叩le only spend some time in this stage.ConclusiOn
In cDnclusjon,ccc(Ioes a雎ct aⅡas王)ec虹of(Iajly Jife andintercllltl蒯communica石on could occur at any time.It also plays
an inseparable charactert}lmugIl these four stages,and occursduring the whole process of inteHlational business negotiation.Ne90dafors f而m seveml counfdes sjt£ing Coget}Ier幻djscuss and
try to reach an agreement and gain mutual interests,which meansthey need to know and respect one another’s cuhures andcommunication pattems and adapt lD each other lo Iind a common
or similar pattems t0 negotiate.In order t0 break the gapsbetween cuh山七s,CCC study is“ke a b喇ge£o ljnk people andprovide them a fomm t0 learn about each other’s cultures,values,busine吕s pattems and other things related to business negotiation.
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