留学生硕士论文写作指导-Edinburgh Napier University-A dissertation is a

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留学生硕士论文写作指导Edinburgh Napier University
School of Accounting, Economics and Statistics
Honours Dissertation: Student Guide 2010


1. Introduction

A dissertation is a well-researched piece of critical analysis on a topic selected by a student relevant to their programme. It is important to appreciate that the word critical should not be viewed in a negative sense – to judge severely, find fault – it should be seen in a more positive light since research is concerned with careful evaluation and judgement.

While a dissertation requires significant time and effort, it is important to remember it is one component of an honours degree. Do not neglect work for other modules!

2. Dissertation

There are several types of dissertations, three of which are described below. It may very well be the type of dissertation you want to write is not the adequate one for your chosen dissertation topic. Your supervisor will be able to tell you what type of dissertation your chosen topic is suitable to.

Empirical Study

An empirical study uses secondary information (data) in order to infer conclusions. This process is often conducted through the use of statistical method although there are alternatives to this, such as case studies. The data necessary to carry an empirical study can be downloaded from the web, and particularly from websites such as ESDS. It is not always easy to find the necessary data for the chosen topic, and it is often a good idea to choose the topic with an expectation in mind of how available the relevant data really is. An empirical study often tries to ascertain the existence or direction of the relationship between two variables. This relationship is then tested, and a conclusion is reached, which typically leads to policy recommendations.

Literature review

A literature review is based on existing published material. Students who do this type of dissertation may not make any new contribution to the body of knowledge or collective understanding of the subject. But they will greatly increase their knowledge and understanding of that subject as may others who read the completed work. Such a dissertation involves in-depth study of the literature on a topic and critical analysis of that literature. The dissertation will inform its reader of the issues surrounding the subject and the current status of research for that subject. It will investigate and evaluate previous published research: review research methods, examine previous research findings, consider conclusions, appraise theories, etc. In doing so, fresh insights may be made to the body of knowledge on this subject.

Data Collection

A data collection study (primary research) is concerned with collecting data that doesn’t currently exist, analysing and discussing collected data then drawing conclusions from that analysis and discussion. Primary research can be done in many different ways e.g. questionnaires, interviews, case study, content analysis: the analysis of published material (published accounts etc) to obtain new data. This type of dissertation should make a contribution to the collective knowledge and understanding of the area being researched since it involves the collection and analysis of new data. While a literature review must be undertaken since it forms the basis of the primary research, it will not be as comprehensive as a review produced for a literature review dissertation. It is also important to remember that research findings must be discussed in relation to the literature review.

3. Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to:

• Identify a topic for systematic investigation, analysis and evaluation.
• Establish a research aim and research objectives.
• Select and justify appropriate research methodologies.
• Critically assess literature relevant to the research to be undertaken.
• Collect, analyse and evaluate primary and / or secondary data and produce conclusions and recommendations.

4. Supervision

The approach to teaching and learning for a supervised dissertation is different from taught modules. The supervisor acts as a facilitator to enable the student to address their research effectively. The supervisor will consequently be concerned with the suitability of the approach to the chosen topic and the extent to which a student is making timely progress in the intended direction. Feedback will also be provided by the supervisor in relation to the final draft of the dissertation. Please remember it is not the job of the supervisor to proof read work for grammar and spelling.

What do supervisors expect from students?

• Be familiar with the topic.
• Design the work independently as far as possible.
• Show initiative and independence.
• Plan and manage time effectively.
• Meet agreed deadlines.
• Put in sufficient effort to achieve, at the very least, a pass.

What can students expect from their supervisor?

• Have some knowledge of the topic area.
• Exchange ideas freely.
• Be open, friendly and supportive.
• Be available within reason.
• Be constructively critical.
• Discuss the criteria for assessment.

Supervisors and students should negotiate deadlines for submission of individual parts of the dissertation. Students should inform supervisors if they are unable to meet deadlines and supervisors should inform students of any change in the arrangements. While students can expect feedback from supervisors, they will not be given an estimated grade for their dissertation.

5. Dissertation process

The main activities for a dissertation are generally as follows:

• Prepare the dissertation proposal.
• Establish the research aim.
• Determine the objectives for the research aim.
• Plan the proposed research.
• Produce the dissertation outline.
• Undertake a wide-ranging literature review (secondary data).
• Explain methods for obtaining secondary and primary data.
• Collect primary data from survey, interviews, content analysis etc.
• Analyse, evaluate and discuss primary data.
• Draw conclusions and recommendations.
• Prepare the final draft dissertation.
• Submit the final version of the dissertation.

Appendix C contains the dissertation marking scheme.

6. Choosing a topic

While it is very important to be interested in the chosen research area to maintain motivation, practical issues must also be considered:

• Do I have a basic understanding of the topic?
• Is there previous research in this area?
• Do the likely demands match the time and effort I am prepared to put in?
• Are the resources required readily available?
• Can I access confidential information?
• Will I need to learn new techniques and methods?
• Can I identify and interview appropriate interviewees?
• Is it an open-ended or a clearly defined project?
• Do I already have information I could use?
• In what way is it likely to go wrong?
• What is its value in terms of my learning or its application?

7. Dissertation proposal

The dissertation proposal must be submitted by 24 September 2010. The proposal, which is not assessed, is the starting point for a proposed area of research. It is also used to allocate supervisors to students.

Students must make a detailed appraisal of their proposed research by reading key references – progressing from books to journals to an electronic search – to determine the current state of knowledge, consider ideas on how to undertake their research and assess its practicality. Students may change the focus of their intended research after this evaluation.

Appendix A contains the template for the dissertation proposal.

8. Dissertation outline

The dissertation outline (10% of module marks) must be submitted by 29 October 2010. The dissertation outline is a critical component since it provides a “road-map” for the rest of this module.

A short sentence that signifies what the dissertation is about.

The introduction provides the background to the research, a brief description of research issues, an explanation as to why it will be researched etc.

Clear statement of the overall purpose of the research.

Work that must be undertaken to achieve the research aim.

Research methods
Description of the methods that will be used to obtain secondary and primary data.

Potential limitations
Barriers, problems etc that may be encountered during the research process

Identify resources that will be used for the research: libraries, electronic sources etc.

Schedule of the work required to produce the dissertation – this will based on the objectives.

Proposed chapter headings
Proposed chapter headings for the dissertation.

5 key journal references for the dissertation.

Appendix B contains the template for the dissertation outline.

9. Planning your dissertation

Drawing up a timetable allows goals to be achieved and helps students to make progress reports to their supervisors. The dissertation timetable lists the activities to be undertaken, puts activities in chronological order and estimates the time required for each activity. Estimating time is not easy! Build in a contingency for unexpected occurrences.

10. Learning Log

Students must maintain a learning log (10% of module marks) to record their progress and reflect on the dissertation process. Logs need to be submitted by 01 April 2011. Different supervisors will expect different contents for the log, and for some the log will be constituted by regular tasks being handed in by the students. Make sure you ask your supervisors what format they expect the log to have.

11. Presentation and content

The dissertation must be between 9,000 and 11,000 words, excluding abstract, acknowledgements, contents, appendices, etc.

The Beginning


The title specifies what the dissertation is about.


An abstract provides a concise one-page summary of the dissertation in terms of its aims, nature and major findings. It is not an introduction to the dissertation. Researchers read an abstract to determine if the research is relevant to their work. The abstract is written after the dissertation has been completed.


It is customary for dissertations to acknowledge assistance, supervision, help given by companies, individuals etc

Table of contents

The table of contents contains the headings and sub-headings of the chapters, appendices and references section of a dissertation and their page numbers. All headings in the table of contents must correspond exactly with the headings as they appear in the dissertation. Title page, abstract and acknowledgements are not entered in the table of contents. The first item to be listed is the title of the first chapter of the dissertation.

List of tables, figures and other materials

If a dissertation contains figures or tables, each series should be listed on the page(s) following the table of contents. A new page is required for each separate list. The number of the item is given at the left hand margin followed by the title of the item. Tables and figures are numbered by chapter and their position in that chapter e.g. table 2.2 is the second table in chapter two.

The Middle

The main body of the dissertation begins with the first page of the first chapter. Each chapter should represent an important division of the dissertation. Subsections and paragraphs are used to enhance readability.

Chapters are identified by Arabic numerals and the sub-sections are specified 1.1, 1.2 etc. Each chapter should have a title identifying what is covered in that chapter and begin on a new page. Chapter titles should be preceded by the words CHAPTER ONE / TWO etc. The title should be centred on the page and typed in capitals. Sub-sections of chapters should be clearly separated.

Footnotes are used to make short statements that amplify or qualify points that might disrupt the flow of the text. Long and/or frequent footnotes should be avoided. References must not be put in footnotes since there is a separate section for references in a dissertation.

Introductory chapter

This chapter introduces the topic and explains why it will be researched. It provides the background and the motivation for the study. It also provides the following details: research aim, research objectives, outline of research methods, potential research limitations, resources to be used, chapter headings and a summary of chapter contents. Make sure that you do not include these items as bullet points, but as part of a well written and easy to read series of paragraphs.

Literature review

A literature review is a review of all important previously published academic work relevant to a dissertation. You essentially need to use the literature review in order to present and acknowledge what previous researchers have found or discussed on the topic that you are studying. A literature review describes / analyses / discusses previously published academic work. Please note the importance of the word “academic”: newspaper articles do not constitute the basis for a literature review.

Research methods

This chapter covers the general purpose of research, purpose of secondary research, explanation/description of the secondary research undertaken for a dissertation, purpose of primary research, explanation as to why the primary research method was selected, explanation / description of the primary research undertaken for a dissertation. If statistical techniques are used for examples, this chapter needs to describe and explain these techniques, in sufficient detail for someone not familiar with the techniques to understand.

Research findings

Research findings are obtained from the primary research undertaken for the dissertation. These findings must be comprehensive and presented in a suitable form such as tables, charts, statistics and illustrations. Construct tables and charts that can be understood by a reader. Discuss the key findings. Do not write detailed descriptions of what has been presented graphically. Analysed data is included in the main body of the dissertation; detailed, unanalysed data is normally placed in an appendix where it can be consulted by readers if required.

This section will also discuss / evaluate the research findings and comment on their significance in relation to the literature review:

• How do the findings relate to previous research and theory?
• What are the implications of this research?
• What are its limitations?
• How might research on this topic be continued?

The End

Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusions are a summary of a dissertation’s main findings. They are not a précis of a dissertation. Conclusions should also not contain material not previously referred to in a dissertation.

Recommendations – suggestions for future work / action etc – must flow logically from conclusions and be specific, not generalised, statements.


The purpose of appendices is to keep the main body of the dissertation from being cluttered and interrupted with supplementary, minor or illustrative materials. Tables with extensive data, text of legal decisions, lengthy quotations, transcripts of interviews, questionnaires etc relevant to a dissertation will generally be included in appendices.

Appendices should appear immediately after References Section and begin on a separate page. Appendices should be designated sequentially as Appendix A, Appendix B etc and will normally be in the order they are referred to in the dissertation.


The Harvard system of referencing is used for dissertations. In this system, the author's last name and year of publication are given in the text to form a link to the reference section which contains full details of each reference.

Appendix E contains information about the Harvard system.

12. Writing techniques

The process of putting ideas onto paper clarifies thoughts. Most students will write several drafts. Do not hesitate to put “pen” to paper – write the first draft of a section after it has been completed – but make a plan for the section to be written and have all notes available. Please remember that individual sections must relate to each other to form a coherent whole. A dissertation is single document, not a collection of disconnected essays.

Writing style

A reader can read and understand a dissertation more easily if an impersonal writing style is used by the author:

Impersonal: The sample was selected using quota sampling.
Personal: I selected the sample using quota sampling.

The usual rules of grammar and spelling apply. Use Microsoft Word grammar and spell check. Sentences should not be too long (approximate average: 25 words). Long words should be avoided if a short one is adequate. Abbreviated English is too informal e.g. “wasn’t” in place of “was not”. When abbreviations are used for technical terms, write the term in full when it is first used.

Common problems in dissertations are lack of depth, weak arguments or faulty analysis. A critical approach is expected in academic work i.e. question, challenge, prove, argue, evaluate etc. This will produce a better discussion of existing literature, an improved evaluation of research findings and stronger conclusions and recommendations. Each section of a dissertation must contain material appropriate to that section and be linked to other sections.

Appendix D contains details of the format guidelines for dissertations.

Reviewing and editing

Reviewing and editing always takes longer than you expect! Ensure that sufficient time is available for this process since a well presented, readable dissertation that is properly structured normally obtains a higher mark. The key aspects that should be considered when reviewing and editing a dissertation are:

• Logical order/argument.
• Research aim directly addressed.
• All relevant materials are included.
• Material is included in the appropriate section.
• Accurate references to figures, appendices and reference section.
• References are made in Harvard System.
• Findings justified by evidence.
• No unreasonable generalisations.
• Data appropriately presented e.g. in tables, charts or diagrams.
• Clear, interesting style and presentation.
• Consistency in format of headings.

Many students ask a friend to read the final draft of their dissertation to obtain feedback on how it can be improved. Please remember that no-one is ever completely satisfied with their finished work!

13. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is against Edinburgh Napier University’s regulations. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Failure to reference properly may be treated as plagiarism. If plagiarism is suspected, appropriate action will be taken. Students have access to a plagiarism service, JISC Turnitin®UK, to help them avoid plagiarism and improve their academic writing.

14. Key dates

• Dissertation proposal: 24 September 2010
• Dissertation outline: 29 October 2010
• Dissertation: 01 April 2011
• Learning log: 01 April 2011

15. Good luck!

The skills acquired from this module will help students in their careers and personal lives. It is not just about producing an academic dissertation to pass a module. So please take advantage of the opportunities provided by this module. Good luck!

Appendix A

Dissertation Proposal (Not marked)

Student Name:    Programme:
Matric No:








Research methods


Potential limitations


Appendix B

Dissertation Outline (10%)

1. Title


2. Introduction


3. Aim


4. Objectives


5. Research methods


6. Potential limitations


7. Resources


8. Timetable


9. Proposed chapter headings


10.  Key references (5)


Length: 1,000 words

Appendix C

Undergraduate Dissertation Marking Scheme (80%)

Introductory Chapter


Literature review


Research method: Justification, description, explanation


Analysis and discussion of research findings


Conclusions and recommendations


Presentation and writing style









(i) Only 5% is awarded for the introductory chapter since it is (normally) based on the dissertation outline.

(ii) The literature review and analysis of discussion of research findings have a total mark of 50%. While the 50 percentage points can be apportioned between these sections to reflect the type of dissertation produced by a student, the minimum percentage points for each section is 15% since these sections are inter-related. Marks allocated to these two sections must be agreed by the dissertation supervisor and the second marker.

Appendix D

Dissertation Format Guidelines

Students must submit 2 copies of their dissertation on International A4 size (297 x 210mm) 80-90 gsm paper.

The text must be word-processed and printed by a laser printer.

The main text of the dissertation must be double-spaced using Arial 12 point.

The text must be justified.

Margins must be as follows:

• Left (binding edge) 25mm.
• All other margins 25mm.

Pages must be numbered consecutively throughout, including appendices, but excluding title page, other preliminaries and illustrative material that is not embodied in the text.

Page numbers must be located centrally at the bottom of the page approximately 10mm above the edge.

The title page must provide giving the following information:

• Top of page: Title of work, Name of Author, Name of qualification sought, Year of submission.
• Foot of page: Edinburgh Napier University Business School, Edinburgh Napier University.

Other preliminaries, when applicable, must follow the title page as follows:

• Abstract.
• Declaration of Originality and Permission to Copy.
• Acknowledgements.
• Table of contents.
• List of tables and illustrative material.

End matter must be arranged in the following order:

• Appendices.
• List of References.

Appendix E


What is referencing?

Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information, ideas etc used in your dissertation that identifies their source.

Why bother with referencing?

Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations, and to enable readers to follow-up and read more fully the cited author's arguments.

Compiling references

It is important to keep a note of full bibliographic details of all items consulted or referred to in the dissertation. There are rules for setting out bibliographic information and the information must be correct, complete and consistent in the style of presentation.

Section 1 deals with the type of information required to provide full bibliographic details and gives examples of how to do this. Section 2 demonstrates how to link references in the text of a document with its references section.

Section 1

(i) Books

Details required:

• Author(s) or editor(s) of the book (invert the surname:  Brown, G.)
• Date of publication (in brackets) NB If no date available, put no date in square brackets [no date]
• Title
• Edition (if it is not the first edition)
• Place of publication
• Publisher

Steiner, J. (1988) Textbook on EEC law, London,
Blackstone Press.


(a) If there is more than one author, all authors must be named.

(b) If there is no author, use 'Anon'.

(c) List reference books (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, year books) by titles eg Scottish Law Directory (1991), Edinburgh, T & T Clark.

(d) Books produced by a corporate body or institution: use the name of the institution as the author. If the 'author' is part of a large institution, use both eg Edinburgh Napier University, School of Law.

(ii) Articles or Chapters in Books

Details required:

• Author(s)
• Date (in brackets)
• Title of chapter or article
• In author/editor of main work
• Title of main work
• Edition (if not first)
• Place of publication
• Publisher
• Volume no.  (If more than one volume)
• Page nos.

Dyer, M. and Sewel, J. (1987) Banff and Ruckam District Council, in Elcock, H and Jordan, G. (Eds) Learning from Local Authority Budgeting, Aldershot, Avebury, pp. 168-90.

(iii) Journal articles

Details required:

• Author(s) of article
• Date (in brackets)
• Title of article
• Title of journal
• Volume/issue number, month etc
• Page numbers

Barr, A. and Edwards, L. (1992) Age of legal capacity:  further pitfalls (1), Scots Law Times, Issue 10, pp. 77-83.


(a) Citation of:  Volume number, part and page numbers can be shortened from ‘Issue 10, pp. 77-83’ to (10) 77-78 in the example above.

(iv)  Government reports/official publications

Details required:

• Name of department/institution/body
• Date
• Title of report
• Place
• Publisher

Central Advisory Council for Education (England). (1967) Children and their primary schools [Plowden Report], London, HMSO.


(a) If the publication is popularly know by another name, put the name in square brackets after the title (eg [Plowden Report] in the example).

(b) If citing statutes, the short title of the Act, together with place and publisher is sufficient  eg Great Britain, Environmental Protection Act 1990.  London:  HMSO.

(v) Conference Proceedings

Details required:

• Author(s), title (of specific paper)
• Date (in brackets)
• In:  conference title, place, Publisher, paper number (if given)

Harris, R.I. (1979) Nature of the wind, in Proc. Conference on the modem design of wind sensitive structures, London, Construction Industry Research and Information Association, Paper 3.

NB 'Proceedings of the…. ' has been shortened to Proc.

(vi) Patents

Details required:

• Applicant
• Title of document
• Country
• Official designation of series within which the patent document is numbered (will often include the date).

Philip Morris Inc. Optical perforating apparatus and system. European patent application 0021165A1. 1981-01-07.

(vii) Theses

Details required:

• Author
• Year (in brackets)
• Title
• Degree or award
• University or other institution

Smith, W.C.S. (1989) An epidemiological study of coronary heart disease and its risk factors in Scotland – the Scottish Heart Health stud.  PhD Thesis, Dundee University.

(viii) Other materials

Computer files and software

For programs, mention the language used and the operating system.
Mention the storage medium  eg magnetic tape, disc.

For machine-readable data files, mention any program required to read them.

Fisher-Marietta. (1984) Learn to read, Computer cassette (Sinclair spectrum 3481C).  Cambridge, Sinclair/Macmillan.

Saunders, Peter et al (1984) The dark castle:  a French adventure.  Floppy disc (RML with COS 4.0).  London, ILECC.

Films, videos and broadcasts

Normally cite the title first, followed by the director, unless one person is clearly responsible for the intellectual output – in which case he/she should be entered first.

Eg  MacBeth. (1984) Film – directed by Orson Wells. USA, Republic Pictures.

Henderson, David.1985 Reith Lectures. BBC Radio 3 and 4
1985 Nov-Dec.

NB The date is usually the date the film, video or broadcast was first released.

(ix) Material on the World Wide Web

Details required:

• Author(s) of article/work
• Date (in brackets)
• Title of work
• Other relevant information: title of journal etc
• URL ie web address
• Date accessed

Bannister, J. (1996) Open access to legal resources in Australasia.  Current debates on Crown Copyright and the case of the anthropomorphic post-box The Journal of information, Law and Technology, http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/elj/jilt/leginfo/ [accessed 15/09/02]

Section 2

Linking references with the references section

It is important to link statements in the text of a work to bibliographic details of the publications that support these statements using the Harvard System.

Method 1

The author's name and date of publication are inserted in brackets at each point in the text where reference to their publication is required.

‘There is a tendency for much of the literature to define the problem of the expectations gap as a product of user's confusion (Lange 1987; Marra and Radiz 1987), widespread misunderstanding (Ellis and Shelley 1988; Auditing Practice Board 1991), and ignorance (Singleton-Green 1990a).'

Method 2

Where the author's name occurs naturally in the text, the date is inserted in brackets after the author’s name.

‘The literature tends to define the problem of the expectations gap as a product of a number of issues. Lange (1987) and Marra and Radiz (1987) identified user’s confusion, Ellis and Shelly (1988) and Auditing Practice Board (1991) recognised the part played by widespread misunderstanding, and Singleton-Green (1990a) found that ignorance was also a factor.’

It is acceptable to use both of these methods within the same dissertation since it is a question of style.

Where reference is made to different works published by the same author in the same year, the works are distinguished by small case letters placed after the year of publication.

Works cited in a dissertation are listed alphabetically by author in the References section:


Auditing Practices Board, (1991) Consultative Paper:  Proposals for an expanded auditors report.  London, Auditing Practices Board.

Ellis, R.E. and Shelley, D.C, (1988) What about auditors' expectations?  C A Magazine, September, pp. 6-9.

Lange, G.A. (1987) The impact of recent Congressional Committee investigations on oversight of the accounting profession, Review of Business, Fall, pp. 3-7.

Marra, M.L. and Radiz, W.J. (1987) Audit compilation or review:  closing the expectations gap, National Public Accountant, April, pp. 30-32

Singleton-Green, B. (1990a) Auditors and the expectations gap, Accountancy, April, pp. 62

This system produces a neatly arranged list of references which can be quickly scanned for coverage and recovery.


If quoting directly from another source, use quotation marks and a sequence of three dots to mark any omissions. The quote should be referenced specifically, indicating the page(s) of the work from which it was taken.

“The hard headed man in the street is less interested in the educative or ritual functioning of sentencing than in its protective efficacy." (Walker 1991 pp. 34).


Walker (1991 pp. 34) stated, "The hard headed man in the street is less interested in the educative or ritual functioning of sentencing than in its protective efficacy."/

Direct quotations from other publications must be used sparingly since the use of too many quotes can break the flow of a dissertation and produce a literature review that doesn’t evaluate previously published work.