财务报表专区-怎样填报汇算清缴收入明细表?Given how liquidation income details

发布时间:2011-10-27 10:43:51 论文编辑:第一代写网

怎样填报汇算清缴收入明细表Given how liquidation income details

Every year from January 1 ~ May 31, is the enterprise income tax liquidation time. From this year's tax return to find some enterprise in the list provided income when there exist some problems, which may affect the accuracy of the tax filing, we are summarized as follows.

Don't repeat sales income shall be regarded as disclosed

According to the enterprise income tax law, regulation, enterprise will goods, property, services for donations, debt service, sponsorship, funds, advertising, samples, employee benefits or profit allocation purposes, it shall be regarded as sales and confirm income. And according to the accounting standards for enterprises "regulation, enterprise will goods, property, services for donations, advertisement, samples, etc, do not recognize revenue, so the enterprise in the tax declaration respond to the behavior of shall be regarded as sales processing. The accounting standards for enterprises of the regulation, enterprise will goods, property, services for debt service, staff welfare, foreign investment etc, need to make sure that the business income, to this enterprise on the tax declaration shall be regarded as sales are not as processing, otherwise will cause, repeat to declare.

[example] division China company is engaged in the computer sales, the enforcement of the enterprise accounting principles ". In December 2009 the company will 10 sets of computer donation to the stock a local school, will also be 20 computer as a welfare to part of employees. The production cost of computer for 3000 yuan per unit, not including tax sells for 4000 yuan per unit. The company foreign donations of 10 computer directly in accordance with the cost price 10 by 3000 = 30000 (yuan) transfer, no confirmation sales income, so in tax will be 10 x 4000 = 40000 (yuan) fill in the "goods, services, property shall be regarded as sales income", and at the same time as sales cost provided. Used for staff welfare 20 computer, although the provisions of the tax law shall be regarded as sales processing need to do, but because the company has 20 x 4000 = 80000 (yuan) confirmed that operating income, and so on the tax declaration need not as shall be regarded as sales income declared, otherwise it will affect the same item of repeat business report.

Exchange of non-monetary assets to distinguish different situation

According to the accounting standards for enterprises "regulation, for the measurement of the exchange of non-monetary assets into the fair value pattern and cost mode two kinds. In the fair value measurement mode, the enterprise will be the book value of the assets surrendered to the difference between the fair value of the profits and losses of the current period, and the enterprise income tax law "regulation is the basic consistent.

[example] a company in October 2009 to 1 produced equipment into the second company in the production of a batch of clothing, the equipment for the book value of the $800000, not including tax price 1 million yuan, this batch of clothing not including tax sells for 1 million yuan. A company and b companies are all general VAT taxpayer, the applicable tax rate to 17%, do not consider other taxes factors, the fair value measurement model. A company is confirmed non-operating revenue = 100-80 = 20 (ten thousand yuan), the exchange of not selling out equipment processing. According to the provisions of the tax law, the enterprises in exchange of non-monetary assets, should inspect sales and determine the income at fair value. So, the business, the a company on the tax declaration is in "non-monetary transactions shall be regarded as sales income" given in, or in "non-monetary assets transaction revenue" given in? According to the instructions provided, "non-monetary transactions shall be regarded as sales income" non-monetary transactions provided taxpayer happening behavior, accounting records confirmed or not all confirm and losses, and according to tax regulations should be taxable income shall be regarded as sales confirmation: "non-monetary assets transaction revenue" fill the taxpayer happening non-monetary transactions according to the uniform accounting system of the state for the amount of profit and loss confirmation. Because a company has confirmed the exchange of non-monetary assets of 200000 yuan gains, so should be in "non-monetary assets transaction earnings disclosed.

And in cost measurement model, according to the accounting standards for enterprises "regulation, enterprise in the cost of the assets according to the book value of the assets surrendered shall pay the relevant taxes and the sure, not confirm profit and loss, this time the accounting and tax law exists between with obvious difference.

[example] a company with a building warehouse and b company office exchange. The book value of the warehouse for 2 million yuan, the fair value of 2.6 million yuan; Office of the fair value of 2.8 million yuan, the a company another $200000 to pay for the b. The exchange assumptions of commercial nature, use cost measurement model, don't consider the relevant taxes factors. The company, according to a 200 + 20 = 220 (ten thousand yuan) as the entering value obtained office buildings and no profit or loss is recognized. And according to the provisions of the tax law, the a enterprise to change out of the warehouse shall be regarded as sales for processing, on tax should be 2.6 million yuan RMB as when "non-monetary transactions shall be regarded as sales income" declared, and shall be regarded as the cost of sales and confirm given asset transfer profit.

Debt restructuring note special circumstances disclosed

Debt restructuring of the way the debtor to usually include the assets (cash assets, non-cash assets) pay off debt, debt-to-share transition, modify, debt service condition and the way of the mix. According to the accounting standards for enterprises "regulation, the debtor shall be in the process of debt restructuring exemption for earnings included in the confirmation non-operating revenue; If involves by non-cash asset pay off debt or debt-to-share transition, the obligor to confirm the non-cash asset involved in the transfer assets and losses. Visible "enterprise accounting standard for the processing of debt restructuring and the enterprise income tax law" regulation is consistent.

[example] gold of company is general VAT taxpayer, in February 2009, gold of the company for the purchase of raw materials owe the new company 1.17 million yuan payment music, the two sides reached in August 2009 following the selected debt restructuring plan.

Solution a: gold with a group of company stock over the top of the new company owed music debt, this group of the book value of the inventory goods for $700000, not including tax cost $800000 for the 17% VAT. If using this scheme, gold of the company shall confirm the goods sales income is 800000 yuan, and debt restructuring gain = 117-80 x (1 17%) = 23.4 (ten thousand yuan), when the tax filing respectively in "goods" and "debt restructuring earnings disclosed.

Scheme ii: both parties agree to debt owed by 100000 to of the company's shares of stocks, par value per share 1 yuan and market prices for 10 yuan/shares, the gold of the company confirmed, debt restructuring income 117-10 x 10 = 17 (ten thousand yuan), confirmed that equity 100000 yuan and capital reserve 10 by (10-1) = 90 ($ten thousand). Gold of the company in the tax will be 170000 yuan fill in the "debt restructuring income", to 900000 yuan capital reserve neither confirm earnings, also do not need to pay iit.

Net sales income according to fill

The completion schedule based on income that, "sales (business) income amounted to" fill the taxpayer according to national unity "enterprise accounting system of main business income, that other business income, and according to the provisions of the tax shall be regarded as sales confirmation, as their business receives fee, advertising and business spending campaign where the computational base of the limit for deductions. Need to explain, "sales (business) income amounted to" need according to sales (business) net income provided, if the enterprise happened sales discount, allowances and sales return, not only need it from the sales (business) deduct income, and will net sales (business) income as calculated the above three cost of the limit for deductions base.













  方案一:金达公司以一批库存商品抵顶所欠乐新公司的债务,该批库存商品的账面价值为70万元,不含税售价80万元,适用17%的增值税率。如果采用该方案,金达公司应确认商品销售收入80万元,以及债务重组收益=117-80×(1 17%)=23.4(万元),纳税申报时分别在“销售货物”和“债务重组收益”中填报。


