mba essay申请:美国大学申请文书writing sample-申请美国大学本科与研究生文书写作样本

发布时间:2011-09-05 11:57:06 论文编辑:第一代写网

mba essay申请美国大学申请文书writing sample 

关于美国大学申请文书writing sample

IDP Beijing Office
Y the OSU? (Fall 2010 金融专业)节选
As the 16th largest city in the US, Columbus offers almost all major components needed from a business major college student. With a diversified local economy based on multiple industries, Columbus fosters a dynamic business environment for both professionals and apprentice who are getting ready for the business world. On the other hand, however, as one of the states hit hard by the recent financial downturn, once in a while, the state of Ohio and city of Columbus both suffered from above-national-average foreclosure rate. That attribute to a sluggish recovery of the real estate market and the general economy. Personally, I believe that both the positive and negative factors would enrich my education experience with not only case studies from text books, but real life examples dug out from daily life as well.
作为全美第16大城市,哥伦布(OSU所在地)市成熟的商业环境为商学院的毕业生提供了多个行业的实习甚至是就业机会,使得学生在开始职场生涯以前有机会接触到真实的商业运作。另一方面,作为经济危机受影响最严重的州之一,整个俄亥俄州以及哥伦布市周边的抵押品赎回权(foreclosure rate)比例远高于全国平均水平。我相信现实中的这些经济上的不利因素,也将成为我课堂教学以外的有效补充成分。
Univ. of Georgia Fall 2010 节选
1. interaction with a person (以对话的方式强调两个人之间的互动…)
“I wish I could join the Army and help Americans fight in Afghanistan.” Hong looked outside the window emotionlessly.

2009, preparation for SAT and TOEFL took most of my extra time on the schedule. I quitted my restaurant job and wished Hong good luck. With the overlap being removed, we are living in paralleled worlds now.
A couple of weeks ago, Hong called me on my cell. His voice was steady and peaceful.
“I got promoted” Hong sounded excited, though talking in his regular voice.
“Nice” I thought he was a supervisor now.
“I don’t have to run food any more. I am a waiter now” Hong continued.
Being a waiter, his monthly income probably got tripled.
“My mom doesn’t have to work that hard now. And I can afford college if I do this job
for one more year” I can sense his excitement now.
Occasionally I was thinking about Hong when I took a break from my SAT study, I knew it was unlikely for our worlds got overlapped again. For me, acquaintance with such a unique friend left me another taste of life, a taste that I merely know but has been widely tried around the real world.
Case, 物流管理,$10,000奖学金, OSU。节选
When the Internet was created last century, we were unable to envision how the latest technology would reshape the world. One of the panics were diminishing functionality of mail service since a significant amount of the mail service, seemingly, could be replaced by email systems and other online technologies such as file sharing. Decades later, standing on the threshold of the second ten year of the Twenty First Century, the growing of the internet impacted our lives in an unexpected way. The anxiety over disappearance of old fashioned mail service did not occur, thrive of the online services, however, became a powerful boost to the rebirth of supply chain management. As online shopping became a backbone of the retail industry, how to reduce the cost on inventory and shipping has becoming a vital factor for companies like Wal-Mart and Amazon, whose revenue heavily relying on figures of online shopping.
上个世纪,当互联网出现的时候,我们还不能够完全看清楚这项技术将如何重塑我们的世界。一部分人担心email以及文件共享服务的出现将会替代传统邮政服务在生活中的作用。多年以后,当我们走入21世纪,却发现互联网正在以当初mba essay申请 我们意料之外的方式影响着我们的生活。传统的邮政服务并没有完全消失,而互联网的不断完善却带动了在线服务的发展,间接的推动了物流行业的更新与完善。对于零售行业来说,网络销售所占的市场份额便得愈发重要。对于沃尔玛、亚马逊这样的消费行业巨头而言,如何有效的减低运输成本则成为企业发展的关键。