
发布时间:2012-02-13 14:26:43 论文编辑:硕士论文代写
代写管理学论文-从历史的角度考量管理学到公共管理学From Management Science to Public Management Science——Analysis from the View of History

【摘要】 公共管理学作为一门科际学科,其学科定位以及与管理学的关系一直少有定论。事实上,管理学与公共管理学在共通中存在着差异,在两者的互动过程中彼此借鉴,相互超越。这是一个从传统公共行政的效率主义到新公共行政对公平等社会价值的回归,到新公共管理的管理主义新形式对效率的追求,再到新公共服务对公共服务技术与方式的再造,更到对这些服务的价值取向的重新审视,它们构成一个动态的、连续的螺旋式递进的过程。在公共管理学逐步成为独立的学科范式的进程中,必须重新梳理公共管理学与管理学两者间的历史渊源关系,重新考量其研究对象、研究方法与价值取向,着重塑造自己鲜明的公共价值取向,突出其公共实践的理论先声这一科学致用功能,并在基于一般管理学但又高于一般管理层面的发展战略高度,构建普适于公共运作的管理理论体系和管理技术方法体系。公共管理学的未来发展将始终以管理学为其母学科定位基础,但不再是全盘地吸收。如何在管理学基本理论与方法基础上,结合其他相关学科,创新公共管理学科自身的方法论体系和理论体系,使之能够不断应对公共管理实践需求的全新挑战,并在公共价值取向和公共治理变革中引导现实,将是未来相当长时间内摆在公共管理学科发展定位高度上的重大议题。

【Abstract】 The paper regards the interaction between public management science and management science is a regression from efficiency principle in traditional administration to the social value such as fairness in new administration,an aspiration after new efficiency in new public management,and a reinvention of public service technique and method in new public service.They construct a moving successive procession.During the course of becoming an independent paradigm,public management science should construct its vivid public-value-orientation,stick out the practical foundation,and construct the system of management theory and management technique based on the analysis of the historic interrleations with management science,which is suitable to general public operation on the basis of and up tick of general management.Management science will still play important role in the course of development of public management science, but will not be absorbed overall.www.1daixie.com How to combine other courses,innovate its methodology system and theory system,make it be able to confront with challenges of the requirement in practice of public management,and guide the reality of public-value-orientation and reformation of public governance will be a major subject presented on the development location of public management science for times.

【关键词】 管理学; 公共管理学; 范式; 价值; 历史角度;

【Key words】 management science; public management science; paradigm; value; historic view;

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