
发布时间:2012-02-15 11:39:41 论文编辑:硕士论文代写
留学生论文模范文章-英语世界老学研究The Studies of Lao-tzu in the English world is the individual’s translating and interpreting in the English speaking country. In the paper, the author sets the study of Lao Tzu in the English world as the research object, and uses the research methods of historical document and history of ideology together with relevant theories of Hermeneutics. By sorting out and analyzing the translated version of Lao Tzu in English world, the author investigates the main content of the study of Lao Tzu in an effort to reveal its prominent developmental features and displays its ideological content and Era characteristics.The author intends to solve these questions:Who, when, how and why the people interpret the Lao Tzu? What is the individual and Era characteristics reflected by these different interpretations? From the whole aspect, the paper displays the development of the study of Lao Tzu in the English world and describes its characteristics at different phases. http://www.1daixie.com/dxlxslw/  Microscopicly, it specifically discusses the philosophy interpretation, religion interpretation, political interpretation, the interpretation of the Way of Life, and the study of the Unearthed Bamboosilk Lao Tzu.The study of Lao Tzu in the English world can’t be sepeparted from the translation and transmission of Lao Tzu. Thus, the author firstly describes its brief translation history, the acceptance and influence in the English world. Then the author discusses the characteristics at different phases. Since the appearance of the first translation of Lao Tzu in English speaking countries, the study of it has a long history of more than one and a half century.

From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, scholars began to interpret Lao Tzu in the Christian background. In the 1920s, people in the English world begin to borrow wisdom from the Lao Tzu to solve their own problems. And after the 1980s, more and more people pay attention to this classic and interpret it from different aspect.Capter 1 is about the study of Lao Tzu in the Christian background. Christianity plays a very important role in the development of western culture and most scholars are pious Christians. The early English version of Lao Tzu originated from the missionaries. In this chapter, the author mainly reviews the interpretations of the missionaries and those scholars with Christian beliefs represented by John Chalmers, the first translator of Lao Tzu in the English world. In order to promote the missionary work, he tried his best to find the similarity between Dao and God. The first translator in the US was Paul Carus. He was not a missionary, but he believed in God devoutly.
Thus, his interpretation also bore Christian color. However, basing on the text of Lao Tzu the famous Sinologist James Legge objectively distinguishes Tao from God.Chapter 2 is about the explanation of Lao Tzu in the philosophical perspective. The philosophy of Lao Tzu is attractive for western scholars, and it’s also the prominent content in the study of Lao Tzu and of essential academic value. Angus Charles Graham analyzed Lao Tzu rationally and brought the philosophy of Lao Tzu into western philosophy scope.

Hai-Nguyen, Joseph Q. considered philosophy of Lao Tzu as the bridge of the oriental and western philosophy, hoping to promote the communication and assimilation between the two. Roger T. Ames interpreted Lao Tzu in the vision of comparative philosophy, and discusses the Taoist cosmology and Correlative thinking from the Utilitarianism, which reflected the deepening understanding of philosophy of Tao Tzu in English world.Chapter 3 is about the political interpretation of Tao Tzu. Western scholars’researches on Lao Tzu’s political thoughts are motiviated by the consideration of reality, and they wanted to discover the plan for national administration and art of leadership.