
发布时间:2012-01-12 09:23:34 论文编辑:留学生论文精修范

2.4 Analysis of Porter's Five Forces Model...............................................
2.4.1 What is the Porter's Five Forces Model.......................................................
2.4.2 How to use the Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the hand-pulled noodles...
2.5 Analysis Value chain.................................................................................
2.5.1 The definition of Value chain.................................................................
2.5.2 How the primary activities affect the development of hand-pulled noodles ........
2.5.3 How the support activities affect the development of hand-pulled noodles..........
2.6 Conclusion of Literature Review………………………………………………….
2.7 Problems of Literature………………………………………………………….

2.4 Analysis of Porter's Five Forces Model
Porter’s Five Forces Model was made by Michael. Porter in the early 80s, he thought there was five forces determining the size and degree of competitive industry, these five forces are together that they affect the attractiveness of the industry, while the attractiveness of the industry determines the profitability of the business and it is the primary and fundamental factor of business. Meanwhile, it is used to analyze competitive strategy and can effectively analyze client’s competitive environment (Porter, 1980).  这段主要是解释five forces 的来源,还有解释它作用的成分,代写留学生论文那是不是和下面2.4.1 部分有重复的感觉呢,我觉得这个标题主要是想突出使用five forces 的重要性和必要性,所以可不可以找一些关于five forces 在餐饮行业应用或分析的文献来写。这样更能突出使用five forces的必要性。
The research analysis five forces of hand-pulled noodle products can hlp measure the degree and change of each force need to face and meanwhile identify product’s competitive position among competitors.

2.4.1 What is the Porter's Five Forces Model
Porter’s Five Forces Model include bargaining power of the seller, bargaining power of buyers, the invasion of new competitors, threat of substitutes and competition among existing competitors.(Clark,1997). There are some closely relationship among five forces that showing as follows:  

(Clark, 1997).

Competitive strategy is a business decision to appeal to the competitive industry and a deep understanding of the law. Competition law of any industry, whether domestic or international, regardless of the production of products or provision of services, will be reflected on the five competitive forces. Therefore, Porter's Five Forces model of competitive strategy is the enterprise development strategies frequently used analysis tools (Wansink, 2007). the five competitive forces together decided to a certain industry that business acquisition exceeds the average cost of capital rate of return on investment capabilities. The integrated force of these five forces varies with the industry, namely, with the development of the industry change, the results showed the inherent profitability of all industries inconsistencies. (这句话是文献的原话吗?我没有读懂,是要表达five forces什么方面呢?)

These five forces determine industry profitability because they affect prices, costs and investment income and other factors. For example, the pulled- noodles would cause the price of flour rising prices, meanwhile, it would cause wheat prices of agricultural products and ultimately it would increase the income of farmers; intensity of competition affects price and competition costs; if Auckland has opened a house of hand-pulled noodle , this will make the house of hand-pulled noodle more competitors, the price of hand-pulled noodle may decline, that is, the threat of invasion of new competitors will limit price, and the invasion called for defensive investment. (这段的例子主要是针对价格来说,我觉得稍有不妥。首先发展拉面这个产品可能我们两个的思路有些不同,新西兰的实际情况是市场小,人口少,这决定了这个产品和生意注定是中小型规模的,当然如果成功是有可能作为小型连锁模式发展的,但这还不足以导致面粉价格波动,这个观点有点主观。我觉得例子可以在代替品和类似同业竞争者这个force来说,比如当地的其他面食餐饮带来的竞争压力等,附上一个当地面食店连锁网址,您可以看一下,也许会有更宽的思路。http://www.menus.co.nz/listing/4k6b4x/noodle-hut/)另外在http://www.google.co.nz 上搜索当地的资料会比较方便,比如统计局的资料等等!
Hand-pulled noodles’ industry, through its strategy will give the five kinds of forces to influence. If hand-pulled noodles’ industry is influenced by these five industries (用factors是不是贴切些) where the competitive advantage, then it can fundamentally improve or weaken the attractiveness of the industry, thereby changing the rules of competition in this industry. Porter's Five Forces Analysis of belonging to the external environment analysis of the micro-environmental analysis is mainly used to analyze the pattern of competition among enterprises of the industry as well as industry and other sectors relations (Molony, 2002).

2.4.2 How to use the Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the hand-pulled noodles
Five forces model will be a large number of different factors together in a simple model, so as to analyze an industry of the basic competitive landscape.

Bargaining power of suppliers
Supply-side factors, mainly through its increased input prices and lower unit value of the quality of the ability, affect the industry and the profitability of existing enterprises and product competitiveness. The supply-side forces depends largely on the strength they provide to the buyer what inputs, when the supply-side inputs provided by the buyer of its value constitutes, a large proportion of the total cost of products and the production process are very important to the buyer, or seriously affect the quality of the product buyers, the supply-side potential for the buyer's bargaining power is greatly enhanced. Hand-pulled noodles in Auckland is a relatively strong bargaining power, there are three reasons: the first is that it has a relatively strong market position and has so many buyers; the second is that hand-pulled noodles have certain characteristics; the final is that it can form integration (Jeffery,1998). (关于supply power我们在课堂上学习如何应用是讲首先确定自己的位置,在这里也就是确定我们自己是拉面这个产品,同时根据我提到的一开始我们是中小规模的餐馆。规模决定了我们在与原料供货商之间,我们的谈判力量是相对弱的,因为决定谈判力量大小的关键因素是mass purchase,如同上面讲的关于面粉,甚至牛肉等原料咱们的进货量还达不到可以大幅降低成本的地步。所以这个力量咱们是弱的一方。还有最后一点我没有理解,integration是指什么?)

Bargaining power of buyers
Buyers, primarily through its lower prices and requirements to provide a higher quality of the product or service the ability, affect the industry and the profitability of existing enterprises. For the hand-pulled noodles’ industry, buyers have less bargaining power. Because there no many choice for Auckland people if they want to have hand-pulled noodles.

Invasion of new competitors
The new entrants to the industry in bringing new production capacity, new resources, will want to carve up existing enterprises, even has been completed to win the market place, which may occur with the existing business and market share of raw materials, competition, eventually it leads to the industry to reduce the level of existing corporate profits, the worst case, it could also endanger the survival of these enterprises. Seriousness of the threat of competitive entry depends on two factors, which is an obstacle to access to new areas with the expected size of the existing business case for the reaction of those who entered (John,1999). (这里很大篇幅都是文献关于new competitors 可能带来的严重影响,关于拉面这个行业的门槛只有简单一句话分析不够完善,你在这里讲只有很小影响因为barrier不多。原因不用解释吗?还是说可以把上面概念性的解释简单一点,具体用点餐饮业的文献支持一下观点)
However, hand-pulled noodles industry has little influence. Because there only fewer obstacles for entry to this industry.

Threat of substitutes
Two in the same industry or companies in different industries may be produced by each other alternatives due to products, which between them produce competitive behavior with each other, which derived from the alternatives in various forms of competition will affect the industry and competitive strategy of existing enterprises(Joppen,2005). It mainly behaves three aspects: first of all, the existing enterprise products selling prices and increased earnings potential, will be the user's convenience due to the existence of acceptable alternatives and subject to restrictions; (这句话我不太明白,您可以用简单点的句子表达吗?)secondly, as the producer of invasive alternatives, making existing enterprises to improve product quality, or by reducing costs to reduce prices, or their products with special features, or their sales and profit growth objectives could be frustrated; thirdly, the intensity of competition substitutes producers by product buyers switching impact of high and low costs. Simply stated, the lower the price of substitutes, the better the quality of the user, the lower switching costs, which can create competitive pressures on the strong. (这句话应该是有语法错误吧,word已经标出来了。要表达什么我也不是很明白!这部分与拉面的关系似乎也没提)

Competition among existing competitors
In most sectors of the business, mutual benefit are closely linked, as part of their overall strategy of the enterprise competitive strategy, aimed at both enterprises make their own advantages relative to competitors, so implementation is bound to the phenomenon of conflict and confrontation, and confrontation of these conflicts constitutes the existing competition among enterprises. (您在后半部分的句子似乎比前部分复杂了很多,理解起来很困难,不知是因为引用文献的话还是别的原因。你知道导师阅读都喜欢简单明确的句子能轻松阅读理解论文要表达的意思,生僻的词和复杂的句型尽量避免) Competition among existing firms is often reflected in the price, advertising, product introduction, after-sales service in terms of their competitive strength and a number of factors. Through the analysis of competition among existing competitors, we know the industry of hand-pulled noodles has less competition than other industries, but its product introduction, after-sales service is very important. (拉面直接的竞争对手确实不多,甚至可以说没有。但是奥克兰的相关餐饮对手也构成间接甚至直接的竞争,据我了解奥克兰有很多亚洲口味的面条餐馆,越南的河粉,广东的云吞面,炒牛和,上海炒面,河南刀削面,四川担担面等等,,甚至洋人的pasta,,有很多,所以也不能不提到)。

2.5 Analysis Value chain
The value chain analysis focuses on two kinds of major activities of this noodle business. Firstly, analyze its primary activities which include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and services. Secondly, it analyzes the support activities; such activities have great meaning for primary activities which include firm infrastructure, human resources management, technology development and procurement. Due to hand-pulled noodle is a new product to local market, thus analysis the value chain of one exist noodle restaurant in Auckland has important meaning for developing this new product in local. Because analysis of similar business can help identify and improve potential linkages between primary activities and support activities to transfer as much value as possible to customers.

2.5.1 The definition of Value chain
The value chain theory is made by the Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter in 1985, in his opinion, each business is in the design, production, sales, sending and supporting their products during the process of collection of various activities and the value of the minds of consumers by a series of material and technology within the enterprise and profit posed by specific activities, when you and other business competition, is in fact a number of activities within the competition is going on, rather than competition in a particular activity(Porter,1985).

The definition of Value chain has three meaning: firstly, the company has close links among the various activities, such as the raw material supply planning, timeliness and coordination of manufacturing and business are closely linked; secondly, Each activity can bring to the enterprise value of tangible or intangible, such as after-sales service of this activity, if an enterprise customer requirements, or do pay close attention to after-sales service, they can raise the credibility of enterprises, leading to the intangible value; finally, enterprise content of value chain includes not only the activities of the chain, but more importantly, but also outside the enterprise activities, such as relationships with suppliers, and customer relations(Simpaon,2007).

2.5.2 How the primary activities affect the development of hand-pulled noodles
Primary activities mainly include products to create and sell the material transferred to the buyer, and after-sales service activities. These activities are divided into directly activities and indirectly activities; directly activities that are the direct value for the buyer to create a variety of activities, such as spare parts processing, installation, product design, marketing, staff recruitment, (这个是不是应该属于support activities 里面的human resources)  hand-pulled noodles are very popular by Auckland’ s people because their (its) tastes are very nice and smoothly. (咱们的题目就是发展拉面这个新产品到奥克兰,然后做research看成功发展的CSFs是那些,那在成功之前这里怎么能就说 拉面是在奥克兰很受欢迎呢?口味对当地洋人有没有吸引力这点也还没有做调查分析也不好给结论啊!)
Indirectly activities that are those who made it possible to direct the ongoing activities of the various activities, such as equipment maintenance and management, tool manufacturing, raw material supply and storage, new product development, etc.

2.5.3 How the support activities affect the development of hand-pulled noodles
Support activities are supporting the basic activities and through the provision of outsourcing inputs, technology, human resources and a variety of company-wide functions to support each other. The most important is quality assurance, which means a conclusive evidence of the quality of other activities with a variety of activities such as monitoring, inspection, testing, checking, adjustment and rework (McGee, 2004). There is a table showing that how the support activities affect the development of hand-pulled noodles.
The percentage of people have hand-pulled noodles in Auckland No support activities Have support activities
45% 80%
(Nygren, 2004).
(这个表格我不是很清楚,兰州拉面在奥克兰还没有啊,这个数据是怎么来的呢?况且value chain 的support activities 用这个图表解释也不合适啊。因为support activities 是说在人力资源方面,比如招聘到好的拉面厨师可以很好的保证拉面的质量,产量,速度,也就是支持了primary activities 里面的相关factors。而不是有没有support activities 得到45 和 80 这个数据,任何一个企业大到微软,小到咱们写的拉面馆都有他们自己的 value chain 把相关的activities 分析分类放到不同的 support 和 primary activities里面的factors里面自然就明白了这个生意的经营活动关系。比如,餐馆用了电子点菜单,属于support里面的科技支持,而这个东西可以提高后厨的效率,让顾客等待时间变少,单据账目管理也变得数字化容易管理。所以就提高了整体生意的效率,减少了成本,创造了附加值(也就是value),餐厅可以更好的服务顾客,保证质量,速度,甚至因为成本减少而降价,这就是所谓的add-value to customer!这也是value chain 分析的核心内容。

From this table, we know support activities make more people have hand-pulled noodles. As a whole, the industry of hand-pulled noodles should take some useful and positive activities to develop this hand-pulled noodles industry, thus it can make more profits and more successful.

原本看完您的后半部分联系到第一部分我觉得把整个问题要说明白很难,因为毕竟不是面对面的沟通,也不是一两句话就可以说清楚。其实也希望您理解我。作为顾客我支付一万多的价钱来找专业的老师来帮忙其实以上问题不是我应该去分析解释给作者听的,像你提到扫描的范文你也认真看过了,所以作为作者您应该做到心里有数。这也是我为什么不满意想换老师的原因。但是昨天你三千多字的反馈确实让我对您的态度有了改观。所以我觉得只要认真对待,是可以说清楚的。希望代写留学生论文咱们忘掉误会,一起好好沟通把literature review 部分修改好,为下面的数据分析打个顺利的基础!谢谢!

2.6 Conclusion of Literature Review
More and more people would like to have hand-pulled noodles, this is not only because hand-pulled noodles have its features, but also the industry of hand-pulled noodles has better development. By PESTEL analysis model analysis, we know that the environment in which hand-pulled noodles enterprise development and how to make strategies to let hand-pulled noodles in Auckland become successful. It is not enough to know its environment; SWOT analysis model refers to the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the development of hand-pulled noodles industry. As is known that every industry has its competitor, Porter’s Five Force model helps hand-pulled noodles industry to know its competitor and overcome it. Analysis of similar business can help identify and improve potential linkages between primary activities and support activities to transfer as much value as possible to customers.

2.7 Problems of Literature
There are some clearly problems in this literature, but it are also what this research will find out and pay attention on.

In this research, PESTEL analysis model, SWOT analysis model, Porter’s Five Force model and value chain have their disadvantages. For SWOT analysis model, the former may be more concerned about the business cost, quality, but now the enterprise may be more emphasis on organizational processes and it can lead to distortions from arising. For Porter’s Five Force model, indeed, there has been many controversies of the five force analysis model of practical application. At present a more consistent view is that: the model is a more theoretical thinking tool, rather than the actual operation can be a strategic tool. The model theory is founded on the basis of the following three assumptions: the first is the rationale of the model can develop strategies to understand the information industry as a whole, apparently reality, it is difficult to do; the second is that only the competitive relationship between the same industries, there is no cooperation. But in reality there are several cooperative relations between enterprises, not necessarily competition between life and death; the last is that the size of the industry is fixed, in fact, the market through continuous development and innovation can increase the capacity.

The research and the literature are not deep enough, because some data is from Internet, and some recommendations of literature are not detailed. However, we will focus on these carefully.