Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The research background include three aspects. Firstly, The national medium andlong-term education reform and development plan (2010-2020) is China's firsteducational plan. And it is a programmatic document. Secondly, the compulsorycurriculum standards for English (2011 edition) was promulgated in December, 2011.Thirdly, “National training plan” was proposed in 2010. In May 5th, 2010 Premier Wen Jiabao presided a meeting of state council. Themeeting deliberates and adopts the national medium and long-term education reform anddevelopment plan (2010-2020) into the full text for publication. After entering the 21stcentury this is China's first educational plan. And it is a programmatic document thatguide the reform and development of national education in the next period. So whichpolicies and measures were proposed to ensure the realization of education reform anddevelopment?In order to safeguard scientific development of education and achieve the strategicgoals of the educational reform and development, the outline of educational planproposes six kinds of tasks: firstly, strengthen the construction of teachers' teams. Theplan requests strengthen the system of management for teachers and improve theirtreatment and their professional level. Then the plan requests to build high-quality andprofessional teachers’ teams with a high moral, excellent profession and reasonablestructure. Secondly, the plan protects the investment. Strengthening the system which isdominated by governments' spending and educational funding.
1.2 The Purposes, Contents and Significance ofResearch
English teachers' autonomous development is a process of continuing, ongoinglifelong. Our country promotes the autonomous development of teachers' education inwhich can improve the quality of English teachers in China. That also strengthen theconstruction of teachers' team and promote the reform and development of teachers'education. This is a very important strategy. The key to the success of the reform offoreign language education is teachers. And we should train more qualified teachers inwhich is a priority in our country. That in our province is a matter of urgency. Therefore, we should pay attention to the construction of teachers' education. We will be waryteachers' education reform and gradually explore theory and practical models in thedevelopment of teachers' education in our province.According to the foreign and domestic reform and development ofteachers‘education and the current situation of English teachers' education in Xinyangcity, we can built the system of reform for middle school English teachers’ education tocope with fierce international competition and social demand.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 The Overview of Teachers' Autonomous Development (TAD) Theory
Teachers' autonomous development is teachers' professional development that isbased on demand of personal development and reality of personal development. Thatdetermines goals of development by themselves, develops resources, designs tactics ofdevelopment and evaluates development results. For the term of content and form it is themost important component of teachers' professional development. For the developmentof teachers' autonomous, the individual first needs to have the sense of self development.Under the driving of this awareness the teacher undertakes responsibilities ofprofessional development. And he keep his professional development as a object ofreflection. through introspection, self-analysis, self-design and consciously implementand conscious regulation to update their structure of professional quality.For the motivation and nature the teachers' autonomous development is a moreendogenous development. This endogenous development directly points to teachers'self-renew and continued growth. This requests teachers not only can have intention andcapacity of professional development, but also consciously assume the responsibilitiesand obligations of professional development. Endogenous development is driven by theinternal. It is a conscious development in which consists spontaneous development anddevelopment of external control.
2.2 Domestic and Foreign Teachers' Education Research
In the early 80s of the 20th century, with questions on the quality of education,United States set off a "Rebuild system in learning ” and “ Improve the quality ofeducation" as the core wave of educational reform. The quality of teachers' education isregard as the key to the reform of teachers' education. The report “The country hasprepared teachers for the 21st century” issued by Carnegie on the forum of education andeconomy has proposed professionalization of teachers. At the same period. Holmespublished the report ''tomorrow's teachers" which pointed out that teachers shouldhave some capabilities in the fliture. The first time he proposed the establishment of“Professional development school ”(Professional Development school, known as Pos). InUnited States the first school of professional development was bom.In the 80s of the 20th century, teachers professional development became the focusof attention and one of the central themes of contemporary educational reform. In 1980“The United States times weekly" published an article “Help! Teachers can't teach".It began to improve teachers' quality and promoted the prelude for teachers' professionaldevelopment as the core of education reform. Subsequently, the “The high quality andeducational committee" published “The country is in crisis and the education reform isimperative" in 1983. The Holmes Group published “the tomorrow's teachers" in 1986.The series of reports had caused serious concern for the administration of schools andeducational institutions. Especially the series of reports of the Holmes Group had a greatinfluence. They believed that country should improve the quality of education.
Chapter 3 The Investigation of Current Situation and Analysis ........21
3.1 The Design of the Investigation .......21
3.2 The Data Collection and Analysis .......22
Chapter 4 A Case Study on National Training Plan" Team....... 34
4.1 The Purpose .......34
4.2 The Subjects....... 34
4.3 The Instrument....... 34
4.4 The Methods....... 35
4.5 The Process of Training .......35
4.6 The Results of Research .......36
Chapter 5 The Suggestions of TAD....... 40
5.1 The Construction of English Teachers' Education Integration Mode....... 40
5.2 The Combine of Teaching and Research....... 43
5.3 The Establishment of Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) Plan....... 44
5.4 The Promotion of Teachers' Reflective Teaching .......45
5.5 The Modernization of Mechanisms of TAD and Forms of Training....... 48
Chapter 5 The Suggestions of TAD
5.1 The Construction of English Teachers'Education Integration Mode
Higher education shoulder heavy responsibility of cultivating talents for the country.Improvement of the quality of talent cultivation depends in large part on the whole levelof teaching staff and the improvement of teachers' comprehensive qualities. As ateacher-training education in colleges and universities should actively construct theintegration model of teacher education, including the training objectives of integrationand curriculum integration in order to promote the development of teacher education. Integration of training objectives means the growth pattern of teachers' cultivationgoal. As a complete process of teacher' lifelong development, that grasp the wholeteacher direction and stage design teacher's training goals.Pre-vocational education focus on the foundation. Goal of pre-service education isto enable students to master English teachers and systematic basic knowledge necessaryto establish systematic and scientific concepts of education with a strong knowledgeapplication ability, solid teaching basic skills and good professional ethics.
The sample of this survey is small and questionnaire can hardly fully reflect theeducation concepts of teachers. So the results may not be entirely correct. But in general,middle school English teachers' education in Xinyang city should be strengthened.Teachers are the direct participants in putting the ideal course into real course. If Englishteachers' education is not be strengthened, the reform of curriculum will be hard toachieve the desired results. What is worse, it would lead to the situation of “Wearing newshoes but walking on the old road.” Therefore, strengthening teachers’ training andpromoting reform and development of teachers' education is an urgent and arduous task.English teachers' autonomous development is a continuous and lifelong process.Promoting the autonomous development of teachers’ education can improve the qualityof English teachers in China and strengthen the construction of teachers' team, as well aspromote the reform and development of teachers' education. This is a very importantstrategy. The teachers in the 21st century should be the specialized educator who havereceived specialized training and own a high professional quality. The key to the successof the reform of English education is teachers. Therefore, training more qualified teachersis urgent. In a word, the scholars would pay more attention to the construction ofteachers' education and the deal with the development of teachers' education carefully.And finally scholars gradually explore theoretical and practical models for thedevelopment of teachers' education in China.
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